Anne Hathaway/Harvey Weinstein

Recently seen story on another site. I'll quote it verbotim. "Also, according to her [an industry insider]: Jennifer Lawrence is also well-known and obvious for throwing herself at any and every director, married or not. Thirst-level is cringey with her but the surprising one is Anne Hathaway. She slept with Weinstein for Silver Linings Playbook and didnt get. Then August Osage County and didnt get it. The pressure became immense with Weinstein bc it wasnt that they were sleeping with him for roles. They just didnt want to deal with his high-level sabotage when you said no. But JLaw and Hath… 阅读更多内容

发表者 annehathawayismywife 4 年 前 6

Anne Hathaway is a professional prostitute?

The headline is a big claim, I know, but here me out. The following is an extract from a passage I've found online: Regarding Anne's relationship with Raffaello Follieri:'s helpful to look at the constellation of people they have "dated." How did Hathaway end up engaged to wealthy real estate developer Raffaello Follieri, for instance? Info on some of his connections here - from June 2008: "More trouble for Raffaello Follieri, the fiancé of “Devil Wears Prada” star Anne Hathaway; Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is investigating the Follieri Foundation, a charity headed by the 2… 阅读更多内容

发表者 annehathawayismywife 10 年 前 8