My Ultimate Fantasy (Human cow) Chapter 2
Three years have passed since I joined the herd in that time I have produced three offspring two black one white all removed minutes after giving birth.The rest of the herd have taken there money and left. A new intake of young women will soon arrive to start there life of being human cows
As for me I have no desire to leave it would be impossible for me to become human again
With the constant milking my teats have now been stretched out of all proportion they are at least two inches long My udders covered in ugly stretch marks with the weight of the milk they have carried.
I have spoken to the owners of the farm telling of my wish to remain
They have agreed but there are conditions I must agree to
I will return any money paid There are new procedures which will take place with the new intake of cows which will allow the company to increase the size of the herd which will lead to a more profitable enterprise.
If I am to stay I must sign a new agreement allowing me to be utilised for the smooth running of the company
It was only after I had signed the agreement that I was told exactly what was to happen to me and the rest of the herd when they arrive in a month's time
Alterations are being made to the milking parlour the stalls will be raised off he ground on steel mesh underneath there will be a constant flow of water. When I asked why this was happening it was then I was told the shocking truth.
The company's scientists have developed a new stronger hormone unlike the old one were it took several weeks before the cow produced milk
This will induce milk production in less than a week and at much higher quantities.
The company also noticed a considerable amount of wastage due to leakage while the cows were waiting to be milked
To stop this wastage and to reduce labour costs a fully automated system will be installed
Each cow will have its own stall they will take there position legs apart steel cuffs will automatically clamp there legs they will then bend forward again steel cuffs will secure there arms and a bar will lower across there back. At this point the milking cups will raise up and latch on to the cows teats. The cows will automatically be released from her bounds and milking will cease every hour for ten minutes allowing her to stand upright and move around within her stall she will then resume her position and milking will continue. The company wish to have a fully automated highly intensive milk production to keep up demand.
The company have over the last three years searched all over the world for women who have the same feelings as yourself to escape humanity and society and live as livestock
The company will now take full advantage of this
When the women arrive they will be required to sign a simple form just as you have done When this is done there live as a human will cease They will be stripped of everthing human Our scientists have developed a cream that will remove permanently all hair.
There will be no reason to give the cows any form of humanity When they enter there stall they will never leave The rest periods will decrease over a four week period after which they will remain in the milking position permanently.Food and water are provided via the tubes the hormone will be administered by drip feeding straight into the bloodstream.
Bodly functions will pass through the grid flooring and washed away To cut costs any soiling of the rear end will remain untill the cow is due to give birth.
With the new hormone and the constant stimulation of being milked each cow will produce a significant higher yeald of milk during the lifetime than the old system.
All the new intake of cows are fit healthy and fertile each cow will be impregnated yearly and unless there are problems they will give birth in there stall without the need to cease milking.
Now we come to the breeding of the cows take note this is were you will be utilised
The old system were the bull serviced a individual cow was time consuming and not always reliable Couple this with the company's wish to have a more random selection of offspring our scientists have developed a new system
The new herd will be 105 in number two cows will be impregnated per week
You will be installed and milked like the others except on Monday and Friday you will be removed from your stall washed down and taken to the collection room.You will be secured legs open on the medical table The bulls will have easy access to your cunt
Due to the time that is required you stay in this position a enema will be required and also a catheter inserted into your bladder
The danger of contamination from female fluids excreted when sexual contact take place has been overcome you will be given a injection which will completely numb your body from the waste down
We now have 7 bulls one from each continent all chosen for there fertility and the amount of semen they can produce At half hour intervals one bull will be introduced to the cow He will be orally stimulated by a pretty girl untill he is fully erect at that time he will mount the cow. He will copulate untill he deposits his sperm inside the cow This process will take place untill all 7bulls have deposited there sperm inside the hosts cunt after which it will be taped up to prevent spillage.
Careful studies have found that leaving the sperm for 2hours it actually mixes itself so when the sperm is collected and injected into the chosen cows cunt it will be totally random which bull has impregnated the cow
A couple of other points a strong contraceptive will be added to your food to prevent you from getting pregnant
Secondly we realise that over time your cunt opening will become loose When the bulls report this is the case and to maintain the stimulation they require your cunt opening will be reduced by way of stitches
I had one question to ask how long does myself and the other cows remain on the farm
Simple answer was the reply
No cow will ever leave When the time comes when it stops producing milk and becomes barron it will be removed from its stall and replaced
It will be taken to the slaughter house in the next building and humanly put down any useful body parts will be removed the rest ground down pressure cooked and fed to the remaining cows
As for me I have no desire to leave it would be impossible for me to become human again
With the constant milking my teats have now been stretched out of all proportion they are at least two inches long My udders covered in ugly stretch marks with the weight of the milk they have carried.
