Why Straight Men Luv Getting Sucked by Faggots!

fagsworshipstraights Men love blowjobs. The human mouth and throat can provide a variety of sensations to a Man’s cock that cannot be replicated any other way. However, Men love blowjobs not only for the physical pleasure, but also for the emotional pleasure of seeing a cocksucker submit to their Manhood. A Man’s dominance and sense of rightful entitlement are fed by the submission of a cocksucker. A blowjob is all about the Man and his pleasure. There are few sights more empowering for a Man than looking down to see a cocksucker worshiping his dick. This goes a long way in explaining wh… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bmckzi 7 年 前 127

leslies first big black cock

I when to a gay dance club. i just turned 21 and never been to a club before seemed ok but the people seemed stunk on them self's so did not stick around. i lived in Denver i deside to go to chessmen park its a known gay park in Denver so i drove over in my old 4 door nova and see what i could find over there. it night time past 11.00 pm the park is closed i parked on street out side the park got out and walked in the park it rather large park i walked a while see what i could see.i here people in the bushed doing who know what lol i getting hard thing of what going on wishing i part… 阅读更多内容

发表者 leslie14 7 年 前 30