A Hott Fuzzy Face Wrapped Around My Hard Throbbin Knobb Fuck!! drizzlin dick pre-jizz just hinkin' about it that beard brushing my tightening ball sack the head popping in out between those wet lips ready for that warm cream drink. Let him take it how he wants it, he worked for it, he earned it, swallow or wallow, smear it all over your beard and let me chew it out and share it back with him. Eat My Meat Until you Get your Cream Treat. REPEAT… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BaddDadd 3 年 前 1

Heavenly Bodies

New Way of Lookin' At the Favorite Menn on XHam HOTT MEN = SUN Slim, bearded cubbs = Mercury Bull Muscle = Mars Big Hott Santas = Jupiter Long Bearded Older = Saturn HOTT ASS ACTION = Uranus WET Drenchin' = Neptune Deep Dark Kink = Pluto but what about Venus Terra and Luna ? I don't do Girls. Not My Thing. Just Men. that Fit In These Files. also see CHUBB CUBB PRIME Monster Whitestache Wrknmenn BULL , when you got a hankerin' for a special Flavour of HOTTMANN all now in ready to meat beat archives. Please Enjoy.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BaddDadd 4 年 前 2


What's the point of joining a porn site if you're not going to post pixxx and vidz of you So Many Men want to be ''Friends'' on here, but with no content. Who Are You? What'cha Got? How do You Take Care of That? Gimme a reason to Beat My Meat. Beards Bellies Boners, in that order, if you're a MANN YOU GOT a Beard a Belly and a Boner. I wanna see them. I wanna see your fuzzy face while your blowin' a Bigg Load of Ball Cream, I wanna hear you Howl and Growl as your Balls Dump it's Gunk. MANN UPP if you wanna MEAT UPP… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BaddDadd 4 年 前 1

Long Weekend Long Time Ago Meat Ups

been a long time since I've been Out for a holiday weekend, beer busts and lost weekends are a thing of the past, an occasional eye caught now just nudges my balls to remind me of how things used to be, eyes meet, meats up, load dropped and back to the bar crowd, 2, 3 times before the beer bust begins to break up, then pick a drunk one to take home and let him sleep it off. when he comes to, we get busy getting me to cum, maybe him too. well yeah, I'm not a total dick. I just jack it out of him real rough to get him to pop quick, so he can go home. great Labour Day Beer Busts… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BaddDadd 4 年 前 1

Drizzlin' Dick

not so much edging, just tuggin' while looking for that one hott mann that really popps your nutt. open up a stack from the faves, dig into a couple of man-holes of chubs and studs when that one hott fuzz bod beardy popps up and BOOM BONER ON drizzlin' starts sloppin' and then the balls popp a bigg sloppin' load of ball cream, all in about an hour and a half. not so much edging....… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BaddDadd 4 年 前

Knobb Gobblers Only

Do You Like Suckin' Cock? I mean do You REALLY Like Suckin' Cock? Then I've got the Knob Gobbler's Delight For You. No throat pokin' gag lolly here, just a nice mouthful of dick meat filled full with warm Ball Cream, all you have to do is suck it out. Take Your Time, there's plenty available, just a nice suckin' cock, a pacifier in your mouth as you fall asleep in my lap with my finger up your butt. Keep Suckin' buddy, you'll get your nutt.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BaddDadd 4 年 前 5

Any Morning...

I've been up a couple of times before the sun, but roll out when I'm ready for coffee and cannabis. yeah Wake'n'Bake, best thing Ever. the bed is warm so my balls are swingin' low and the piss boner is HARD, I'd like to stroke off a Load of Ball Cream but there more demand from the Golden Stream. Coffees making and the patio is warm and sunny, just right for making some Ball Cream. splayed out on the warming chaises my balls crawl up tight as the spurts cross my belly, barely reaching my beard, better luck next time, coffee's ready, time to start the day.....… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BaddDadd 4 年 前 3