I have always stood in awe of the immense courage and power within a true submissive. The true nature of a sub is expressed through her need to look up to, respect and lust for her Master. And she will ignore any man beneath her, knowing in her heart that he is totally undeserving of the sacrifice and dedication that she needs to offer. She will thus ignore any man who lowers himself to pursue her. Hence, it is she who selects whom she will bow to, and bravely ignores all social standards to offer herself for his pleasure......regardless of any discom… 阅读更多内容

发表者 2horny1 13 年 前 1


The rain of desire trickles like velvet down my body. Warm and soft, sensuous and insistent Enrobing me, embracing me in hypnotic coils. And suddenly I find I am a prisoner Tied in velvet ropes. Helpless in my hunger. And still, the rain falls… 阅读更多内容

发表者 2horny1 13 年 前 1


A Man who displays sensitivity will be a Master who is sensitive to you. A Man who displays humility will be a Master who will show you respect. A Man who is not afraid to cry will be a Master who understands your tears. A Man who is quiet will be a Master who will hear your faintest whisper. A Man who knows fear will be a Master who will not leave you to face yours alone. A Man who will listen to a youngster will be a Master who will always work to understand your words. A Man who can stand alone will be a Master who will not crush you under His weight. A Man who controls Himself with… 阅读更多内容

发表者 2horny1 13 年 前 6

Slut, Cunt and Whore.....

WARNING: This missive is more for understanding the nature of power words….. Words are powerful tools for controlling the lives and actions of others. Some words have more power than others, and are clearer in their intent. Many of these words have been used for centuries to control and to subjugate women. Bear in mind that women have been chattel (property) for all but the last century. One hundred years ago women in the US did not have the right to vote, and only in the last two hundred years have women been able to hold real property in their own name. This basic human right is still onl… 阅读更多内容

发表者 2horny1 13 年 前 6


It started but with a kiss And slowly evolved into this Raw emotions were observed Rare moments well preserved Pure nature, at its best Poised and ready, the sweet caress A look into another's eyes To see the reign of fear inside. Soothed by words of downy texture Assuaged by movements slowly measured Let loose from the deep the inner monster To be tamed, for a time, by all that is constant sleep now my little one And know I am here Safe you are when I am near You give me all you have to give I take you from you all I need Until the morrow pl… 阅读更多内容

发表者 2horny1 13 年 前