Bad Mom
I'm a bad mom cuz today me and my daughter were sitting at home and I asked her what she wanted for lunch and she told me she wanted a Tostino's pizza, so I drove to Walmart and grabbed the pizza and as I was about to pull out, this older man probably in his 60s pulls up next to me and asked me directions to Target, so as Im telling him the directions, I see his hand rubbing his crotch, totally caught me off guard but he sees me looking at his crotch and pulls his cock out and I was blown away to how huge he was. My mouth felt so watery, so without hesitation, I got out of the car standing between both of our cars and he opens up his driver side door and I immediately got on my knees and took him into my mouth and as I was sucking his huge cock, his phone ringed and he answers "Hey honey ! I'm getting directions now to Target, so what is it you want from there?" So as he was talking to his wife, I kept on sucking. He kept moaning, even while on the phone telling his wife " I just got a huge belly ache" That made me giggled, so after a few minutes, he kept thrusting harder and harder and I felt his warm cum hit the back of my throat. As I got up, he shut his door and took off but least I went home with a smile on my face. When I got back home, my daughter asked me what took me so long and I told her I stopped for lunch and she calls me mean haha. No regrets, sorry not sorry ;)
4 年 前