Certificate of registration 23-834-489-355 This certificate certifies that, on the 2023-03-11, Oksana2021 was issued slave registration number 23-834-489-355 and identifies as a Owned Slave. On the 2023-03-11 it was further declared that 23-834-489-355 has been owned by Master Will (I_like_trannys) since the 2023-03-11. https://www.slavereg.com/index.php… 阅读更多内容
The Journey From a WHITE man B to a WHITE Sissy Sl
There is a widespread belief that white men become sissy sluts because they have low self-esteem due to small dick, weak erections, inability to satisfy a woman sexually. In my case, everything happened differently. I have always been successful with women, having a cock size that is much larger than the average size for white men. It would seem that nothing foreshadowed the transformation of a successful white man into a white sissy whore for the BBC. It all started with my acquaintance with Maria, an attractive and sexy blonde. It should be noted that at that moment I was officially married… 阅读更多内容
Gang Bang 101 - A Guide to Doing Your First Gang B
Hot Chocolate Parties Gang Bang 101 - A Guide to Doing Your First Gang Bang Art Hammer www.HotChocolateParties.com www.TheFloridaMandingosClub.com --Compiled from various sources. This writing is so popular that it has been copied and duplicated on lifestyle websites all over the world.-- A great many women have a fantasy of being the center in a gang bang - an event where several people are fucking one person simultaneously or in a train. And though many have this on their sexual “bucket list,” very few actually go through with it (for a variety of reasons). Those who do, find the… 阅读更多内容
Choosing a Hair Style
All TGs and CDs alike eventually need to choose a hairstyle. Some like to choose many! TGs are in an enviable position as they can grow their hair natural and then hair style it however they like. A good hair salon is just their ticket! For cross dressers it gets a bit more tricky. Usually the CD has to use a wig and these come in all different shapes, sizes and colors as well as quality. When I was first starting to dress, I said to myself “blondes have more fun”. And voila! I was a blonde. However it didn’t look that natural on account I have naturally brown hair and brown eyebrows… 阅读更多内容
Как трахнуть транса - Что доставляет удовольствие?
Как трахнуть транса - Что доставляет удовольствие? Для транса удовольствие приходит в двух формах: эмоциональной и физической. Эмоционально транс наслаждается тем, что мужчина обращается с ней как с женщиной, и секс и проникновение в нее являются высшим выражением этого для многих трансов. Физически они наслаждаются анальным сексом по той же причине, что и геи, а большинство женщин - нет. У людей, родившихся мужчинами, есть предстательная железа, которая находится прямо рядом с анальным каналом. Когда они занимаются анальным сексом, эта железа стимулируется трением и вызывает удовольствие и,… 阅读更多内容
The love of being a “Sissy.”
I guess it started when I was very young, but it didn’t happen over night. Certain experiences may have pushed me or nudged me towards my life and love of being a “sissy” but there was not a defining moment, per se. Meeting a boy, when a was very young, that forced me to suck him. Although looking back maybe I was more willing than I knew. That was my first experience and encounter with not only sex, but with being used for sex, Gay sex. He was rough and not the nicest guy, probably struggling with his own Gay urges, but he gave me my first taste of cock and cum. The next boy, I came to kno… 阅读更多内容
10 Tips to help you be a better bottom faggot slut
There are some tips that tops will never tell you because tops get a thrill from hurting a bottom and seeing the bottom run from his dick. He tells his friends that bottoms cannot handle the dick. Well, here are ten tips bottoms can use to become better in bed with the man they love. 1. SPREAD YOUR KNEES WIDE The wider the bottom spreads his knees, the easier it will be while in doggy style. YES! If this is the first position he puts you in, use this trick to get used to the dick. It is given, that your back will be arched. This tip is given under the impression that you know how to arch the… 阅读更多内容
12 Tips To Anal Fucking
