Wendy's Spontaneous Acts

I am happily married, but recently I have found myself wanting more. Dave tries, but things seem so vanilla nowadays. I miss the variety and spontaneous acts we used to have! I was driving past the park on my lunch hour, thinking about how my sex drive has seemed to increase, I caught myself letting my mind wander. As I passed the park, I could not help but notice the handsome young men playing ball. They seemed so athletic and virile ... and yes, MUCH younger than my hubby- mostly teens and early 20's at the most. And OMG- SOME were really hot!!! Seeing their hard bodies glistening in the… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kwen55 3 年 前 1

Wendy’s Story

Some people might call me a sex addict, while others might just call me a slut. I don’t object to either of those labels, because both are fairly accurate. My introduction to sex came when I was eighteen. I thought I was in the house alone, so I walked into the bathroom without knocking, even though the door was closed. What I saw shocked the hell out of me. My older cousin, Robert, was standing in front of the mirror masturbating with a pair of my panties. He just looked at me with a shit-eating grin on his face and continued what he was doing until he came. I really couldn’t see him cummin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kwen55 3 年 前 7

Prostituting myself? At a party with 8 black guys

My Husband Asked Me To Do Him A Favor. My husband and I recently made plans to celebrate my soon-to-be 30th birthday this coming weekend. He booked in advance, a large suite at our local Marriott where we would check in on Friday night, and check out on Sunday. I was looking forward to it, until! My husband came home from work Monday night with a problem related to his new construction company. My Husband has a crew of eight black guys working for him renovating a small apartment complex here in town. He told me that if his crew could finish the job before the upcoming weekend, he would get… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lildb 4 年 前 41

is DP sexist?

is a DP inherently sexist ? Pornographic query: Is a DP inherently sexist? posted on Dissident Voice , November 14, 2006. by Robert Jensen Is the sexual practice in which two men penetrate a woman anally and vaginally at the same time -- a “DP,” or double penetration in the vernacular of the pornography industry -- inherently sexist? When I first got into academic life, I couldn’t have predicted some of the questions that would come my way. But after nearly two decades of writing and speaking about the contemporary pornography industry, not much surprises me. This question was posed to m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 jkdaking 9 年 前 4

Keep on mutating...the world needs more redheads :

Red hair occurs naturally on approximately 1–2% of the human population.[1] It occurs more frequently (2–6%) in people of northern or western European ancestry, and less frequently in other populations. Red hair appears in people with two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16 which causes a mutation in the MC1R protein. I'm now testing all my patients for this gene. Once found I will harvest their eggs and create a million redheads. The genes responsible for red hair also cause redheads to respond differently to physical stimuli than men or women with other hair colors. Redheads f… 阅读更多内容

发表者 shawn1956 10 年 前 7

Turned out

Growing up, most parents worked, so we were unsupervised in the afternoon until they got home. During the summer it meant we were free all day. The boy next door was a bit older than me, and I would sometimes hang out with him on his driveway between our houses while he worked on his car. In the summer, the only cool spot was in the basement so I was glad when he invited me to go down to his basement with him to shoot pool. The basement had a couch and pool table and was dimly lit by a couple of bare bulbs mounted on the unfinished ceiling. I went upstairs to use the toilet, and when I came… 阅读更多内容

发表者 littlegirllost 2 年 前 121

Sex With Strangers

Fucking Strangers It all started in my adventurous teens when my then boyfriend, Tom, after we became sexually active - that is heavy petting - asked me to travel in his car topless when driving down rough country lanes so that he could see my tits jiggling around. I was eventually persuaded to stay naked as long as possible or untill we got back to the small estate car park near where I lived where I would get dressed before going home. At first I was worried about being seen so he gave me a small blue towel to d**** over my shoulders when driving through town or the local villages. Howeve… 阅读更多内容

发表者 odetojoyce 1 年 前 55

I don't like it in my ass

I love sex and I believe if it feels good...do it! However, I really don't like to be fucked in my ass...it hurts! Now if I am really worked up and there are several guys on me then of course I expect someone to end up in my ass. The other night was such an occasion.In fact I ended up with two cocks at once in my ass, didn't know there was room for two there. It all started with a party that I stayed at too long. Mostly everyone had already left and whoever was left was really wasted. Turns out I was the only girl left with four guys. So of course I became the center of attention. There wer… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ruffredmuff 6 年 前 32

Tied titties - after this we went shopping.

For me there are two types of tied titties the first is to give sheer pain, which I sometimes seek and enjoy. The second is for enjoyment, and this time (see photos) was one of those. When we had finished taking photos I changed my blouse and we drove off the local B & Q Hypermarket. Walking around looking for our purchases I completely forgot about my unusual bra and how it lifted my titties Jack suddenly nudged my and whispered watch that chap. Sure enough we were being followed, as we went up an aisle on way he came round the corner so was facing me. As I stopped he stopped and ogled… 阅读更多内容

发表者 shadower01 9 年 前 17

I Blossomed into a sex object

This event, being ****d at 12 years old, was one turn in the long and winding road back to myself. This is the story of how I lost my virginity against my will. I was 12 years old, the summer before I turned 13. I had recently moved in with my father, after years of conflict with my mother. It was early summer, nice enough to be outside but not oppressively hot. There was no camp or summer vacation for me that year. The summer was spent hanging out in the neighbourhood, around the basketball court. I was not particularly interested in making girlfriends in this new neighbourhood. I was look… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Fridagirl 2 年 前 12

What do you mean, I'm the party???

