Another lonely night... but not for long, for I had in my mind all day that I was going to enjoy myself tonight. After a bath and a few glasses of wine, I felt very relaxed. I turned off all the lights and headed for my bedroom, where I lit 5 candles, casting enough light to be able to see what I was doing. Angling the mirror so I could see myself fully, I started getting ready. Tonight I wanted to explore something I hadn't since I was a teenager. I found a little tank-top (like a singlet) that I hadn't worn in ages, and put it on. I was completely naked except for this and I admired my… 阅读更多内容
Asian Lesbian Fantasy #1
This fantasy revolves around the two sweet Vietnamese girls I see every day at work. I fantasize that they live with me in my apartment. The three of us are lovers, and we share the same bed, and each other. I will call them 1 and 2. My favorite fantasy about them (when I am alone and very horny I love to imagine this scenario while I am making love to myself) is this: I come home from work, and there they are, fresh out of the shower, snuggling with each other in bed under the covers, staring into each others' eyes, touching each others' bodies under the covers, whispering to each o… 阅读更多内容
Asian Lesbian Threesome.
So, a few months ago I told F about my few flings with Asian girls, and she was very receptive and interested, which was a relief. We had never really talked about other people before, we had really only just talked about our Abby/M/F activities. Anyway, when I told her about my sadly limited experience with Lynn she said it made her incredibly horny. We decided to find an Asian girl and have a threesome with her. After several weeks of checking emails (we had placed an ad online) we were contacted by a Vietnamese lady, in her mid 30s, married to a man who was married to his work. We all me… 阅读更多内容
Hot young Asian girl
Linda was 15 when I first met her. She was living in the unit below me, with foster parents. She was Chinese, from HK, but was kind of adopted by this Caucasian couple. When I first saw her I was struck by her breezy confidence, as well as her beautifully shaped legs (it was summer, so she was just wearing little shorts and singlet!!) and how black and straight her hair was. She had bangs in a straight line just at eyebrow level and her long hair reached the top of her short pants. We immediately struck up a friendship, because I think she saw me as someone as lonely as she was. Her guar… 阅读更多内容
Masturbation fun with my M fuck buddy!
Well, we had arranged a night for the 3 of us, but F couldn't make it (again!), so instead of cancelling, I decided to have some rare one-on-one fun with M. As I have mentioned, I am off guys, only into Asian girls... but dammit, I'm horny! He was happy to stay and so I decided to lay down the rules - Let's masturbate together, no sex, and let's make it last as long as we can. We showered, climbed onto the bed (naked of course), and I started to tell him about my nights with Lynn (see my Lynn blogs!). Very quickly his hands were on his rock hard cock, but I told him to relax and take his… 阅读更多内容
Alone with my mirror
Well, as horny as I was last week, I could not get either of my M and F fuck buddies to come and have some fun! So I took matters into my own hands. I love to masturbate. I will do it every morning before I get up and most nights before I go to sleep... but these are generally quick and to the point. Last Thursday however, I was feeling very horny and decided that if I was going to be alone, then I would make the most of it. After a hot bath by candlelight, during which I enjoyed slowly soaping up my body and sensually washing myself, enjoying my slippery boobs falling out of my hand… 阅读更多内容
Lesbian Adventures in Bangkok!
Well, it was hot in more ways than one! My friend introduced me to Uli, a Swiss lady who was living in Bangkok, working as a journalist. She was in her mid 30s, roughly my height, slim, short hair, and when I met her in the hotel lobby, she exuded complete confidence... she had been living in Bangkok for a year, so I felt lucky to have hooked up with her. This was my first time here. Uli is a lesbian with a network of local girls who much rather enjoy the company of foreign women than men. I had butterflies in my stomach at the thought of meeting Uli and being introduced to the scene the… 阅读更多内容
Oh Linn!
