10 Types of Nursing Co-Workers
Co-Workers can be fun, annoying, challenging, hilarious, and sometimes make you raise an eyebrow…
1. The Lovable Slacker
That hilarious nurse who always makes you laugh, has a way with words, and yet somehow hasn’t accomplished any of their assigned tasks leaving chaos erupting in each of their patient rooms. The nurse with feet up, socializing, while their patient is found dead at shift change. Thanks for being you, but seriously, do a little work, mk?!
2. The Professor
The “everything is a teaching moment” pathophysiology wiz, the nurse who knows everything about every disease process, and most importantly the nurse who you can go to for a quick answer. Why Google when you can phone a friend?
3. The Stress Case
That nurse who is ALWAYS stressed. No matter the day, the patient assignment, or the workload this nurse cannot chill. Always nervous, always worrying, stress just erupts from their body until the world around them is coated in stress. We promise everything will be okay, NOW calm the Fuck down!
4. The Jerk Face
That co-worker who looks at you like an idiot while you’re making the handoff. The one that never laughs at jokes, the all business all the time nurse, Ms/Mr. Antisocial. We get it, this is a serious job, but lighten up man. We’re on this amusement ride together.
5. The Party anim@l
The nurse who rolls in obviously hung over or having slept only 3 hours. We appreciate your commitment to the profession but dang homie, you’re looking real rough this morning. Maybe next time a sick call is in order?
6. The Cranky One
The co-worker who is always angry. Something is always wrong and they are out to tell the world. This nurse is always venting about some horrible patient, process, or policy. Nothing is ever right, nothing will ever be right, and everyone should be angry about it all the time. Xanax anyone?
7. The Overbearing Mom
The nurse who does not leave their patients alone. EVER. This nurse doesn’t let their patient breath without permission. Constantly fussing over every last detail, forgetting that at some point this patient was a self-sufficient human being perfectly capable of pooping independently. Give the man a little privacy he’s AOx4, independent, and telling you to leave the room… So take a walk M0M.
8. The Brown Noser
That coworker who follows every policy, procedure, and rule precisely. This nurse plays by the rules without question, sometimes forgetting what’s best for the patient. This nurse reports anyone and everyone who bends the rules, always siding with management. This nurse pretends to be your friend one minute, then throws you to the lions the next. WATCH OUT people, time to start growing eyes in the back of your head.
9. The Oddly Happy One
The co-worker who always seems overjoyed to be at work. Always smiling, always socializing, always bouncing around like a ch*id on Christmas morning. We all appreciate a little positivity but your patient just punch out, we’d understand (and seriously appreciate) if you threw out a curse word or shed a tear or two show you’re human too.
10. The Baby Nurse
First of all we love you! We have all been exactly where you are and even though some of us might snap at you it’s only because we’ve forgotten what it’s like to be new. We love watching your adorable faces as you scramble to find supplies, drop your first nasogastric tube (ps: who the fuck came up with that expression, there is no ‘dropping’ about this process). Keep fighting the good fight, you’ll be experienced and snarky in no time.
1. The Lovable Slacker
That hilarious nurse who always makes you laugh, has a way with words, and yet somehow hasn’t accomplished any of their assigned tasks leaving chaos erupting in each of their patient rooms. The nurse with feet up, socializing, while their patient is found dead at shift change. Thanks for being you, but seriously, do a little work, mk?!
2. The Professor
The “everything is a teaching moment” pathophysiology wiz, the nurse who knows everything about every disease process, and most importantly the nurse who you can go to for a quick answer. Why Google when you can phone a friend?
3. The Stress Case
That nurse who is ALWAYS stressed. No matter the day, the patient assignment, or the workload this nurse cannot chill. Always nervous, always worrying, stress just erupts from their body until the world around them is coated in stress. We promise everything will be okay, NOW calm the Fuck down!
4. The Jerk Face
That co-worker who looks at you like an idiot while you’re making the handoff. The one that never laughs at jokes, the all business all the time nurse, Ms/Mr. Antisocial. We get it, this is a serious job, but lighten up man. We’re on this amusement ride together.
5. The Party anim@l
The nurse who rolls in obviously hung over or having slept only 3 hours. We appreciate your commitment to the profession but dang homie, you’re looking real rough this morning. Maybe next time a sick call is in order?
6. The Cranky One
The co-worker who is always angry. Something is always wrong and they are out to tell the world. This nurse is always venting about some horrible patient, process, or policy. Nothing is ever right, nothing will ever be right, and everyone should be angry about it all the time. Xanax anyone?
7. The Overbearing Mom
The nurse who does not leave their patients alone. EVER. This nurse doesn’t let their patient breath without permission. Constantly fussing over every last detail, forgetting that at some point this patient was a self-sufficient human being perfectly capable of pooping independently. Give the man a little privacy he’s AOx4, independent, and telling you to leave the room… So take a walk M0M.
8. The Brown Noser
That coworker who follows every policy, procedure, and rule precisely. This nurse plays by the rules without question, sometimes forgetting what’s best for the patient. This nurse reports anyone and everyone who bends the rules, always siding with management. This nurse pretends to be your friend one minute, then throws you to the lions the next. WATCH OUT people, time to start growing eyes in the back of your head.
9. The Oddly Happy One
The co-worker who always seems overjoyed to be at work. Always smiling, always socializing, always bouncing around like a ch*id on Christmas morning. We all appreciate a little positivity but your patient just punch out, we’d understand (and seriously appreciate) if you threw out a curse word or shed a tear or two show you’re human too.
10. The Baby Nurse
First of all we love you! We have all been exactly where you are and even though some of us might snap at you it’s only because we’ve forgotten what it’s like to be new. We love watching your adorable faces as you scramble to find supplies, drop your first nasogastric tube (ps: who the fuck came up with that expression, there is no ‘dropping’ about this process). Keep fighting the good fight, you’ll be experienced and snarky in no time.
6 年 前