First off we should be getting too a video very soon we have it planned out just waiting for some things too come through. But I'll be spending the weekend at his house and he told me too post this and let you guys and gals decide. He's giving me permission too post 5 pictures from one of these 4 scenarios and which you guys get too vote on and the one with the most votes by Saturday afternoon is the winner. Here's the options. :) #1 Cum faced Ashley #2 Master balls deep #3 Cuffed and plugged #4 Chained up for bedtime Ok just comment wich one you'd like too see.… 阅读更多内容
found a master
Well my last master did not work out sadly but meet up with a new one this weekend and it seems to be hitting off pretty well. :) Ill keep up with posting the tasks and progress we make or guess he makes me do. ;) 3/12/17 We started chatting and he ordered that I take some special pictures for him to see only. (benefits of being my owner lol) So followed the instructions he gave me and he seemed super pleased. 3/13/17 Started too wear my chastity device again he text me to send him a picture now at random times and I have to take a picture of my locked clitty. Just till he takes contr… 阅读更多内容
Sorry for lack of new content.
Sorry for not posting in awhile everyone me and my man went our seperate ways a few weeks ago and I been busy moveing and with a few other things going on in life. But once things calm down I should be back too posting. Might do a little solo video so any ideas for a solo vid let me know and I'll try too get something done ASAP! :) miss you all!… 阅读更多内容
Looking for a Hentia or anime artest. :)
Hello :) I always love the look of the cute little anime and hentia pictures! But I been really wanting to see if I could find some one too make one of me! I think it would be one of the coolest things ever! A little anime version of me! Mmmmm :) So if any one has any leads to a artist or if you are willing too draw something up I would really love it! <3 Don't worry it could be the worst drawling ever I would still love it! I am terrible at drawling my self or I would give it a go. Thanks for looking. :)… 阅读更多内容