Few days ago, my daughter had a dance recital at her school where dozens of performances were done from different age groups where each group has about 2 minutes each for their performance and my daughter has been practicing for months for this. We both were very much looking forward to it. Anyways, we both get to the school and stood in line with out tickets ( which felt like forever lol ) and once we were in, I was blown away how crowded the school was. So we went to where her and the others had to do their costume change and get their make-up done. Tons of parents , grandparents and other f… 阅读更多内容
Bad Mom Again
2 days go, I took my daughter to Chucky Cheese. She may be 13 but she still loves that place and I can admit, I like the place too. Thankfully the place wasn't too crowded, maybe like 4 families there. After playing games for a bit, we sat at a booth to eat our pizza. Our booth was beside 2 grandparents ( maybe in their early 60s ) The wife was making convo with me talking about how her granddaughter loves it here, etc. The grandmother was sitting on one side of the booth and the grandfather was sitting across from them. I have to admit, he wasn't bad looking at all. A tall slim latino and he… 阅读更多内容
Bad Mom Again
True story: I took my daughter to her gyno appointment a few days ago. Naturally, she was so nervous but I assure her she would be just fine, especially knowing she was seeing the same doctor I had when I was her age and I remember how nervous I was when I first saw him when I was almost her age. Anyways, she gets called in and asks me if I can go in with her. Not even a minute later, the doctor walks in and immediately had a huge smile on his face looking at me and says "I remember you!" I don't know why but I felt my cheeks turning red and I said, "I remember you too" Then he winks at me. I… 阅读更多内容
Bad Mom
I'm a bad mom cuz today me and my daughter were sitting at home and I asked her what she wanted for lunch and she told me she wanted a Tostino's pizza, so I drove to Walmart and grabbed the pizza and as I was about to pull out, this older man probably in his 60s pulls up next to me and asked me directions to Target, so as Im telling him the directions, I see his hand rubbing his crotch, totally caught me off guard but he sees me looking at his crotch and pulls his cock out and I was blown away to how huge he was. My mouth felt so watery, so without hesitation, I got out of the car standing bet… 阅读更多内容