On Yui's return from her latest trip to Thailand, she and Emi wasted no time in catching up on each others' lustful fantasies. Yui related her night of lesbian orgy with the Australian woman and local girls, and Emi explained that she had spent most of the last few days at the studio, in front of her mirrors, loving herself. Now, the two girls were hitting the town, once more going to Bar Hers for cocktails. Once inside, they settled into a booth and snuggled closely in the semi-privacy. Indeed, it was the same booth that Yui watched Midori sucking her own nipples, which also led to her meeti… 阅读更多内容
Self love with mirror. Part 7
Once again, Sayaka finds herself transfixed by the gorgeous girl in the mirror. This beautiful girl staring at her, devouring her sexy body with her eyes, is Sayaka's ideal partner. Seeing her soft skin, her smooth body fills her with untold hot sexual desire. She knows exactly where Sayaka loves to be touched, licked, kissed. She knows how to make Sayaka feel like she is the center of the universe. She knows Sayaka's deepest secrets, her kinkiest fantasies, her most intimate sexual desires. After she removes this earring, she will turn the lights down low and seduce her beautiful refl… 阅读更多内容
Self love with mirror. Part 6
She's finally alone. She has the house to herself. Her parents have gone away for the weekend leaving lovely Sona alone. She has been wanting to try on her new tights, and as she admires long, slim legs in the mirror, she removes her T-shirt. Little waves of delight thrill into her stomach, and the little butterflies dance around, making her feel almost giddy with the anticipation of spending some alone time. She adores her slim body, often admiring it in the bathroom, sometimes catching a loving glance at school in the change rooms. She likes how small her bottom is, how slender her thighs a… 阅读更多内容
Self love with mirror. Part 5
Emi always feels a little wave of lust come over her every time she has a bath and sees her reflection in the mirror. This time, as she feels the spring breeze dance over her sensitive armpits, she decides that tonight is the night she will love herself thoroughly. She loves her curves, she adores her large, brown nipples, and she wants to see her beautiful body completely, so she puts her hair up. She wants to watch herself washing her sexy little body, as she gets ready for her lover to come over. Her lover, an older woman who loves to dominate younger girls, spends hours teasing her with… 阅读更多内容
Self love with mirror. Part 4
Aya stands naked before the full length mirror in her hotel room. "You are so beautiful", she whispers to herself. Thank you, so are you. "Your skin is so pure, so soft, so smooth." Mmm... you are making me feel so good just by your words. "I love your sexy body, your beautiful stomach... I could lick your beautiful tummy all over, Aya chan." Oh, I'm feeling so good, so naughty, I want you to lick me all over my delicious body. "Do you like being alone with me?" Oh yes, more than anything. When we are alone, you treat me so beautifully. You always know how to ta… 阅读更多内容
Self love with mirror. Part 3
Sana had always wondered what it would be like to kiss another girl. She has had a crush on her best friend, Miyu, at school for a year now, and on three occasions could not find the courage to kiss her when she had the chance. Alone in her room, after she finishes her homework each night, she practices kissing Miyu with her bedroom mirror. Tonight though, she realises that it is her soft face, her gentle lips, her beautiful eyes that she is loving. Tonight she is dedicating an hour before bed to loving herself in her mirror. With her eyes half closed, she gently kisses herself, feeling hers… 阅读更多内容
Self love with mirror. Part 2
Yearning to feel the warmth and softness of another girl, Haruka again moves her big mirror next to her bed. Here she can watch herself gently caress her soft body, see her pretty lips part as she gains more and more confidence. She longs for those caring, knowing hands to be someone else's, for that beautiful naked form in the mirror to be another girl, perhaps her best friend Erika, perhaps her teacher Miss Suzuki, perhaps her older sister. Lost in these lustful desires, Haruka again succumbs to her seductive reflection, moaning with the pleasure that only she can understand. She wishes fo… 阅读更多内容
Self love with mirror. Part 1
Alone, and with a burning desire to be loved, Sayaka contemplates the beautiful woman in the mirror. She often glances at her body, admiring her curves, her full breasts, her cute nipples. Tonight she will seduce that gorgeous woman in the mirror. She will whisper her inner-most fantasies, she will spend as long as she likes caressing her soft, smooth skin. She will drink in that beautiful girl's beauty, seduce her, love her, make her reach innumerable orgasms.… 阅读更多内容
Lockdown self love...
So long on my own. With nothing but my hands, my imagination, and mirrors. My nipples are so sore from long sessions of loving them. Addicted to masturbating, self love, making myself feel so so good as only I know how. Anyone else in the same boat?… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Part 13.
Yui and Sana were once again in Thailand, in fact Sana had asked Yui if she would like to partner again for the Thailand shoot, and Yui, though thoroughly enjoying long nights of love with Emi, thought that a break would be good, and now it was her turn to be away. Indeed, Yui had told Emi about her previous trip, and all the sexual adventure it involved. Emi winked at her as she left. "Yui darling, I hope you can enjoy a sexy Thai girl while you are there, but be careful", she whispered before kissing Yui's full soft lips. Sana and Yui were met at the airport by the same massage lady from… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Sana's story.
