Something I wrote in 2016 after Trump Won

Okay now that I am done Gloating for the night anyway Wanna write something out to everyone even them leftist I am no fans of ...... Settle in this is gonna be a long one

Nobody is about to come get you because Trump is now president elect

Le'ts look at a few topics from a ......................RATIONAL POV. RPOV is that thing where you figure out what's likely to happen instead of look for reasons to go ape shit. I read stories of people getting teary-eyed and stroking the hair of their c***dren like the Nazis are coming and there's just no hope might want to see somebody about that kind of thing

Anyway.....The reality of it all:

1. Foreign Military Policy - It seems like outside of the U.S., the press paid little attention to what a Super-hawk Hillary Clinton is.. Trump's positions on engagement with nations like Russia and Iran are far more dovish than Hillary's. The whole "neo-con/neo-lib" crowd abandoned Trump and lined up behind Ms. Clinton. Trump was an early critic of the Iraq war and engagement in Afghanistan. He has made some strange comments about Isis, etc....but on the whole, his positions are more peacenik than were hers. This is a big reason why he won. The "Alt right" and the "blue dog dems" and voters with an interest in less war lined up behind Trump while the establishment hawks lined up behind HIllary. As secretary of state, Hillary orchestrated the bombing of Libya and the takedown of Gaddafi, which was kinda crazy..........So anyway.....nobody knows if a candidate will stick with their non-interventionist policy but if you don't like more war, the less warrish candidate won.

2. Freedom of the press - Isn't going anywhere. No hint or threat....there's always been the corporate control over major networks. That won't change.

3. Freedom of religion - Nothing changing there. Certainly no big difference between the two candidates. There's no threat of anything happening on that front

4. Women's rights - The odds of any major policy against reproductive rights are basically 0 and Trump has signalled no interest in moving against that type of thing anyway. Over the last 20 years, these issues have been over things like a few clinics being pressured to shut down for health reasons......and then social issues like protesting outside clinics etc.....but clinics are not about to get shut down everywhere. .....The odds of women in the US, not having access to reproductive services in the near or distant future - 0. None.

The nuances of certain policies, like............, healthcare and the ability of a company to opt out of birth control coverage for employees, like the Hobby Lobby issue might be at stake, but that's pretty small potatoes. Practically, the lives of women in the U.S. aren't going to change AT ALL. Neither will the lives of men because of who's president

5. LGBT rights - Again..... There is no risk of any widespread persecution against LGBT people taking place as a result of Trump coming into office. Kink world is not under any threat. Nobody is getting rounded up Increased social and political acceptance for LGBT people has been increasing for the last 50 or so years and it's been a steady increase. Bush the younger was more socially conservative than Trump but after those 8 years, there were more legal rights and protections than at the beginning and that will likely continue while Trump is in office. Trump does not bring with him any immediate threat to any person of LGBT identify.

6. Race - Same thing. If you think any discussion about immigration or controlling it is a racist discussion, you could be in for some bad news but there is no talk or threat or possibility of rolling back civil rights legislation or anything like that.