There are 12 simple rules which are to tell you how to begin, where to continue, when to finish and how to get the maximum pleasure from the gay anal sex with your beloved one... 1. Till AIDS/HIV is a problem, you should always use condoms. A single unprotected intercourse may make you suffer for the rest of your life. 2. Use water- or silicon-based lubricants in significant quantities. Both oils and petroleum jelly do reduce any condom protective capacity quickly. You may lubricate your dick itself or the condom. But take care: lubricate only the end of your dick to prevent your condom from… 阅读更多内容
What it is like to get fucked in the ass. Male
I have had some requests to write about what it is like to get fucked in my ass. If you would like to know more about my adventures, there are several stories in my blog here. All are true except for a few and they say fiction in the title. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm Male and the Hubby part of this page. I find it necessary to insert some education here so that people can follow what I am talking about and some warnings about anal sex. Maybe with this information the newbie will be more willing to try anal sex and enjoy it. First things first. You need a partner you can trust th… 阅读更多内容
ФИСТИНГ - теория и практика
Понятия 1. Фистинг – сексуальная практика, заключающаяся во введении в анус и прямую кишку одного партнера кисти/кулака другого или собственного (fist – англ., «кулак»). 2. Фистинг не является разновидностью БДСМ. В его исполнении необходима тотальная аккуратность и безопасность для обоих партнеров. Девайсы 1. Кисть/кулак. Чисто вымытые, ногти – сострижены «в ноль». 2. Перчатки смотровые – количество по потребностям, есть вероятность, что будут паузы, тогда перчатки подлежат смене. Обычно используется только одна рука, но для разнообразия перчатки можно надеть на обе. Две руки – не… 阅读更多内容
Turn a boy into a sissy (a guide for men)
How To Turn A Boy Into A Sissy (Guide For Men) Here is a guide for men who want to convert and own a crossdressing boy. I will tell you the weaknesses and inner desires of these beta boys so that you may easily enslave and own them. If you want an obedient and addicted crossdressing boy, read on. 1) Getting a real meeting with a boy is the most crucial part of beginning his emasculation and submission to you. After setting up the first meeting and getting him in front of you, the rest comes easy and naturally for the sissy boy. Most fantasize about being forced into it. They like the idea of… 阅读更多内容
Феминизация за 18 месяцев
Это инструкция, рассчитана на 18 месяцев тренировок. Цель состоит в том, чтобы укрепить вашу физическую форму, развлечь или сделать из вас сексуальную девку с членом. Существует несколько специализированных программ, которых вы можете придерживаться, в зависимости от целей, которых вы пытаетесь достичь и способа их реализации. Пишите в комментариях какую программу выбрали бы вы)… 阅读更多内容
Why Do Sissy Fags Enjoy Being Exposed?
I asked my sissy slave Steffi to write down some ideas why sissy fags like her love to be exposed. It is easy to understand why alpha men like me love to expose sissies, but I have always wondered why so many sissy fags crave internet exposure. Here's what she has written: Why Do Sissy Fags Enjoy Being Exposed? A lot of sissy faggots (and I am one of them) love being exposed or to expose themselves. Some even with their names, addresses, phone numbers etc. Why do they do it? I think there are three main reasons: 1. Sissy fags are attention whores. They just love to be seen. Most of them… 阅读更多内容
Feminized by a Black Thug
I had been with my girlfriend since college. Somehow despite being a buxom blond she didn't mind my less than average size member or my slight slim stature, we're almost the same size. We were taking a big step now that we'd graduated, we decided to move in together. My girlfriend, Katy's parents gave her their condo in the north side of Chicago. The place was incredible. 2 bedrooms, a view of the lake, and a balcony, and a sophisticated security system complete with cameras. I hadn't found a job yet, so I was home all day while Katy was at work. This gave me time to indulge in my secret fan… 阅读更多内容
1. A gurl is always there for her gurl friends, no one else understands like we do. 2. Shoes Shoes Shoes and boots, need I say more. 3. Clothes, accessories and make up oh my. 4. A gurl will give you oral to completion with no reciprocation and still be happy. 5. Gurls don't kiss and tell, we take pictures and videos and write blogs:) 6. Boobies are beautiful, we luv boobies. "Tell your boobs to stop staring at my eyes." Squidbillies 7. Body hair is our worst enemy, fuck you follicles. 8. A gurl always has a condom in her purse, or two or three. 9. A gu… 阅读更多内容
