My Response to the Liberal Rage against Trump

First off Trump is not a Nazi nor is he a White Nationalist he is not Racist nor is he a Fascist. Further more most of his supporters are not Nazi's Fascists White nationalists or even racists we are however about making things in our country America first again . Antifa are in fact Racist they use Fascist tactics and v******e to shut other people down . All of you so called liberals you are wrong for demanding Trump being removed from office leftist like antifa are how Trump is gonna win 2020 if he runs. I am sorry but you Outrage Warriors in your Pjs and masks have lost the plot. I would rather we have a Minarchist Libertarian government if a formal national government at all but hey so called Liberals thank your fellow left wing nut bars for the increasing right leaning ideals your side is encouraging sane people who are for freedom of speech for all to adopt. I am all for both Economic and Social Freedom long as you do not harm or call for the harm of others. Everybody no matter race gender or class status should have the right to achieve as much as they are willing to work for. I am for equality of opportunity not the guarantee of equality of outcome Meritocracy should be how the world works. But to you liberals and feminist types that is a dirty concept because it means you can no longer demand jobs based on gender or race quotas you will actually have to compete fairly with other people who might be more skilled than you. You do not have to like or even Respect Trump or his Supporters But I would encourage you if you truly hate Trump and do not want him to win 2020 if he runs . Stop siding with and or ignoring the violent enemy in your ranks that hates you just as well as trump they are communists Antifa has said liberals get the bullet to so be careful who you side with .
发布者 asher86
7 年 前
asher86 出版商 7 年 前
Gnomeworld : I think a government shut down could happen if the Neo Cons keep taking sides with the demorats 
回答 原始评论
asher86 出版商 7 年 前
It makes you far left if you only see issue with the some what small white nationalists groups . I am pro freedom of speech for all no matter how detestable their ideas are. Once they commit acts of violence there is where my line is 
Gnomeworld 7 年 前
He was a Democrat until Obama became president then turned himself into a Republican through the Tea Party 'Birther movement'; questioning Obama's origins and his right to be in the Oval Office at all.
At best he's disingenuous, at his worst he's an unprincipled huckster.
But he does make a good point about Liberal media tactics and their passive-aggressive whining about the way he goes about his business.
I'm quietly impressed by the way he deals with China and North Korea, letting both regimes know where the line is and making damn sure they go no further.
Are you betting on a government shutdown at the end of September when it comes time to grant the budget?
I am.
maternus1 7 年 前
9 out of 10 media people are left wing, the silent majority is under represented, what he said about the riots is true, militant leftists are no better than the KKK, we have the same media problem in europe, political correctness is bull, black is not a colour as white is not, always creating new names for the same ole
pointingdog28 7 年 前
Well done
cbtslave2964 7 年 前
I'm not a big Trump fan (even though I voted for him, I think he's a grade A prick).
But he was the BEST option and if given the chance I think he'll accomplish great things!
Preach it brother spot on
tomcat59 7 年 前
nicely analyzed.....and very true!!!...
penelopeslut 7 年 前
Leftism is a deadly disease