Getting to the Bottom of Things II

Well where did I leave off?! Ah yes my time with the people of the earth. Much fun as it is living free and letting things just pass you by I needed a bit more out of life. I had come to realise by this time that veterinary work wasn’t for me, don’t get me wrong I love a****ls and always will but at 3am in the middle of winter I didn’t want to be arm deep in a cow. I moved into the world of computers and more so the graphics side of things. Did my training although already arty and got to grips with all the bells and whistles of making art on a computer.

You’ll never guess what... arty girls are so kinky. I fell in with a group of people and was dating a girl that was going to the local uni and in no time I was known even by her friends as the guy that had a thing for thermometers. I was happy if people knew by this time and I was even using an old mercury thermometer as a stylus for my PDA. You have no idea what relaxing is until you have a willing girl over your lap and you are just chilling watching TV and examining her bottom. I could play, insert things and of course finger all I wanted and as far as things went it was just a good way to have fun and be close, much in the same way as sitting on the sofa running your fingers lazily through someone’s hair.

Some things that should really be done right. If you are going to open up a girls bottom to take a peek at that little pink spot don’t grab and wrench cheeks apart a thumb and finger are all it takes. At this point I should say that yes there are times when being rough and a****listic are good but for this example I am going from what I have found from girls that are maybe a bit shy about it or just not explored that much.

The point of using thumb and finger is you can tell how relaxed someone is by the amount the resist being opened up and it will still expose all you want to see. Now the temptation is to go rushing in but you should just stop and let the person relax a little. This is still a rush as they know just where you are looking. Cool air on a bottom hole let them know it is exposed to the world and as you are the one holding them open they know you full attention. This is a point I love exposed little pink hole you can see clenching and relaxing you know their mind is a turmoil about what is going to happen.

I guess I should start with what we all have to hand (pun intended) ‘Fingers’. Fingers are the best tool for anything to do with sex. Your first touch can come in many ways but it should always be right on the hole, you can move away after but the shock of contact on that part focuses the mind to just what is going to happen. I like to use a little lube and work it in circles. Doing this long enough and you can feel the person start to open up and relax, The more contact the more they relax until you can feel the tiny little dip in the middle of their tight little hole getting deeper and deeper. At this point you can just press down a little and you will feel the tight ring of muscle stretch open and then snap back shut. You can only go so deep before the natural reaction is to stop the intruder getting any deeper in. Again we move back to touching and rubbing and again you wait for that relaxes and this time the tip goes in. If you get the depth right their bottom will still clamp down but this time it will be around your finger.

It is so good to feel a girl’s bottom clamping down on your finger. You can feel the warmth on the tip and the shape of muscle and the amount it can squeeze. Once up to this point you can just slowly move the finger slowly in. This is a moment of pure bliss, soft warm walls that give easily to the touch the grip of a little ring of muscle around the top of your finger and their body squirming at the sensation of being explored. You can flick you finger back and forth and feel around if deep enough you may even get to feel some of the structures inside them. The sensation as you can feel their muscles trying to expel you but knowing that you will not be removing your finger until you are done.
发布者 Dr-Thermo
13 年 前
OwnMyAss 5 年 前
The sensation of being intruded is Most excellent. Glad to know someone else understands it (from the other side - the pokee... yum)
billy69boy 12 年 前
Erotic, enlightening, entertaining, and educational. I really enjoyed this explanation.

I am wondering why the author didn't post part two in story form.
wrigglepup1 12 年 前
Truly! An anal expert! :smile:
Killroy17 12 年 前
Well written. I Would like to learn more. :smile:
mikey1ra 12 年 前
cumwithme1 12 年 前
There is no substitute for experience and I hope that all your viewers will appreciate this...that is why so many partners prefer a mature lover in most circumstances.