Just Some Ramblings

Just so we're clear I am not a Conservative or Republican nor a Democrat/ Socialist . I am a Right leaning Minarchist Libertarian. I think both parties can be very much wrong on certain things . I am a guy who believes in individual freedom . All d**gs should be decriminalized most if not all entitlement programs ie welfare SSI and or ebt should be abolished the poor and disabled would be more cost effectively helped via private charities inside communities not at a federal or State level. Taxes should be cut across the board for all private citizens . Tax loopholes for corporations should be closed and the Corporate business tax should cap at 14% Small Business taxes capped at 7%. Colleges and Job spots should go to the most Qualified person none of this SJW favoritism for so called minorities . We are all equal under the law . But people are not equally skilled or intelligent. Equality of opportunity not guaranteed Equality of outcome. Any poor or underprivileged person through skill hard work and sheer unwillingness to accept defeat can raise themselves and family out of poverty in America you just gotta want it enough to put in the hours blood sweat and pain. Nothing worth a damn is just handed to you for merely existing that's what a lot of people can not accept because jealousy they see millionaires as evil cause they feel they deserve to have the same lifestyle without taking the same risks or the same hard work. I grew up lower middle class in some bad spots . I came from nearly nothing I worked my ass off in school to get good grades and play American football in HS I earned a scholarship to College and in my First Season a torn ACL caused me to lose said scholarship. I did not come from money so I had to work 2 jobs from 19 to pay for my schooling I refused to get into massive student loan debt. I worked sc****d and fought my way through got my degree and Earned my job That I am in now ... But Now the SJW's Socialists and just plain lazy Stupid people who are jealous of those who work hard want erase all that I got all and I have via some White privilege Bullshit. Acting like just cause I am pale skin white I was given everything WRONG I as a white guy am blamed by you types for damn near all the ills of the world even shit that happened 100 years before I was born is still somehow my fault due to my skin tone ... That's some racist ass bullshit in my book .
发布者 asher86
5 年 前
lokey1 5 年 前
Well said!