hotel workers enjoy my girl

We had a great time that night and as we often tried to do we fucked in the hotel pool. It was 1am by then and we never noticed anyone watching. For us it was always a rush to fuck in an open air pool with the chance of people watching. We were walking to our room which was ground floor of the hotel with access from the outside still more or less nude, carrying our clothes. I noticed 2 old hotel workers following at a distance. I had seen them before, cleaning the pool and sweeping and stuff; both grey haired old guys, anywhere from 60-65. It occurred to me that they must have been watching… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 1 年 前 20

fashion show for father in law

My then gf agreed to model some secy items that had been ordered on ebay and sent to my dads house. At the time she was 30 and he was a widowed 83. We arrived at his house and he was eager for the show to start, My gf went to heck out the items. She was not fully aware what I had ordered or how revealing some items were. She was a bit nervous and asked if I really expected her to wear everything in front of my dad. I told her she had promised and he would be very disappointed if we went back on the agreement. She reluctantly agreed to go along with it. We started with simple very short tight… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 2 年 前 40

girlfriend taken advantage of my massge guy

This is a very belated follow on to the story I wrote about a naïve ex gf (Watching naive girlfriend get Abuxxed by Turkish M) I didnt get around to writing about what happened until now, but people might still be interested. I did manage to arrange when we were in Thailand and a fit German guy in his 30s agreed to be the massage guy (I arranged for him to come via craiglist). I got him to come to the hotel room and primed my gf to expect the massage and to relax and just enjoy it. I had previously got her accustomed to the need to be naked to be massaged (although the previous time it had b… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 4 年 前 65

Games with cousins

When we were early teens my cousins and I would play different games, some of which involved taking our clothes off! The male older cousin who was maybe 15/16 would instigate these games. I was a year or two younger and his brother and sister (twins) were a year younger than me. I so clearly remember one game we played where the three of us boys had to strip off and we had to parade in front of Julie and she had to examine our cocks and balls and give us a ‘medical’. Sadly she was not naked during these games, but I remember it was still thrilling to parade in this way. On one such occasion th… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 6 年 前 43

Watching wife get examined by gyni

Am I the only one that relishes their pregnant wife's visit to the Gyni doctor? I have always loved getting the reports back from her about the examinations she has had with a gyni, but normally a husband does not get invited in while the examinations take place. Since my wife got pregnant I realised that this is the only time when it is 100% normal and legit to be with your spouse in the doctors room and to be stood between her well splayed stirrup-ed legs, exposing her cunt so delightfully, while the doctor inserts a device deep into her cunt to check the baby. So damn horny!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 7 年 前 64

drunk wife sucks many guys in alleys in Ayia Napa

We were on a single night out in Ayia Napa recently. Wife was having period and so we were not planning games. She wore a lose white linen dress, panties but no bra. We drank 4 Long Islands and were having fun dancing in one of the bars on the square. Around midnight we decided to take a walk to other areas near the square. My wife was a bit tipsy and she said she waned to see if she could pick up some guys in the street and suck their cocks. I was pleasantly surprised about her idea and gave her the go ahead. She asked me to let her walk alone. She promised she would tell the guys that… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 8 年 前 45

Wife lets stranger pay her dirty panties

I was browsing CL and came across a man wanting to pay to have dirty panties. I discussed with my wife and we thought it might be a laugh for her to hand her panties to a stranger in the street for a small financial reward. We made the arrangements. He was ok with me being close by to make sure nothing went bad. He wanted to remove the panties himself. My wife was wary of this, but I convinced her it was fun to let him touch her that small amount and maybe see her bush for a few seconds before standing up and walking away with his prize. He wanted her panties to be well used and wante… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 9 年 前 46

Bus driver

My lovely gf wrote me the following story. This is part one and my reply is below.... I am waiting for part three from her... She was sitting in the bus. Was long long trip to her parents house. She was planning to spend a few days with them. Now she felt terrible cuz she had had a party last night, alcohol and sigarettes. She hadnt time to wash her face properly and was still in party outfit. Almost all passengers left the bus at previous stations. She was alone. The driver, 67. years old guy, was very enthusiastic and asking questions. He was very talkative.... Another 30 minutes go… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 9 年 前 10

watching naive girlfriend get Abuxxed by Turkish M

Watching naïve girlfriend get abused My current girl is extremely naïve. It is odd in that she is not young (28), was married in her teens and has a daughter already 10, yet she has had only about 6 cocks and only ever had vanilla sex. She has never been anywhere or done anything unusual. She has been c***d rearing or working all her life. She comes from a conservative Muslim but not religious family, in a conservative country and a conservative village. However, she is open and willing and ready to try things. Already after just a couple of months and one short trip abroad (her first… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pete1233333 11 年 前 23