My master has kindly agreed for pig to return to this account, but for one reason only. It is to answer your questions If you have questions on any subject pig will give a truly honest answer. Pig knows that with the new restrictions on here it may be difficult to give a answer without choosing it's words carefully… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 2 年 前 15


Master has instructed pig to accept all friend requests. pig will now welcome each new friend and answer any questions regardless of the subject in a truthful manner. As xh seems to have changed its policy questions must be by pm only Thank you for your understanding pig & sow… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 3 年 前 1


How do you like to be serviced orally Do you prefer having the head licked and sucked The length of your cock and balls licked and sucked Deep throat Are you gentle and considerate to the giver Do you fuck the givers mouth hard, thinking only of you own pleasure Do you make the giver gag even puke to show your power and control Make them swallow your cum or spray it over there face Other preferences would be interesting… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 3 年 前 10


The proper name is Vagina and breasts Pigs master instructs it to call them cunt and tits How do you prefer to address the female body parts. Do you use different names for different women, If you are female what do you call your own bits .<div> </div>… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 3 年 前 5


Master is having major problems with the internet connection. pigs apologies if it has not answered your questions. Please add your questions here and pig will do it's best to reply.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 3 年 前 3


Over many years the female has and still is evolving I have made this statement on the things that have changed. Firstly the breast, once used to feed the woman's offspring. With the introduction of man made milk they are no longer required for this. Instead they are now used as sex toys, even there name has changed. Firstly they become tits, fun bags ect.but now they are increasingly being described as udders. Some women have them enhanced to make them even more objects of sexual pleasure. Secondly the vagina Used primarily as a way of producing offspring. Once hidden away behind a mass of h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 3 年 前 24


Pig and sow two females who have been instructed by there Master to make this entry for anyone who would like to make a comment on how the two pigs live This is open to friends and non friends alike There are no rules just speak as you find Either tell us your views or ask a question… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 4 年 前 8


Like most people pigs have had a lot of time on our hands During this time pig has realised how wonderful the male penis or cock as pig prefers to address it Pig loves the feel of a cock and how it grows as pig runs it's hand up and down the shaft The taste and smell as pig takes it in its mouth The length, girth and warmth as it enters pigs cunt or ass And the moment a cock ejaculates and floods pig with its warm cum Pig can only imagine how it must feel to have a cock hanging between it's legs and the power it gives<div> </div… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 4 年 前 5


Master has given pig permission to write its journey It will help new friends on here better understand how and why pig has chosen to live this way. It will be written over a period of several weeks Born to a Spanish mother and English father Given the name Samantha had one brother and lived in Bristol Like most girls loosing ones virginity was not quite what I expected it happens bottom of the school playing field at the age of 15 Three boys had my blouse open groping my tits untill one of them pulled my skirt up took my knickers off. He droped his trousers and under pants . It was the firs… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 4 年 前 10

My ultimate Fantasy ( chapter 4 )

It's now been a month since the arrival of the herd the only noise in the shed is of the machines pumping on udders Every cow has had any remaining humanity removed each in its stall with only there thoughts for company There have been a few teething problems the main being due to the very high proteins in the food many became constipated This was overcome by introducing a laxative into the food.This has resulted in the need to expell several times a day The herd are now in full production it is now time the second phase will begin The herd are totally unaware that soon each and every o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 7 年 前 14

My Ultimate Fantasy (Human Cow) Chapter 3

having been here on my own for the last two months used to test the new milking process As I entered one of the new stall standing at the rear legs spread clamps automatically surrounded my ankles leaning forward resting my arms on the bars again clamps surrounded my wrists I hear the bar lowering untill I feel it across my back there is no chance of movement. One of the assistants fits the hollow needle into my arm and attachés the tube I follow the clear liquid as it makes its journey disappearing into my arm and into my blood stream. Looking down I see the two suction cups raising up a p… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 7 年 前 9

My Ultimate Fantasy (Human cow) Chapter 2

Three years have passed since I joined the herd in that time I have produced three offspring two black one white all removed minutes after giving birth.The rest of the herd have taken there money and left. A new intake of young women will soon arrive to start there life of being human cows As for me I have no desire to leave it would be impossible for me to become human again With the constant milking my teats have now been stretched out of all proportion they are at least two inches long My udders covered in ugly stretch marks with the weight of the milk they have carried. I have spoken t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 7 年 前 7


If you read my profile you will know although I love my life as Mistress of the home there are times when I need to escape I can achieve this with my fantasys The one I am about to tell you has become my ultimate fantasy If the opportunity ever presented itself I would readily take the next step and turn it into reality I have no idea why this fantasy is so strong in my mind as there is very little sex involved All I can say is it can only be the total loss of control of my life Maybe after you read it you can help me understand I will try to put in every detail of my fantasy so… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mistyblue2 8 年 前 32