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A Fun Erotic Exchange
Her: ...and what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend...? -- Original Message -- Me: What are your "qualifications?" Her: Well, I've starred in more than 200 adult films. k**DING!!! ONLY k**DING!!!! (It's 300!) k**DING AGAIN!!!!! HA!!! -- Original Message -- Me: Can I be in your next film? lol Her: Maybe we can make one of our own! I'll be actor/director and you can be actor/writer! So, Mr. writer... how does the movie begin? -- Original Message -- Me: I find you on a deserted highway. You vintage muscle car is broken down, and my first image is that of you bent over under… 阅读更多内容
The Nature Ride
Mountains. I would be wearing black jean, black leather high heel boots, a white shirt with a black vest. I like it sounds like you are dressed for a bike ride, so let's say spring has finally arrived. It's a beautiful day we have been enjoying a ride together in the mountains and we stop so you can smoke and we both can stretch our legs a bit. we find a quiet spot with a picnic table near a mountain stream. As you smoke I find myself quite turned on by the action of your lips on the cigarette. As you take the last drag I slide closer to you and take the cigarette from your mouth and… 阅读更多内容