The pleasure of fucking
The pleasure of fucking That was in 2006…all went to the village on the occasion of my brother's 21st birthday…I was 18 then…my happiness was a little more than everyone else…birthday was on 6th July….I went to the village house a few days ago….a house to house decoration. No problem….Parents and brother will come after 2 days….I very happily joined uncle and aunty in decorating the house…My younger cousins and brothers were also helping…Woke up next day around 11 am….Brush on face. After walking, I washed my face and came to have breakfast... sitting on the table and eating bre… 阅读更多内容
ট্যাক্সি বাড়ি।
ট্যাক্সি বাড়ি। ডন মেয়েদের সাথে বেরিয়েছে এবং তার বন্ধুদের কেউ আমাদের সম্পর্কে জানে না এবং আমরা কী পছন্দ করি এবং করি? তাই ডন মেয়েদের সাথে বাইরে গিয়েছিল এবং তারা সবাই একটি শুভ রাত্রি পছন্দ করে এবং ডন সবসময় আমাকে বলে যে তারা কী সম্পর্কে কথা বলে এবং তারা আমাদের ছেলেদের মতো খারাপ? সে আমাকে বলেছিল যে সে তাদের ইঙ্গিত দেয় যে সে কালো পুরুষদের পছন্দ করে এবং তার বন্ধুদের বলে যে কিছু সত্যিই আকর্ষণীয়! তার বন্ধুরা সবসময় তাকে একটি কথা বলে এবং আমি ভাবি তারা কত বড়? কারণ তারা সেখানে বড় হওয়ার কথা বলে? ডন তাদের বললেন আমি কি জানি আমি অবাক? তারা কম জানে! তাই মেয়েরা সারা রাত বাইরে ছিল এবং পানীয় প্রবাহি… 阅读更多内容
Taxi home.
Taxi home. Dawn went out with the girls and none of her friends know about us and what we like and do? So Dawn went out with the girls and they all love a good night out and Dawn always tells me what they talk about and they are as bad as us lads? She he told me that she hints to them that she like the black men and says to her friends that some are really attractive! Her friends always say one thing to her and that is I wonder how big they are? Because they are supposed to be big down there they say? Dawn said to them I know I wonder? Little do they know! So the girls had been out all night… 阅读更多内容
Double team!
Double team! The wife and I have been talking and she finally gave in to my wish? I organised a meet with a black man with a 10inch cock and he was a decent bloke to go with it, we had talked for a while and we had agreed on everything what to do and not! We were going to meet in the hotel bar. Dawn was very nervous and she was excited as well, I was also excited but worried what would happen! We were in the hotel bar waiting, he had a picture of us and we him so we knew who he was, just in case. When Theo arrived he was with his friend? He said hi there this is Cameron he had to drive me her… 阅读更多内容