I have know Brad for a few months and we have gone to the movies and dinner but never went to bed. We always have a good time together so when he asked me to go to a party with him I glady said yes. This is a true story which actually happened several years ago but I have not told very many people about it. Brad picked me up around 8 pm saying we were going to a party a friend of his was having. When we pulled up to the house there were only a couple of cars there and it sure didn't sound like there was a party going on. We walked into the living room and I saw four other guys sittin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ruffredmuff 13 年 前 21

MMF Anyone?

Whether you’re dating a man who’s into it, or simply met two guys who are excited at the prospect of sharing your body, engaging in a MFM threesome, or a male-female-male threesome, is an experience you’ll never forget. It’s not unusual for your man to fantasize about watching another man have sex with you, or watch as you perform oral sex on another man. An MFM threesome fulfills all these fantasies and that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of your fantasies. MFM threesome rule #1 Stay in the middle Whether or not the guys you’re with are into experimenting or playing aroun… 阅读更多内容

发表者 diana 3 年 前 15

Dog Story

Translated from French XH submission Dog story ... 'My wife was quite prudish, she agreed to suck me from time to time, but impossible to cum in her mouth or on her face, sodomy? Unimaginable; we only fucked in the "missionary" position One summer day, after an invitation to a more than copiously watered barbecue, we stretched out in the garden, on our way home, to take advantage of the afternoon heat. As we were off to a good start, I brought some whiskey and some ice cream and we started drinking. Lying on the blanket next to my wife, I started to stroke her. Soon, excited, we walked into t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zipster99 3 年 前 245

first experience

My response to a blog by a woman about her first time. My experience was somewhat similar to yours but with some minor differences; unlike your good self, on my part there was no family involvement, but I too attempted my first fuck at a pre-pubescent age although somewhat inadvertantLly. The incident was in the school summer holidays of 1964. Though strange to say I don't consider this event the start of my sexual adventures because I did not set out to do it, it just happened. Whereas the January of 1965 when I was old enough, and post puberty, to attend the youth club Christmas party/dan… 阅读更多内容

发表者 odetojoyce 2 年 前 69


In flagrante delicto naturalibus. This title refers to the time when one of my boy friends and I were almost caught at it by his parents. His parents were life time friends of my father as they were all from the same part of the old town. They also knew me and my siblings. Not only that, it was also potentially embarrassing and troublesome because I was in the same class at school as Ray's brother Mike, so had they actually caught us fucking they would have know my age. On this particular occasion, I had bumped into Ray in town and he greeted me with a really big smile. I soon found out why… 阅读更多内容

发表者 odetojoyce 2 年 前 29


A MISSED OPPORTUNITY This incident happened early on in my sexual adventures, and is a regretted missed opportunity. Though I hasten to add that I have no intention of now ever rectifying this omission from my vast catalogue of experiences and sex related adventures. From an early age, I was a sexual libertine and slowly became more and more sexually adventurous, becoming, eventually quite well known as a girl game for almost anything. So much so that once, at a friend’s house, where a few of us would regularly meet up for an evening of fun and games where I, along with a couple of other… 阅读更多内容

发表者 odetojoyce 2 年 前 47

I ride old men ninety plus

I know not all of you are into escorts, but I love spending time with new clients especially the very mature guys. I love making them feel at home as I take their limp cock into my mouth. I never charge the guys if they are not completely satisfied, and by that, I mean ejaculate in my mouth and I always swallow. So many mature men can’t get it up, but you would be amazed at the reaction I get as I cup their cock and balls in my hands as my mouth moves closer and closer. I start to suck their balls into my mouth one at a time, rolling them around my warm moist mouth. It’s not unusual for me to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 matureenglishlady 5 年 前 31

Motorhomes and Campervans

We have recently purchased our new Motorhome, our very own little space where we can be free to do whatever we want. So, we are constantly on the move from site to site from pub stopovers to full campsites and lots of laybys and wooded tracts on the way. We would love to meet other couples and singles for the fun campervan lifestyle. We will be touring on and off for the rest of the year so plenty of time to arrange some meetings. On tour from 5th July until the 24th, we will be in our motorhome, first 4 days will be in the New Forest 10 miles from Bournemouth, then to a site between Brist… 阅读更多内容

发表者 matureenglishlady 5 年 前 41

Mature in the woods

I love going for a stroll in the woods, but you never know who you may meet and in the warm dank summers air of the woodland I always start to feel horny. Not wanting to look flirty I always dress down to not attract attention, but underneath I so want to be taken hard and fast up against a tree or laying in the leaflitter. I continue walking deeper and deeper into the woodland my jodhpurs riding up between my lips with every step I take, the seam rubbing up and down my clitoris causing me all sorts of trouble both mentally an… 阅读更多内容

发表者 matureenglishlady 5 年 前 14
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