"London" Chapter 2 - A Very Private Live Show The streets are full of people as we walk through the West End, heading towards the famous statue of Eros. More than once we are accosted by hard-looking street-walkers who don't want to miss an opportunity to spread their legs and in a couple of minutes earn what would be a whole day's wages for a working man. My erection and the ache in my balls are as strong as ever, but perhaps that is because I know that your panties are still in your purse. You add to my excitement by telling me... "I feel really horny, look for a dark, quiet place, I want… 阅读更多内容
London Chapter - 1
An erotic story for the entertainment of any mature woman who would enjoy the fantasy of being its leading lady... Chapter 1 of London comes with two identically named but completely different pieces of "mood music" which I hope you will play when you get to the appropriate action. I suggest you open both music videos in separate windows and pause them so that you can quickly switch them on when you reach the points I've marked in the story. Je T'aime - Serge Gainsborough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp7mamCpdcc Je T'aime - Lara Fabian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm5S43YC2uo&list… 阅读更多内容
A visual advertisement for We Meet In FantasyLand
Davarm99 likes my story and she has given me this (safe to follow) link to one of her GIF's, together with her permission to use it as an advertisement for my story :) https://xhamster.com/exit.php… 阅读更多内容
We Meet In FantasyLand- Chapter 2 (last chapter)
"We Meet In FantasyLand" Chapter 2 - Bound For Pleasure We are laying together on our hotel bed and I'm amazed that after having an incredible orgasm, a few minutes of relaxing, cuddling and feeling your soft, naked flesh pressed up against mine has totally re-energised me...and my now rapidly hardening cock... "Hey, you gorgeous sexy woman, are you ready to surrender yourself to my wicked desires?" I ask theatrically. "Only if you will then surrender yourself to my wicked desires?" you reply, equally theatrically, playfully mimicking my words. "Of course, but I asked first, so I get to go… 阅读更多内容
We Meet In FantasyLand - Chapter 1
“The Erotic Adventures Of You” - a series of erotic stories for the entertainment of mature ladies. Welcome to FantasyLand...a wonderful place where a sexy lady like you can enjoy every kind of fantasy...a totally safe pleasure zone where there is no crime, no pain and no diseases of any kind...a playground for adults where you and I (your guide, travelling companion and always available sex toy) will be enjoying adult entertainment and fantasy sex with attractive male and female characters who I have created purely for your pleasure. AND NOW...I'm excited and hopeful that you won't leave… 阅读更多内容