CDs or Transexuals- CDs almost always mean it
So I have been obsessing over being a dirty little whore over the past month or so. I’ve met and played with a bunch of guys who were all ‘into’ TGurls and some were specifically into Cross Gurls, vs. Transexuals. Believe it or not, I actually spoke to them after their dick was done in my mouth or they had layed all the pipe in me they were gonna do right then, and I learned something. Some guys have noticed what I have known all along. CDs or Transvestites- T-Gurls are nearly ALWAYS obsessed with being dirty sluts who will do almost any sexual thing. I’ve always known that was true of… 阅读更多内容
INTERRACIAL BILL OF RIGHTS 1. Black men have the ABSOLUTE and inalienable right to have sex with you. It is your natural duty to sexually satisfy the Black Man in any way possible. It is your duty to perfect the art of fellatio, and practice vaginal muscle control to please a black man's penis. It should be your PRIMARY purpose in life to sexually serve the superior Black Man. 2. White men are always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS second to Black Men. If you happen to be in love with a white man it is still your duty to always put the sexual needs of black men first. If you marry a white man it is espe… 阅读更多内容
Tranny Strip Club
Jerry Winston walked into the strip club. His brother had told him about this place and that on Thursday nights they had transsexuals. Jerry swore he would avoid it on those nights. But, he lied. The thirty-four year old, ebony man was wearing an Egara slate blue grid slim fit button down shirt, relaxed dark Lee's jeans, and a pair of grey Nike low top sneakers. Jerry was greeted by the hostess. He asked for a bottle of vodka and a table. She told him it would be eighty bucks. He took the cash from his wallet. The attractive lady showed him to his seat. When she came back, he inquired abou… 阅读更多内容
fuck me!!!
Сучка сегодня хочет... Вообще-то она хочет всегда. Но сегодня , почему то особенно сладко зудело в попке. Попка ждала!! Большой упругий и горячий член. Попка просто кричала- : возьми меня!!! Войди в меня!! Раздвинь меня и накачай меня пряным соком мужчины!! :-))… 阅读更多内容
How to feminize your face for crossdressers - P1/2
Your face is the first thing people notice about you. That means that if you’re a crossdresser or a transgender woman, you need to ask yourself: “Is my face telling the world that I am fabulous female?” Looking feminine is less about a particular facial feature than it is about your entire face. In other words, you can still look feminine with a big nose or a square jaw as long as your overall features read “feminine”. In this article, I’m going to reveal the 7 differences between male and female faces. Then I’ll show you how to “fake” plastic surgery with the right makeup, hairstyle,… 阅读更多内容
Call me a Sissy Faggot
I did not write this but I love it! Call me a sissy faggot. A cock-sucking, girly-wannabe, effeminate sissy faggot. What is the most derogatory word, without using a phrase, that you can say to another human being? Obviously there’s no real answer since “worst” is subjective, but something like a cunt might come close. Being called irrelevant or a disappointment also comes close, and there are obviously racial slurs. But what about for an effeminate man? Faggot, cocksucker, and sissy come awfully close. Whore and slut are also close. I think there is a good reason why we hear these terms so… 阅读更多内容
Why do we "Sissies" make better lovers??
As a sissy boy, I realize that my role is to serve and satisfy others. My preference is well hung men or women with large strapons. I crave a little degradation. I want to be seen and treated as a nasty slut. A night with me will meet all of your expectations. I will prep and primp and dress like a hot little bitch for you. I want to arouse your deepest desires when I meet you out at the bar. My goal for the night is to turn that arousal into action and meet your every need. When we get back to my place, I may parade around for a minute or two and show you my tight body, but make no mistake,… 阅读更多内容
How to make pegging as demeaning as possible?
