When i started my new jobb at Stockholms highest office/hotel building i had a slight claustrophobic feel in the elevators with the 34 floor high building i was still grateful my office was at the lower office floors Victoria Towers is in y eyes an ugly building but then i dont see it from the outside much My first day i wanted to be off early, since i dont trust the metro to be in time i came in early, signed in to get my id, that id taken pic to week before and my card key off to the elevators for my second rid… 阅读更多内容
A hot summer day....
I come home from work, your not there i rip of my work clothes and jump in the shower when im all dry i just put on a summer dress to prance around the house in i more sense than see a movement behind me, Im blindfolded but hear your voice in my ear, don't scream... You take my hand, lead me to the front door you make me step into my ballerinas and we leave the house At the car you open the door and make sure i dont hit my head getting in I asked where we are going but you say its a secret After a 20 min drive we stop, i hear you are moving things around in t… 阅读更多内容
Inability to comprehend
Some people's inability to perceive the truth spelled out loud make me wanna slowly downsize their oxygen uptake and ask the question is you brain damaged, or are you trying to consciously drive me crazy???… 阅读更多内容
DO not judge
Jag säger vad jag tycker jag e ärlig med vad jag vill och inte vill jag ljuger inte är jag inte i din smak, shit happens Mina fantasier år mina du är i din fulla rätt att ha egna jag dömer inte dig I say what I think I m honest with what I want and dont want I do not lie yes I might not be to your taste, shit happens My fantasies are mine you are in your full right to have your own I do not judge YOU… 阅读更多内容
Ohhh yes
you sit in bed stroking it looking at me nawty i put one leg on each side of you slide closer to you your cock almost touching my puss then lean back...part my lips with fingers sticking a finger in my puss inviting you to taste my finger then dipping my finger again tasting myself mmmm playing with my puss watching your cock glisten with precum i have two fingers in my puss n rubbing my clit Mmmmmm. Ooh God. you hear my breathing gettin heavy... i need you... i crawl on top of you putting my warm puss on your dick rubbing up and down getting your cock all wet… 阅读更多内容
Sexual preference in english....
do not know why so many young guys get upset over that so much younger guys doesnt turn me on?? (under 30) It's not personal it is a sexual preference I will not be turned on by a skinny guy not too muscular not black/bbc not the size of his dick I like dark-haired with brighter eyes normal size <> + 5-10kg like dimples and 'back dimples' happy to a little experimenting not dominant, I m no sub if he does not like anal can be a plus when hes not receiveing it from me… 阅读更多内容
Sexual preference
vet inte varför så många killar blir upprörda över att jag inte tänder på så mycket yngre?? det e ju inte personligt det är en sexuell preference jag blir inte tänd av en mager kille inte för muskulös inte mörkhyad inte storleken på hans kuk Jag gillar mörkhåriga med ljusare ögon normalsize <> +5-10kg gillar smilgropar och "back dimples" gärna lite experimentella inte dominant, jag e ingen sub gillar han inte analt kan det va ett plus då det e inget han får av mig… 阅读更多内容
No regrets,,,well maybe
Im not the person to get intoxicated usually Im the one taking care of others Not a need to not do crazy stuff (I do that a lot of anyway ) but that i like to remember Im not a one night stand=ONS person though its up to everyone as long as your honest i think But at my 26th birthday i had been without sex for about 3 y my gf kept saying she was gonna get me a man i said i could fix it myself we had shots and drinks A LOT of shots My mind went blank i woke up in my bed with a guy 5 hours gone fr… 阅读更多内容
Just horny....
id be on my stomach with a pillow under hips,,, you licking my cheeks, puss all wet, your cock drooling precum and you know i love teasing your holding my hip, gripping the shaft rubbing my puss smearing your precum all over my lips just slipping head over my hole, little dipps to drive me crazy mmmm just waiting for you to slip inside..... if you slip in head, just head and slowly headfuck me until you cant stand it, and plow until bottom http://ima… 阅读更多内容
Europe and then some
Someone asked where I have been I need to go to places further away But heres a list of where Ive been so far Italy, terracina Greece rhodos cos crete Gran canaria, puerto rico los gigantes playa del ingles lanzarote Spain. mallorca terremolinos Turkey, alanya Austria, saalbach England, ramsgate Cap verde, sal Russia Leningrad (now St Petersburg) Norway, geilo France, Paris Germany, hamburg Denmark, aarhus copenhagen… 阅读更多内容
Turn off pee/messy anal words like slut cunt whore, even if just in caption its a turn off Turn ON teasing of pussy tounge or dick or fingers dont matter makes my pussy pulsate pics, gif or vid of dvp makes my puss moan rough pounding, clearly real orgasms by women wet sound of fucking… 阅读更多内容
From NotASkinnyBitch's Blog Masterbation su
Are you male or female? Female. Age? 45 At what age did you start masturbating? Around 13-14 How many times a week do you masturbate? Once a day, sometimes more How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? 1-2 times. Where do you masturbate: In bed? Yes In the shower? yes In the bath? not often Outdoors? rarely At work? no Every room in the house? sure In a car while traveling in? dont see the point What do you fantasize about when you play: A significant other? not really A friend? not really. A friend's spouse? not really A neighbour? not really A s… 阅读更多内容