This is a True event, which had happened not so long ago. The other two people mentioned in my story, are both on XRMXX, and chose to keep their identities a mystery, a hankering of the mind and imagination. Myself and two of my Poly lovers decided to meet up, and have some sexy fun, My Queen, My Prince and Myself: the Princess. It all started with us kissing each other passionately, that intense kissing that only lovers share with each other, intense, sensual, tasty and lustful, while one's heart rate and breathing increases, and bodily juices starts to flow from arou… 阅读更多内容
What would you do to be my Valentine Date?
Tell me what you would be willing to do to impress me, so I would choose you as my valentine. Creativity and sexiness is important. impress me, win me over, and I will send you a special set of pictures! Aylana xXx… 阅读更多内容