How to make pegging as demeaning as possible? 1.Dirty talk. Ask him how much he loves taking your cock, getting fucked, etc. Call him your good little boy, bad little boy, your little whore, slut, etc. 2.Make him tell you how much he likes it and make him beg for it. 3.Say humiliating stuff about his tiny little cock and how yours is better, bigger, etc. How you wish he could fuck you the way you fuck him. 4.Make him tell how much he likes it and make him beg for the strapon and make him look you in the eyes, this adds great to his embarrassment. 5.When you have the Strap On on and he’s na… 阅读更多内容
Sissy Tips and Advice
I constantly get messages from beginner Sissies and CD's so I decided to start making a list of advice to help with some of the more common questions. I have tons of useful knowledge but not enough time to repeatedly type it all out or immediately respond to everyone who messages me so I will be updating and adding to this as time goes on. But my best advice is to play safe (condoms) and know who you're meeting if you do decide to have a casual encounter. I get at minimum 10 messages a week from newer Sissies/CD's asking if I will give them a makeover, help them with makeup, clothes. H… 阅读更多内容
What Cum In Your Ass Feels Like
It feels wonderful! I’m a bisexual guy and over the last 10 years as an exclusive bottom I’ve been fucked around 40 times……I always felt it when a guy came in my ass, I could feel it before it happened, his dick would get super hard and even bigger, and I always could feel a guy shooting his load up my rectum. I don’t know if it makes any difference but 98% of the time when it happened and I felt it, the guy was fucking me from behind. I always preferred doggy style because I loved the feeling of strong hands gripping my buns! His semen would feel very warm, and then there was this delicious w… 阅读更多内容
10 things that turn me on and out:
10 things that turn me on and out: 1 Black man injecting his cum deep in my mouth and throat cunt. 2 Sucking a black man's cum out of my wife's ass or pussy. 3 Sucking a black man's cum out of another whitey. 4 Sucking, licking, or face wiping a black man's ass crack. 5 Drinking hot black man's golden piss, being his urinal. 6 Being gang banged barebacked by a group of Black Bulls. 7 White boi sex. Watching IR porn & jerking to BBC fucking whitey. 8 Watch white men being misuse like a complete loser. 9 Watch white girls being bred and pregnant fucking BBC. 10 The day black men can take an… 阅读更多内容
Becoming A Black Boy Lover
Let me love you a little bit,” Dwayne said as he slicked his large black dick with some lubricant. Eddie was unsure about doing this with another boy, as he never had. But his feelings of friendship between the two black boys both 18 had already allowed them to be nakedly close and this just seemed a part of that. Eddie laid face down on the bed while Dwayne got on top. Then he felt the firmness of the other’s boys’ erect penis push in into his butt hole, doing so with no difficulty. “Ohhh …” Eddie moaned as he felt Dwayne’s maleness filling his anal sheath. “I love doing this with you, Ed… 阅读更多内容
1) Pleasing Black Men ONLY ! 2) Black Man can never be denied sex. 3) When meeting or dating Black Men underwear of any sort is forbidden. 4) Black Men NEVER wear condoms. 5) Always defer to the intelligence and desires of Black Men. Seek their advice on all matters first. 6) Black Men always have first rights to Black Women. 7) In the presence of Black Men a white boi must first ask their permission to serve Black Women. 8) If a Black Man consents, a Black Women may request the service of a white boi at anytime. No denial can be given. 9) In sexual meetings always present yours… 阅读更多内容
How “Straight” Men Become Women. Here are the 11 phases of Sissification, which are currently floating around on some online sissy communities, such as New flap chan. Phase 1: Softcore, then hardcore vanilla porn is discovered. Nowadays, it begins at an extremely early age thanks to the Internet (fortunately… or unfortunately)! Phase 2: Shemale porn is discovered by happenstance. Nowadays, the popularity of Shemale porn increases one’s chance of exposure to it. Traps (posted on 4chan /d/) influence the younger generation. At this stage, the flapper imagines himself strictly as a Top… 阅读更多内容
How To Suck A Dick This isn't my own piece, I found it on a blog (donttellmyboyfriend.tumblr.com) and thought it was very imformative, the last guy I tried it on loved it! HOW TO SUCK DICK If you simply wanted to get a guy off as quickly as possible, all you need to do is lock your lips at the base of his cock and suction them up and down the bottom ¾ of his shaft at a quick, steady pace while pressing your flattened tongue against the underside of his dick. Make sure you are applying pressure with both your lips AND tongue. Keeping your tongue engaged at all times is key. I try to keep mine… 阅读更多内容