CROSSDRESSING TIPS So, you are a male who is very attracted to the idea of dressing as a woman. Their clothes, shoes, and hairstyles play a siren’s song at you as you go through your daily routine. “Wear me” they seem to say. Why we get these feelings is a mystery. Research into why men want to crossdress isn’t high on the list of things the human race wants to figure out so we just do what we do. We can take comfort that the urge to emulate women has been around for centuries. It wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Oog the caveman was caught by his mate wearing her spare leopard skin loin… 阅读更多内容
I borrowed this survey from another blog here and answered with my responses: 1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? LIPS 2. What’s your favorite color lingerie? PURPLE OR PINK...HEY, I'M A FAG!!! 3. What color panties are you wearing? NONE-NAKED IN BED 4. What’s your favorite sexual position? ANY THAT GETS A DICK IN MY ASS OR A COCK IN MY MOUTH 5. Do you prefer strawberries with whipped cream or chocolate? NEITHER--JUST THE CHOCOLATE AND WHIPPED CREAM 6. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? EITHER 7. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? On, I WANT TO SEE THE C… 阅读更多内容
SISSY + DADDY MATCH-MAKING SERVICE The Sissy Institute helps feminize, train, and transform crossdressers, sissies, and fembois. Our goal is to create stunning, passable, and desirable products. We want our gurls to feel confident, beautiful and sexy in their female forms. We strive for nothing but excellence. (Model: Nyxi Leon) Over the years, I have learned a couple things from all the transformations that I’ve done. One of those things is that after all the training for a sissy is done, the thing that she n… 阅读更多内容
Sissy Takes It Rough
It happen at an adult video arcade in Providence, RI. One of the reasons Terilyn likes going there is because they could care less what kind of sex goes on in those preview booths. in fact they installed larger booths that hold up to 6 occupants. A lot of the adult bookstores, mainly the ones in Massachusetts, have signs posted to the effect of no sexual behavior allowed, or, one person per booth - violaters will be prosecution, etc. So that's why Terilyn likes the ones in Providence. Anyway, Terilyn paid her 6 bucks and entered the arcade. Terri always gets a thrill w… 阅读更多内容
THE QUEST FOR ‘FARM-TO-DISCO’ POPPERS Is the new brand Double Scorpio a cleaner, healthier gay party d**g? As I recalled earlier this year in the introduction to “A Fascinating History of Poppers,” my first experience with Amyl Nitrites — the beloved recreational inhalant of the gay community — came in the back room of a sleazy East Village dive bar, where groping is encouraged and not-yet-dried semen sometimes sticks to the sole of your shoes. Those who love poppers, like the men who regularly post on the r/popperpigs subreddit, point to “relaxed sphincter muscles” as the prime benefit, alo… 阅读更多内容
Caught By My Black Stepdaddy... what the hell are you doing was all i remember hearing before i broke into tears...over and over i was being questioned and i had no answers....when marcus saw me crying he sensed my pain and walked closer to consoul me...calm down...i had an idear that something was going on that's why i drove up here but i had no idea that you were this deep into this lifestyle...i am not going to judge you... so relax and calm down and don't worry i won't tell your mother, although she is the one who asked me to check up on you...she was worried you were into d**… 阅读更多内容
OK boy. Daddy has made an effort to explain to you what rules will apply while you’re staying in his house, and what a daddy boy relationship is all about. He has been very structured, as you know he always is. I hope you will appreciate that, and that everything you need to know was covered. Trust Daddy's experience! 1°) COMPLEMENTARITY • A daddy boy relationship is based on complementarity. Daddy and boy are similar by sex and opposite by age, and they both enjoy their similarity as much as their difference. To Daddy, boy is a reflection of what he has been, and to boy, Daddy is a re… 阅读更多内容
Blackmailed Crossdresser
When I was about 15 I started to crossdress. I didn't have gay feelings or strongly identify as feminine but I felt strangely attracted to my older sister's clothing. One day I tried on a skirt and I found this simple act feel so thrilling that at the next opportunity I tried on a two more things...a dress and and a pair of her jeans. I was always thin, especially when I was younger, and my sister was only three yeas older than me, so I had little problem fitting in most her stuff. Actually the stuff at the back of her wardrobe, the stuff a year or two old that she didn't really wear anymore w… 阅读更多内容
Six Sissy Tasks To Choose From