Sana was 13 years old when her mother signed her up to the junior section of the agency. Her single mother had been juggling several boyfriends at the same time, some of whom had abused Sana. She complained to her mother, who chose to believe her boyfriends over her own daughter, so began Sana's complete distrust of men and her mother. In an effort to relieve herself of the responsibility of a teenage daughter, her mother signed her up to the agency under a contract that allowed the agency to look after Sana indefinitely. She began modeling swimwear, and it was during this time that she first… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Ayaka's story.
Ayaka was the first woman at the agency to care for and teach Yui everything she needed to know about being a gravure model. So, she has a special place in Yui's heart. Ayaka started working at agency in mid 90s as a general body model, and occasionally as a hand model when the theme of a video shoot was massaging fresh young models. Of course, the laws were very different back then. This kind of work began to intrigue Ayaka, and it was during this period that she discovered her desire for girls. As she would caress and massage the young models' tight bodies, over and under their bikinis, she… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Part 12
Yui and Emi were relaxing at Yui's apartment. "Do you remember when we first met?" asked Yui. Emi laughed. "Oh yes, that was incredible! I was with Dina, and you called her. I was so shocked that Dina asked me if it was ok if her friend came to join us." Yui blushed. "What did you think about it?" "I was so high from the sex that I just said 'ok' and didn't think about it. I had never been with more than one girl before, but I trusted Dina." "Yes, Dina is a very nice woman", Yui said as they settled on the sofa and Emi snuggled into Yui's warmth. "I was aware that she had other lovers, b… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Part 11
"Hello Yui, I'm back!" Emi's voice sounded like the most beautiful sound she had ever heard to Yui, as she hurriedly got ready to meet Emi at her dance studio. Spring was in the air, the breeze along the street was warm, and it was still light as Yui reached the door and buzzed the intercom. Emi was at the top of the stairs, and threw her lovely arms around Yui as she got to the door. She buried her face into Yui's breast and hugged her tightly. "I missed you Yui chan!" "I missed you too Emi", Yui whispered, tightening her embrace, feeling waves of desire wash over her as she felt Emi's t… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Part 10
In the week following her first night alone with Emi, Yui had been thinking of her amazing little body constantly. Emi was away for work, touring as a backup dancer with a popular performing artist, and Yui discovered she was craving more of Emi's sensuous curves, and lean, tight body. For three days, Yui had been on a shoot at a studio, modeling bikinis and doing some extra gravure work. All the time she was thinking of Emi, her sexy flat stomach, watching her love herself in front of the mirrors. And every time she found herself lost in these thoughts, she realised that she was getting wet,… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Part 9
In the weeks following Yui's night with Dina and Emi, the three girls had enjoyed themselves, and each other, on at least 4 occasions. Each time, Emi and Yui would dress in school girl uniforms, the shirts just a little too short, and would role play two schoolgirls clumsily exploring their lesbian desires on the bed while Dina watched, encouraged, and masturbated. Each time would end with both Yui and Emi grinding their wet pussies all over Dina, and of course with multiple orgasms all round. It was after a shoot at the studio that Yui got a call from Emi asking if she would like to meet her… 阅读更多内容
Sexy, flat-chested Malaysian girl... and more
Leni was so turned on with her first threesome, with myself and Lee, that we have now gotten together once every 2 weeks for the last few months. Our lust-filled nights have found a pattern. Leni is the center of the affections of two horny cougars! She loves it!! And of course, Lee and I are absolutely loving having a gorgeous Asian girl who loves to surrender her hot little body to our desires. So, the last time we got together, Leni again stretched her beautiful body out on my big bed for us to explore. This time, Lee and I spent at least an hour just lightly caressing her soft, smooth… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Part 8
Yui and Dina had hooked up four more times over the last month. Yui was certainly enjoying the attention from this beautiful, exotic woman, and Dina seemed to be enjoying Yui's willingness to play along with her schoolgirl fantasies. Indeed, Yui was getting more and more interested in role-play through her nights with Dina, and each new night of love making brought her closer to showing Dina how she makes love to herself in front of her mirrors at home. This was something Yui had been wanting to explore with someone, and it seemed like Dina was someone who would certainly appreciate it. On a… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Part 7
A week after her liaison with Haruka and Nanami, Yui was booked for a studio shoot with Sana. This was the first time she had met Sana since their Thailand adventure, and the two young women felt warm and comfortable in each other’s company very quickly. The scenario for this shoot was basically two lovers enjoying each other’s naked bodies without any obvious sexual connection. By now, Yui was quite professional and able to remove herself from any emotional influence during shoots, and because she enjoyed Sana’s company, the two girls easily gave the camera and video crew exactly what they n… 阅读更多内容
Yui's Awakening. Questions for Yui!
Hi there! I'm Yui. If you have read my stories until now, you will know a lot about me, but there is more of me to know. So please send me questions! Lots of questions.Even from men, I will try to answer them, but if they are stupid questions about your penis, then I will ignore. Sorry for my poor English. XX… 阅读更多内容