So.........practically speaking everyone, you can probably calm down. Not much is going to change. You can come out from under your beds.
发布者 asher86
5 年 前
asher86 出版商 5 年 前
stinkypinky : No pal I actually hate big government no just them stealing my money to fund the lives of the lazy . If land owners were given double the price of their land that would be better than seizing it. Sorry anchor babies should not even be a thing if you come here just to have your kid in the US and to get all the free shit . I would say we should only allow people with job skills and some education in to America as immigrants . Where did I claim all private charities are good I think most are better than forced charity via high taxes . Sorry you think only democratic socialists should hold political power. Libertarians typically are not dipshits just we comprise both left leaning libertarians and right leaning ones so we often do not agree on much other than our contempt for authoritarian principles the progressive left authoritarians are just more of a threat to freedom but I will not shy away from calling out the religious right for their authoritarian bullshit tho . Conservatives who call for banning porn and video games are fucking insane. If you hate guns and our constitution so much maybe you should move to a so called socialist utopia so you can starve . 
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stinkypinky 5 年 前
asher86 : The reason the "Libertarian candidate was a utter fucking dipshit," is because Libertarians themselves are fucking dipshits. The real truth is you love big government you just don't want them touching your money or your precious guns. Trump is seizing the land of private citizens to build his boarder wall, citizens that VOTED for him. How is that not big government at play? ICE is also deporting natural born US citizens, but none of them are white so what do you care I'm I right? They are just a bunch of anchor babies so fuck'em. You wrote "I think people in actual need would be better served by private charities instead of the wasteful spending of our bureaucracy." you can think that all day long but that won't make it so as evident by Trumps very own charity foundation being found guilty of fraud and ordered to pay a Two Million dollar settlement. You can tell yourself it's a deepstate conspiracy but Trump appointed these judges himself. Is he playing three denominational chess with... himself because... Hilary, Hilary, Hilary, Hilary....
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asher86 出版商 5 年 前
Tbum : Trump will likely beat the brakes off Warren or Biden . One is a corrupt old man with what seems like early stage Dementia. Warren is a Neo lib trying to play to the progressive socialist crowd , She for years lied and said she was part native to get special treatment and opportunities. When in fact she is like 1024th  native descent. Native tribes have told her to piss off . Not one democrat running is fit for office in my book . All want to ban guns or give illegals free healthcare and college , None want to secure our border in fact most want to abolish ICE and tear down existing border barriers . 2020 election is going to be interesting for sure . 2024 will be more of a shit show cause both parties will become shit show clown cars . Here's hoping  Dan Crenshaw runs in 20204  or some better canidate with 
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asher86 出版商 5 年 前
stinkypinky : Garry johnson was ie the Libertarian candidate was a utter fucking dipshit . I disagree with some of the stuff the the libertarian party calls for. Hell I disagree with a lot of the stuff the religious republicans call for. I disagree with more than half the shit the so called progressive left demands ie open borders defunding the Military establishing single payer healthcare ie abolishing private insurance. Hell most of the dems running wanna give illegals who broke our laws to come here free taxpayer funded healthcare and college.   Sanders endorses a 90% tax rate to fund his Socialist bullshit Waren is not much better in some areas she is worse . Beto wanted to ignore the Constitution and confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. I know people like you on the left hate guns in the hands of private citizens cause it challenges your side power. GOVERNMENT should fear its people , People should not fear the government. Biden is a old man with what seems like early stage dementia . I call myself a Libertarian minarchist because I feel American citizens should be free to live their lives how they see fit long as they are not harming anyone that means not stealing or assaulting other people or businesses . The federal government has very few legit roles in my opinion National defense enforcing contract law when lower courts can not. Ensuring the Constitution / bill of rights is upheld . Furthermore the detention centers at the border are not concentration camps you know that is some bullshit AOC AND THE SQUAD COOKED UP as a way to attack how Trump wants to enforce our border laws. Concentration camps are places you can not leave  . Those people in the detention centres are free to leave and go back to mexico and abandon their fake refugee claims. Conditions at the detention centres are shit for a few reasons overcrowding the democrats also refuse to give Trump funding to improve conditions as well as finish the Border wall . You can claim you are not for open borders but I do not buy it since every democrat running wants to