Well, it was too good to last! Linn got cold feet and said she had too much pressure from her friends and family to concentrate on her studies and get back to Singapore! :-(( Oh well, we had a lot of fun together and I will always remember every inch of her hot little body. Sad!… 阅读更多内容
My Singapore girl pt #3
Well! She came over last week, said she couldn't stop thinking about our night together after the LGBT Club meeting. So, quickly preparing a bottle of white, I got her comfortable on the couch and we began to talk. We had seen each other at work once since our first get together, but it was fleeting, so we talked on the phone about it and she told me she definitively wanted to do it again... so her she is! I turned the lights down, drank some wine and made sure she had some too before we began talking about sex. Actually she was telling me that everything we did last time was perfect… 阅读更多内容
My Singapore girl - pt2
As the beautiful naked Linn is enjoying herself on the sheepskin rug, I am masturbating my incredibly wet pussy, and I knew she could her my fingers slipping and slurping around... and this made her hot! "Linn, will you masturbate for me?" "Sure" she replied purring like a little kitten... She finally opened her legs to reveal a neat little bush, and a gorgeous little pussy that was so wet, she made the same sounds as me! So there we were, she now fully masturbating, lying stretched out on the floor on the sheepskin rug... me kneeling next to her leaning on the couch furiously mast… 阅读更多内容
My Singapore girl - pt1
So, I have been going to LGBT Club meetings at the uni for the last 2 months. We have 4 boys (all cute Asian guys, one pair are a couple, the other two are Indonesian and Malaysian), and 4 girls (1 butch dyke, another Caucasian girl, me, and Linn). Well, the moment I laid eyes on Linn I thought 'this is it'! She is from Singapore, lovely long black hair that she always has in a ponytail, slender and slim, with a lovely face, great smile and a cute accent. As I got to know her in our meetings I realized she has never been with anyone of the same sex before. In Singapore she had a… 阅读更多内容
Asian girl fantasy 2...
One of my favorite things to do with a girl (the right girl though), is exploring her anus with my tongue. So one of my hottest fantasies involves the 2 Vietnamese girls at work (again!). Let me cut to the chase... I am lying on my back. One girl is lying on top of me sucking my nipples - she is petite, slim, her naked body is so smooth and soft and feeling it on top of me, grinding her little pussy onto my thigh makes me so hot. The other girl is sitting on my face. Her legs are straddling my shoulders, my hands are caressing and squeezing her hips, thighs, ass, waist... her little… 阅读更多内容
Asian girl fantasy...
Recently I've been fantasizing a lot about the two Vietnamese girls at my work. Particularly one who is more outgoing and confident than the other. My fantasy revolves around her coming to my apartment knowing that I will seduce her but it's her first time and she is nervous, but willing to try anything. First I have her sit down on the sofa with a wine and we talk about sexy things we've done or heard of. I tell her that I have been thinking of her recently when I masturbate and she becomes shy but flattered. This encourages me to ask her if she masturbates, to which she replies 'yes… 阅读更多内容
My first Asian girl...
OK, as promised here is my story about my first experience with an Asian girl. As I mentioned in my profile, I have enjoyed the company of 2 fuck buddies, M & F. Now, one evening when M and I were together at his house, we called F as we usually did to see if she could join us. On this occasion she was busy at work, so we decided to call an escort agency. This was something M and I had fantasied about before we met F, so we thought, 'let's do it!' It was M's idea to call one that specialized in Asian girls, possibly because I think he had a fantasy about them. I on the other hand had no… 阅读更多内容
Asian girls
Whew! I am surrounded by beautiful Asian girls at work. Most of them have no idea of how appealing they are to us lovers of Asian girls. I often have fantasies about 2 or 3 girls in particular. I think they are from Vietnam. They are friends and they are both quiet, demure, sweet, polite, respectful, and gorgeous. I will be posting blogs about my experiences and my fantasies, so please stay in touch and leave comments. More posts soon! XX… 阅读更多内容