My Ultimate Fantasy (Human Cow) Chapter 3
having been here on my own for the last two months used to test the new milking process As I entered one of the new stall standing at the rear legs spread clamps automatically surrounded my ankles leaning forward resting my arms on the bars again clamps surrounded my wrists I hear the bar lowering untill I feel it across my back there is no chance of movement.
One of the assistants fits the hollow needle into my arm and attachés the tube I follow the clear liquid as it makes its journey disappearing into my arm and into my blood stream.
Looking down I see the two suction cups raising up a precisely attaching to my udders and as the suction pressure is increased my teats grow in size and milk start to flow.The assistant points to the feeding tube placing my mouth over it sucking a mouthful of vile tasting slurry which is to be the only form of food the herd will have access to.I go to the other tube to drink it's warm and horrible.
Soon after someone arrives wheeling a small table on looks like a miniature BBQ a plastic tag and some kind of rod it had a circle at one end with something inside it
He lights the burner and places the end of the rod into the flames
Picking up the tag he starts to write speaking the words as he does so
Cow No1 only to be used for milking and sperm collection He attaches it to a tool then holding my ear it snaps shut piercing my ear
What happened next I will never forget Putting on thick gloves he pulls the rod from the flames he goes behind me Suddenly I feel pain rip through my body the stench of burning flesh I have been branded with the number 1
It will take several days before the new hormones take affect and double my milk production untill then I am unable to produce enough milk my udders empty my teats sore with the constant 24 hour suction .
Six weeks pass I have been in my stall constantly milked I eat, piss, and shit here and only sleep because of shear exhaustion, the only compensation is my milk production has increased giving me some relief I now have a constant flow pumped out of my udders.
The day has finally arrived the new herd are expected I have been released from my stall the first time for weeks Given a injection to enable me to stand upright I was told by a window overlooking the courtyard
Soon the buses arrived and the new arrivals Stepped outside they all looked so young and innocent dressed in there summer dresses
but I knew there lives were about to change forever.
The owner of the factory appeared silence feel as be began to speak
Welcome to this establishment together we will make this enterprise a complete success We have a lot to get thought so we will waste no further time and get you all settled in
For safety reasons please remove all jewellery and together with you handbags place them in the container to the left
They all seemed to comply without question.
Then came the bombshell He said When you are ready remove all items of clothing There was total silence followed by shouts of protests
The owner raised his hand Listen he shouted you have a choice ether remove your clothing yourself or it will be removed by force
Slowly the more placid girls started to strip off reluctantly followed by the others
It took around 1/2 hour before the whole group stood there naked
The owner again spoke I am very disappointed with you all we will now have to take measures to make up for this wasted time
I will now introduce you to number 1 you will follow her and do exactly as she does
The door opens I walk out into the courtyard I stand in front of them to say they all looked totally shocked is a understatement
Because of the time it took to remove there clothes my udders were full milk dripping from my teats my lower legs covered in my own excrement.
I turned and walk towards a large barn slowly followed by the girls all seemed to be in a state of shock
Inside there were ten men all holding clippers I was pulled to one side he proceeded to remove my hair untill it was shaved close the other girls had the same head shaved if they had public hair that was also removed
I was pushed forward untill I stop on a grilled flooring and was immediately spayed with a while sticky foam again moving forward the foam being removed by strong jets of cold water
Waking back out to the courtyard I turned and looked at the girls behind me Now totally hairless even there eyebrows and eyelashes have gone Unlike the other girls I knew the short time the foam covered our body's it not only removed every trace of hair but it had destroyed the regrowth system of our bodies and it will never grow back.
We waited out side untill all of the girls had been processed Again the owner started to speak
The process you have all undergone is part of the process of dehumanisation required before you enter the main production area
The next stage is to tell you from this point you are no longer permitted to speak failure to comply to this order will be that the tongue
will be removed so you have been warned Carry on he said
Walking towards the production shed I looked at the sun knowing full well it will be some time if ever I will feel it's warmth on my back
In side there are two rows of stalls 52 in each row my stall is positioned in front of the first row
I walked to my stall standing in position and waited until all new cows stood in position at there stalls
I now call them cows because in a few short hours they have been transformed from happy young girls into expendable livestock who's
only outlook will be to produce milk and offspring to feed the company's thirst for profit.
All the cows are in position I hear the familiar hiss of air and the clamps secure our legs I hear behind me some start to cry and some whimper with fear but it is to late there fate as is mine is sealed there is no escape as I lean forward arms clamped the bar lowering across our backs There is a short delay as the staff fit the tube and the hormone starts to make its journey into our veins
Then the suction cups start to raise latching on to every cows udders and the clicking noisy as each cup sucks on the teats
For me it's relief my udders are full and I'm desperate to have them drained
For the rest of the herd there will be several days of pain and discomfort There udders stimulated untill the hormone starts to work and there first milk will start to flow
There is one final insult the owner stands before the herd and informs them that due to the time wasted earlier that the proposed periods of rest to allow the new cows to adjust to there new environment has now been cancelled The cows will remain in there positions as from this day.There is one final process to complete there dehumanisation each cow has to endure having its ear tag fitted and the agony of the branding iron So I will leave you with this thought while you are enjoying your morning cereal and milk
I am listening to the screams and smelling the burning flesh as each cow has her number burned into her buttocks
One of the assistants fits the hollow needle into my arm and attachés the tube I follow the clear liquid as it makes its journey disappearing into my arm and into my blood stream.
