My Utah friends

(Everything in BOLD is my addition. I am re-posting this to bring awareness to the masses about what goes on in the very beautiful, and yet very strange state of Utah. Feel free to re-post as well.)

I was raised in Utah. I left at age 35 because I just couldn't live there.

I was discriminated against at every aspect of my personal and professional life because I wasn't a member of "The Church". At one point in my youth, The Church (and therefore The State) passed a law "prohibiting any business from operating on Sunday", which was eventually struck down by the federal government.

Now it looks like they've eliminated Xhamster from operating in the state.

I thought I'd pass along this posting from a current Utah resident for all to see.

My fellow Utahns,

Now, I am also placing this profile here to serve an additional purpose. That reason is to express a concern and raise awareness about a particular law Utah had passed a few years ago which has impacted the lives of so many Utahans. The law itself is completely against our Constitutional Rights as American Citizens, but nobody has dared to bring this Nazi, religious based, anti-everything entertaining mockery of our freedoms we should have the liberties to enjoy as Americans to an end.

Most of you, if not everyone on the site living in Utah are probably unaware, but you are guilty of breaking a law which presently is sentencing your neighbors to a year in the state penitentiary as Sex Offenders. Their crime you might ask? They are guilty of streaming, downloading, viewing, uploading, taking, making, editing or otherwise enjoying anything considered lewd or offensive. The state can, and will, charge anyone who is found guilty of uploading, downloading, transferring, filming or being photographed in a way the average person would consider inappropriate to show in a public setting. It is called, "Distribution of an Intimate Image", and it carries a maximum punishment for such a heinous act against our fellow man, 1 year in the State Penal System, a 4,500 dollar fine and a lifetime on the registry. What makes this law absolutely offensive in-of-itself is a state where the "real obscenity comes from raising our youth to believe that sex is bad and ugly and dirty, and yet it is heroic to go spill guts and blood in the most ghastly manner in the name of humanity." Larry Flynt 1987 following the U.S. Supreme Court case where Flynt and associates won our rights as Americans to do exactly what Utah has once again made i*****l.

So those of you looking to move to Utah, and those of us already here, need to stand up and say or do something. I've taken my first offense, and my buddies DUI was cheaper. So before you go watching, streaming, downloading, viewing, being observed, creating, editing, transferring from a device to another, sending a dick pic, or using your electronic media devises for anything other than a calculator and a phone, you better remember... Moroni sees all in this Mountain West Mecca. And he punishes to the fullest those who watch pornographic material. Especially those with only one wife!

God Bless the USA; FUCK Utah!

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发布者 FiftyPlusPage
7 年 前
FiftyPlusPage 出版商 6 年 前
To Flyhi69: Hold up there, Cowboy!!!!  I left SLC in 1988. I'm glad that some things have progressed. When I lived there, I can assure you that THE CHURCH PASSED A LAW FORBIDDING ANY BUSINESS FROM OPENING ON SUNDAY (they didn't want anybody trading when they couldn't, ZCMI specifically). As I mentioned in the article, this law was struck down by the federal government. I wonder, when doing business with anyone, do they still ask you, "Are you a member of THE CHURCH?" or "What Ward do you belong to?" Also, does THE STATE know that you look at porn on Xhamster from time to time? I call bullshit.
Flyhi69 6 年 前
Bullshit. The only thing closed on Sunday by LAW in Utah are liquor stores and motorized vehicle sales. The rest are up to the individual businesses. Many other states, including CO do NOT allow vehicle sales on Sunday, many more states do NOT allow liquor sales on Sunday (including CO until a few years ago). I was born in CO and live here now, but raised in UT and lived there many years.

Many of the "rules' are frustrating, but most other states have equally mind numbing rules on one thing or another. And Utah now has liquor by the drink, eliminated the private club thing for bars and night clubs, and in all the years I lived there, RARELY, saw discrimination against non-mormons. But what little I did see was appalling. Like the "good Mormon" I worked for that paid a good mormon sales guy 15% commission while i got 10%. Most of your rant is way off base.