strip power and resources from ICE and other border agencies to ensure more Illegals come here then are fast tracked into citizenship cause the left knows it can buy those peoples vote with promises of free shit . I hate all entitlement programs that are taxpayer funded . I think people in actual  need would be better served by private charities instead of the wasteful spending of our bureaucracy. I grew up poor but via my hard work and skills I am not anymore . Sure I had some lucky breaks ie football scholarship that got me into college but due to an injury I lost it by my second year so to stay in school had to take 2 jobs and work my way through. I am not a republican because I am not some jesus freak zealot I am not a democrat because I do not buy into big government I certainly am not a so called progressive because I am not some screaming pink pussy hat wearing SJW 
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asher86 出版商 5 年 前
stinkypinky : Listen you leftist dipshit who hates anything trump does . I mention Hitlery cause her and her husband should be in jail period. Bombing the shit out of terrorists good in my book. Yes people on your side have CALLED FOR OPEN BORDERS 
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Tbum 5 年 前
You got some interesting reactions, interesting reading from Australia
stinkypinky 5 年 前
Again, why do you keep bringing up Hillary Clinton. Every other sentence Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. You clearly hate liberals, and you vote republican, a libertarian ran in 2016 you haven't mentioned him once, you're a right-winger stop being a coward and own it. I also don't hate people who serve, to be clear your point was Hilary was a war-monger, but you don't have a problem with even more generals in Trumps cabinet bombing the middle east to a cinder. These places are probably the same targets Hilary would have bombed, going after the same people but when she TALKS about it she's a war-monger when Trump actually does it "it's a good thing." Furthermore I'm not defending illegal immigration. Nobody wants open borders, I'm going to write that again NOBODY WANTS OPEN BORDERS!!!!! that's a bullshit talking point and you know it, because when it comes time to defend your precious concentration camps you right-wingers yes YOU right-wingers always bring up how Obama deported even more immigrants than Trump. All your other points are things you said aren't going on and aren't going to, but in your replies not only do you acknowledged they're presently happening you're DEFENDING them. You Sir are either a troll or of your meds.
asher86 出版商 5 年 前
stinkypinky : All illegal immigration needs to end be it crossing our border illegally overstaying work or School visas . He puts attention on the Illegal crossings because it is a real issue they come in take jobs Americans could be doing or they come in demanding free shit and schooling for their children they do not pay taxes yet they are a tax burden on the rest of us . You may wanna have no border whatsoever and just let illegals flood in unchecked bringing  crime and disease but no sane person wants that . Trump is far from perfect he is a asshole . Still rather have him in Office than Sanders or Killery Under sanders my taxes would be Sky high to fund all his free bs he promised to the Stupid and lazy. Under Killery we would be at war with Russia and she would have pushed gun confiscation from civilians knowing that she would be held to account for her actions by us Patriots .... We Are the 3% 
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asher86 出版商 5 年 前
MPLSbiGUY : Some areas my opinions have become more nuanced others my opinions have been solidified. Yes I will be voting Trump 2020 to keep America great. 
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asher86 出版商 5 年 前
stinkypinky : Trump was seeking to ban People from known areas terrorists had strong holds was not a outright ban on Muslims tho I would not be against that since most Muslim culture is not compatible with western culture or our laws. Roe v Wade is dog shit leave it to each state to decide . I am neither for or against abortion when it comes to people I am not involved with. None of the Justices Trump has Appointed have yet tried to bring Roe v Wade up. Brett infact has stated it was a settled issue . Conservative judges who uphold Constitutional law again not a bad thing. Conservatives are anti abortion for a few reasons 1 they do not want tax dollars to go into funding it and they believe life begins at conception. I am in agreement with the taxes thing. Conception eh I lean towards when the fetus has brain cells then to me its a moral issue I do not think I could condone. Transgenders should be barred from serving in the military as most people with mental illness are also barred from serving for security reasons. I was barred from serving for having a history of being bipolar . Not making tax dollars go into treating Transgenders again not a bad thing they wanna cut off their dicks or go on hormones let them or private insurance cover that . In addition to all the new restrictions conservatives have put on voting like closing voting polls, or just straight up sending people away in Black, and Native-American neighborhoods specifically... Citation needed. Trump has disavowed David Duke . Wanna know what else has skyrocketed under Trump fake instances of race based attacks Jussie Smollett ring a bell. Or that famous case where a muslim woman claimed some white kids stole her head scarf . Wanna know what has actually happened Black teens kidnaped a disabled boy beat and tortured him because he was white and they thought he voted for or supported Trump. Or the Assaults on people wearing Maga Hats .I know you lil antifa fucks condone violence for Political reasons but that shit is wrong no matter what side of the divide you are on in my book . I would never attack a person wearing a hillary or sanders shirt.But best believe I will defend myself from a attack form you antifa fucks . I carry for a reason ... Personal protection I will not swing on you if you swing on me I will try to leave if possible and if not well sonny you just drew the shit card cause a 45 hole is your prize .
