First of all, if this story doesn't make you horny, I hope you get a smile out of it. One time I put a golf ball up my butt (age 9) and had to wait several days before it would come out. That was scary (for some reason I thought it might dissolve and poison me) yet exciting to know I had a golf ball up my ass and nobody knew. At age 12, my best friend and I were jacking off together one day, as we did everyday at that "cumming of age" period. He asked me if he could "put it in my mouth for just a minute". I agreed and took his dick in my mouth and started sucking. Within a minute or so, I f… 阅读更多内容
Compilation of Responses
Greetings. As per request, I am compiling here all the responses I get from this FiftyPlusPage, re: Anything interesting. Here's the first one, more to follow: #1. We've been married 45 yrs, and for the last 5 the sex has trailed off to perhaps twice a year... when she allows it. She's never loved BJs, just a lick n promise, so that's where my bi sexual activity began. That and it feels less a violation of our marriage. Love to see what others say... maybe post a compilation of responses. #2. I have pretty much resigned myself to living sexless life . . . I know she doesn't have any… 阅读更多内容
Memorial Day (Cuckold) Memories
On this holiday, I always think about the time my 2nd wife and I went to a private club's Memorial Day renewal party. You had to buy a $20 membership every year and they always had their renewal parties on Memorial Day. We had been drinking heavier than usual and using cocaine (again, it was the 80's and EVERYBODY was doing coke), so my wife was super horny and super fucked up. We met 2 guys and a woman there and somehow ended up bringing them home with us. We drank more and did more coke at our house, and eventually the woman asked if anyone would take her back to her car at the club. I off… 阅读更多内容
Why do some women quit sex?
My wife and I lived together for 3 years before we got married. We had sex 5 or 6 times a week during those 3 years before getting married, 25 years ago. We had a very hot sexual relationship that included having sex with 3 of my best friends (one was bi-sexual and a regular fuck buddy of ours) and 2 of her bi-sexual girlfriends. We had sex with a dozen acquaintances-es and strangers. We took one of her bi-girlfriends to Hawaii with us for two weeks of sucking, eating and fucking. We've met other men and couples in bars and took them home with us to play. The VERY DAY we got married, ever… 阅读更多内容
I need your help (about my hot wife)
Friends, I need your input on this... I have what used to be a very hot slut wife, but she quit. She's got one boyfriend that she met through work that is pretty fun (especially for her) but he doesn't know that I know he's fucking her. He's married too, and my wife says "he'd freak out" if he knew that I knew. I get to secretly video them when he comes over for nooners, and I have to hide in the garage or drive around until she calls me and tells me he left. I do get to eat her creampies after he's gone and have "sloppy seconds", thank you very much. She also saves her cum stained black p… 阅读更多内容
My Utah friends
(Everything in BOLD is my addition. I am re-posting this to bring awareness to the masses about what goes on in the very beautiful, and yet very strange state of Utah. Feel free to re-post as well.) I was raised in Utah. I left at age 35 because I just couldn't live there. I was discriminated against at every aspect of my personal and professional life because I wasn't a member of "The Church". At one point in my youth, The Church (and therefore The State) passed a law "prohibiting any business from operating on Sunday", which was eventually struck down by the federal government. Now it… 阅读更多内容
FiftyPlusPage introduction
This page is here for all age 50+ people and for those of us who enjoy them. Straights, bi, gay, lesbians, transexuals, and every body and age that appreciates a well aged and experienced human being... I'm 63 years old (already) and I just get the sense that I should be playing with people my own age. Sure, I love seeing teens in the throe's of sexual passion, but I also enjoy watching Gramma and Grampa enjoying their sexuality, as well. And I enjoy salivating over all those wonderful big black cocks, but I realized all of a sudden, I don't have a big black cock to share. I'm not ev… 阅读更多内容