Looking down I see the two suction cups raising up a precisely attaching to my udders and as the suction pressure is increased my teats grow in size and milk start to flow.The assistant points to the feeding tube placing my mouth over it sucking a mouthful of vile tasting slurry which is to be the only form of food the herd will have access to.I go to the other tube to drink it's warm and horrible.
Soon after someone arrives wheeling a small table on looks like a miniature BBQ a plastic tag and some kind of rod it had a circle at one end with something inside it
He lights the burner and places the end of the rod into the flames
Picking up the tag he starts to write speaking the words as he does so
Cow No1 only to be used for milking and sperm collection He attaches it to a tool then holding my ear it snaps shut piercing my ear
What happened next I will never forget Putting on thick gloves he pulls the rod from the flames he goes behind me Suddenly I feel pain rip through my body the stench of burning flesh I have been branded with the number 1
It will take several days before the new hormones take affect and double my milk production untill then I am unable to produce enough milk my udders empty my teats sore with the constant 24 hour suction .
Six weeks pass I have been in my stall constantly milked I eat, piss, and shit here and only sleep because of shear exhaustion, the only compensation is my milk production has increased giving me some relief I now have a constant flow pumped out of my udders.
The day has finally arrived the new herd are expected I have been released from my stall the first time for weeks Given a injection to enable me to stand upright I was told by a window overlooking the courtyard
Soon the buses arrived and the new arrivals Stepped outside they all looked so young and innocent dressed in there summer dresses
but I knew there lives were about to change forever.
The owner of the factory appeared silence feel as be began to speak
Welcome to this establishment together we will make this enterprise a complete success We have a lot to get thought so we will waste no further time and get you all settled in
For safety reasons please remove all jewellery and together with you handbags place them in the container to the left
They all seemed to comply without question.
Then came the bombshell He said When you are ready remove all items of clothing There was total silence followed by shouts of protests
The owner raised his hand Listen he shouted you have a choice ether remove your clothing yourself or it will be removed by force
Slowly the more placid girls started to strip off reluctantly followed by the others
It took around 1/2 hour before the whole group stood there naked
The owner again spoke I am very disappointed with you all we will now have to take measures to make up for this wasted time
I will now introduce you to number 1 you will follow her and do exactly as she does
The door opens I walk out into the courtyard I stand in front of them to say they all looked totally shocked is a understatement
Because of the time it took to remove there clothes my udders were full milk dripping from my teats my lower legs covered in my own excrement.
I turned and walk towards a large barn slowly followed by the girls all seemed to be in a state of shock
Inside there were ten men all holding clippers I was pulled to one side he proceeded to remove my hair untill it was shaved close the other girls had the same head shaved if they had public hair that was also removed
I was pushed forward untill I stop on a grilled flooring and was immediately spayed with a while sticky foam again moving forward the foam being removed by strong jets of cold water
Waking back out to the courtyard I turned and looked at the girls behind me Now totally hairless even there eyebrows and eyelashes have gone Unlike the other girls I knew the short time the foam covered our body's it not only removed every trace of hair but it had destroyed the regrowth system of our bodies and it will never grow back.
We waited out side untill all of the girls had been processed Again the owner started to speak
The process you have all undergone is part of the process of dehumanisation required before you enter the main production area
The next stage is to tell you from this point you are no longer permitted to speak failure to comply to this order will be that the tongue
will be removed so you have been warned Carry on he said
Walking towards the production shed I looked at the sun knowing full well it will be some time if ever I will feel it's warmth on my back
In side there are two rows of stalls 52 in each row my stall is positioned in front of the first row
I walked to my stall standing in position and waited until all new cows stood in position at there stalls
I now call them cows because in a few short hours they have been transformed from happy young girls into expendable livestock who's
only outlook will be to produce milk and offspring to feed the company's thirst for profit.
All the cows are in position I hear the familiar hiss of air and the clamps secure our legs I hear behind me some start to cry and some whimper with fear but it is to late there fate as is mine is sealed there is no escape as I lean forward arms clamped the bar lowering across our backs There is a short delay as the staff fit the tube and the hormone starts to make its journey into our veins
Then the suction cups start to raise latching on to every cows udders and the clicking noisy as each cup sucks on the teats
For me it's relief my udders are full and I'm desperate to have them drained
For the rest of the herd there will be several days of pain and discomfort There udders stimulated untill the hormone starts to work and there first milk will start to flow
There is one final insult the owner stands before the herd and informs them that due to the time wasted earlier that the proposed periods of rest to allow the new cows to adjust to there new environment has now been cancelled The cows will remain in there positions as from this day.There is one final process to complete there dehumanisation each cow has to endure having its ear tag fitted and the agony of the branding iron So I will leave you with this thought while you are enjoying your morning cereal and milk
I am listening to the screams and smelling the burning flesh as each cow has her number burned into her buttocks
7 年 前