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asher86 出版商 5 年 前
stinkypinky : If the rest of the World is going to continue to develop Nuclear bombs us having a response makes sense to me. Lots of our Nuclear bombs I believe were outdated anyway. 4 He attacks the MSM when all they do is lie and push the impeachment narrative. Reason he has had so many press secretaries might be do to the high stress the job entails when the media does little else but scrutinize every little thing he does Tweets or comments on. During the 8 years under Obama the media loved to lick his ass and treat everything the first black president did was wonderful . America having a friendlier relationship with Russia is a good thing to me and most sane non leftists. 
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asher86 出版商 5 年 前
stinkypinky : Let me Tackle you Bullshit point by point . 1 The left has not in the Slightest abandoned Killery if she said she was running again All you lil democrat sheep Neo Libs would line up and Suck her ass again. 2 Trump Pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal not a out right peace agreement get your facts right and step outside the MSM far left echo chamber. Also I am not a right winger I am a Minarchist Libertarian.Appointing Generals to ones Cabinet is not a bad thing ... Seems like you just hate anyone with the balls to Serve in the Military. Him bombing the Middle east in some cases I am fully against cause I am pretty anti war. I also believe in protecting American interests and Allies in most other cases. Attacking ISIS is a great thing in my book fuck them. Us having a Nuclear strike system again is not a bad  thing 
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MPLSbiGUY 5 年 前
stinkypinky : Nicely stated.    - Dave
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MPLSbiGUY 5 年 前
You might have wrote this after Trump was elected, but you still can't be under the same impression.  Freedom of the press was eroded a long time ago.  We have three corporate propaganda media outlets now.  All basically following the same talking points.  The only place to get real journalism is off the internet with people like Kyle Kulinski Jimmy Dore, Abby Martin, The Gray Zone, The Real News Network, Mike Figueredo,..., even RT (Russia) does a better job presenting US news.   Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden are still locked up or not allowed into the USA for exposing the truth.  
stinkypinky 5 年 前
1. Right-wingers love to defend Trump by attacking Clinton, you guys are the ones keeping her relevant the Left has moved on. Further, Trump pulled out of a straight up peace agreement, filled his cabinet with the most generals of any president in modern history and bombed the middle east so hard they almost ran out of bombs. He also ran on revitalizing our nuclear strike capabilities, something nobody thought was even an issue let alone ran on it.
2. He repeatedly attacks the press every single day, it's his mantra. He has gone through four press secretaries already, daily white house press briefings are anything but. When Trump meets in secret with Putin the US has to hear about it from the Kremlin. Doesn't that bother you at?
3. He has REPEATEDLY tried to ban Muslims from the county, he ran on that platform.
4. Trump vowed during the campaign to nominate a judge who would help overturn Roe v. Wade. Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch who has come out against Roe v. Wade to a lifetime appointed on the supreme court. He also appointed Brett Kavanaugh who has similar views in addition to all the other conservative Supreme court Justices. Tump has also appointed 150+ conservative federal court judges. It is no secret here in the states that conservatives are ant-abortion.
5. Trump banned Trans people from serving in the military. The military told him to go screw, they won't enforce it but the ban is in place. When that didn't work he made it so the military won't pay they're medical bills.
6. David Duke former Grand Wizard of the KKK ran for public office because he was inspired by Trump, his words. White supremacist terrorism skyrocketed to number one on the FBI's list under Trump. In addition to all the new restrictions conservatives have put on voting like closing voting polls, or just straight up sending people away in Black, and Native-American neighborhoods specifically, there is also the aforementioned Muslim ban. Now you can tell yourself Muslims aren't a race, but that doesn't stop his supporters from assaulting people with brown skin calling them Muslims all the while. Now for Illegal immigration, Trump has focused all his attention on Mexican illegal immigration, no word of Canadian, Euro, Asian, or even his own wife's illegal immigration. No concentration camp for them.