New grad
"Hi.. I’m a new grad & have only been working 6 months now. I hate to sound like I’m complaining or ungrateful... but is it bad that I’m starting to hate my job? It’s kind of affecting my health as well. I’m on a med surg floor and the way the patients talk to me. I was sexually harassed & im just overall getting frustrated with my job. I love nursing but.. it’s bringing me no joy & it saddens me because I can’t picture myself doing anything else. Any advice? Sorry to bother you."
"Hi there!!! Not a bother at all!!! Sorry this response is delayed. I have not been checking this lately.
I’m so sorry you are having such a terrible time at work. Sexual harassment is not okay, even coming from patient. I hope your management supported you through the incident & reporting.
I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I HATED being a nurse for the first 10 months or so. I felt slow, dumb, and useless. Thankfully this feeling passed. The dread, misery, and butterflies before every shift disappeared without me being consciously aware. One day I was driving to work and thought “Huh. I don’t have the panicked feeling anymore.” The dark shadow of that first year faded away.
I think you need to really examine your feelings about this. Do you dislike it because you’re hard on yourself and expect perfection? Is it because your coworkers are not supportive? Maybe you’re in a GI unit but CV was always your jam so you miss your passion? Once you figure out the why of this issue, I think your next step will be more clear. Maybe that means sticking it out in this job, maybe it’s switching to a different environment in nursing, or maybe it means looking at other professions.
I fell in love with nursing when I moved out the ER and in to Surg/Med . It took time to get comfortable, but all of a sudden these coworkers were my best friends. Knowing my patients and their disease processes is fun for me. Helping my patients and seeing small and big improvements is rewarding. This didn’t happen until I was in an area I am passionate about!!!
I hope that helps, sort your thoughts a bit !!! I want it to get better for you, so you can love nursing, your patients and coworkers. All best to you, sweet friend."
"Hi there!!! Not a bother at all!!! Sorry this response is delayed. I have not been checking this lately.
I’m so sorry you are having such a terrible time at work. Sexual harassment is not okay, even coming from patient. I hope your management supported you through the incident & reporting.
I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I HATED being a nurse for the first 10 months or so. I felt slow, dumb, and useless. Thankfully this feeling passed. The dread, misery, and butterflies before every shift disappeared without me being consciously aware. One day I was driving to work and thought “Huh. I don’t have the panicked feeling anymore.” The dark shadow of that first year faded away.
I think you need to really examine your feelings about this. Do you dislike it because you’re hard on yourself and expect perfection? Is it because your coworkers are not supportive? Maybe you’re in a GI unit but CV was always your jam so you miss your passion? Once you figure out the why of this issue, I think your next step will be more clear. Maybe that means sticking it out in this job, maybe it’s switching to a different environment in nursing, or maybe it means looking at other professions.
I fell in love with nursing when I moved out the ER and in to Surg/Med . It took time to get comfortable, but all of a sudden these coworkers were my best friends. Knowing my patients and their disease processes is fun for me. Helping my patients and seeing small and big improvements is rewarding. This didn’t happen until I was in an area I am passionate about!!!
I hope that helps, sort your thoughts a bit !!! I want it to get better for you, so you can love nursing, your patients and coworkers. All best to you, sweet friend."
5 年 前