I have spoken to the owners of the farm telling of my wish to remain
They have agreed but there are conditions I must agree to
I will return any money paid There are new procedures which will take place with the new intake of cows which will allow the company to increase the size of the herd which will lead to a more profitable enterprise.
If I am to stay I must sign a new agreement allowing me to be utilised for the smooth running of the company
It was only after I had signed the agreement that I was told exactly what was to happen to me and the rest of the herd when they arrive in a month's time
Alterations are being made to the milking parlour the stalls will be raised off he ground on steel mesh underneath there will be a constant flow of water. When I asked why this was happening it was then I was told the shocking truth.
The company's scientists have developed a new stronger hormone unlike the old one were it took several weeks before the cow produced milk
This will induce milk production in less than a week and at much higher quantities.
The company also noticed a considerable amount of wastage due to leakage while the cows were waiting to be milked
To stop this wastage and to reduce labour costs a fully automated system will be installed
Each cow will have its own stall they will take there position legs apart steel cuffs will automatically clamp there legs they will then bend forward again steel cuffs will secure there arms and a bar will lower across there back. At this point the milking cups will raise up and latch on to the cows teats. The cows will automatically be released from her bounds and milking will cease every hour for ten minutes allowing her to stand upright and move around within her stall she will then resume her position and milking will continue. The company wish to have a fully automated highly intensive milk production to keep up demand.
The company have over the last three years searched all over the world for women who have the same feelings as yourself to escape humanity and society and live as livestock
The company will now take full advantage of this
When the women arrive they will be required to sign a simple form just as you have done When this is done there live as a human will cease They will be stripped of everthing human Our scientists have developed a cream that will remove permanently all hair.
There will be no reason to give the cows any form of humanity When they enter there stall they will never leave The rest periods will decrease over a four week period after which they will remain in the milking position permanently.Food and water are provided via the tubes the hormone will be administered by drip feeding straight into the bloodstream.
Bodly functions will pass through the grid flooring and washed away To cut costs any soiling of the rear end will remain untill the cow is due to give birth.
With the new hormone and the constant stimulation of being milked each cow will produce a significant higher yeald of milk during the lifetime than the old system.
All the new intake of cows are fit healthy and fertile each cow will be impregnated yearly and unless there are problems they will give birth in there stall without the need to cease milking.
Now we come to the breeding of the cows take note this is were you will be utilised
The old system were the bull serviced a individual cow was time consuming and not always reliable Couple this with the company's wish to have a more random selection of offspring our scientists have developed a new system
The new herd will be 105 in number two cows will be impregnated per week
You will be installed and milked like the others except on Monday and Friday you will be removed from your stall washed down and taken to the collection room.You will be secured legs open on the medical table The bulls will have easy access to your cunt
Due to the time that is required you stay in this position a enema will be required and also a catheter inserted into your bladder
The danger of contamination from female fluids excreted when sexual contact take place has been overcome you will be given a injection which will completely numb your body from the waste down
We now have 7 bulls one from each continent all chosen for there fertility and the amount of semen they can produce At half hour intervals one bull will be introduced to the cow He will be orally stimulated by a pretty girl untill he is fully erect at that time he will mount the cow. He will copulate untill he deposits his sperm inside the cow This process will take place untill all 7bulls have deposited there sperm inside the hosts cunt after which it will be taped up to prevent spillage.
Careful studies have found that leaving the sperm for 2hours it actually mixes itself so when the sperm is collected and injected into the chosen cows cunt it will be totally random which bull has impregnated the cow
A couple of other points a strong contraceptive will be added to your food to prevent you from getting pregnant
Secondly we realise that over time your cunt opening will become loose When the bulls report this is the case and to maintain the stimulation they require your cunt opening will be reduced by way of stitches
I had one question to ask how long does myself and the other cows remain on the farm
Simple answer was the reply
No cow will ever leave When the time comes when it stops producing milk and becomes barron it will be removed from its stall and replaced
It will be taken to the slaughter house in the next building and humanly put down any useful body parts will be removed the rest ground down pressure cooked and fed to the remaining cows
7 年 前