It's not a complicated game, no stages or conditions to roll through, just six already written challenges. I must say, I was pretty impressed with them - I think they reach just right humiliation level whilst remaining doable. Hope you enjoy! 1) Roll a 1 and you must make yourself cum, but only whilst wearing a full sissy outfit. That means panties/bra, stockings, dress/skirt, wig (if you have or need one), and at least lipstick + mascara. This should be done in front of a full length mirror whilst recording yourself on a phone/camera. 2) Roll a 2 and you must make yourself cum under the… 阅读更多内容
Mother cuckolds her white son with her half black
Young and pregnant by her boyfriend Mia was out on her own at an early age. The two of them have wild unprotected sex constantly while she was pregnant and she enjoy it very much. In fact she developed quite a obsession with her new found source of pleasure. She was constantly aroused, loved intimacy, was totally comfortable with her body and had wet drippy orgasms easily. She was a small green eyed, curly blond haired girl, with a few freckles, wide hips a soft butt and small breasts. Nothing remarkable to look at, just a pleasantly average healthy girl. While she was soft and maybe a b… 阅读更多内容
Crossdressing Quiz
Please answer my crossdressing quiz questions and message me the answers! Thank you! (1) What is your favorite item of women's clothing (panties, bra etc)? a1) Panties, bras, stockings and silky nighties. (2) If you have borrowed clothes from women, whose have you borrowed (mom, sister, wife etc)? a2) Yes, mother's, wife's, mother in law, sister and girlfriends. (3) If you buy clothes, where do you shop for them (supermarket, online etc)? a3) Department stores usually and Victoria’s secret. (4) Has anyone ever seen you dressed? a4) Yes. (5) How old were you when you first dressed? a5) 8… 阅读更多内容
I’m Just a Sweet Transvestite!
Patrick had called and told me he had something special for me. I welcomed his visits to the apartment, and I couldn’t wait! I thought for a moment as to what we would do once my girlfriend, Linda, got back into town. She’d be back from Michigan in few days. All I really thought about was how Patrick and I would meet after she returned. I was going to art school and working part-time, so I had my late afternoons and most evenings free. I decided to shave my body though I didn’t have much chest hair then. My pubic area was pretty bushy. Linda shaved her pussy, so I thought I… 阅读更多内容
Twenty questions for sluts and sissy girls.
Twenty questions for sluts and sissy girls. See my answers below. 1. Have you gone out in public dressed completely? 2. Have you sucked dick? 3. Have you sucked black cock? 4. Have you kissed a man? 5. Have you tasted a man’s cum? 6. Have you swallowed a man’s cum? 7. Have you sucked 2 cocks or more at one time? 8. Have you been fucked by a man while dressed and presenting as a woman? 9. Have you been fucked bareback by a man? 10. Has a man ever fucked you and cum inside you? 11. Have you been fucked by more than one man at the same time? 12. Have you been spit roasted? 13. Have you been fu… 阅读更多内容
Sissy real submission to men
While i should perhaps first discuss sissies and our general relation to BDSM and feminization, this sissy very much feels compelled to speak about chastity. In my humble opinion, i believe that the key for a Master to really dominate, control, and own a sissy is to control its sissy-clit. The overwhelming majority of sissies will probably agree that post-orgasm is when a sissy sinks deepest into male-thinking delusion. We sometimes feel ashamed and promise to try and suppress our natural submissive sissiness. It is my humble opinion that this is a mistake that a lot of Doms make--allowing th… 阅读更多内容
Submissive rules
Golden sub rules 1) Listen 2) Obey, immeadtily with out question "boundaries will have been agreed" 3) Call me, sir 4) You will be reffered to as: sub, sub (name), my sub or anything else I want 5) Speak when spoken to 6) When asking a question, "excuse me sir " wait quietly till i respond 7) Must crawl, kneel, all 4's less intructed 8) Clean orderly house, things put away 9) Swallow all of my cum every time i cum 10) Wear sexy tight clothes for master. (leather, leggings, lingre, heels and makeup) 11) Completely shaved from the head down 12) Absolutely no cumming with out per… 阅读更多内容
BBC OWNERSHIP CONTRACT for white sissy slaves
The BBC Sissy Pledge and Contract The BBC Sissy Pledge and Contract As a BBC loving sissy I pledge to always do my best to be sexy for my MAN. As a BBC loving sissy I pledge to only wear feminine clothing, makeup, wigs, panties, bras, stockings, high heel shoes and/or lingerie. I will be HIS sissy bitch 24/7 unless it is not possible due to circumstances. (I.E.: work) I will keep my body shaven smooth for HIM. I will start hormone therapy to become more feminine if HE wishes. As a BBC loving sissy I pledge that I will make improvements, enhancements, procedures or surgeries if deem… 阅读更多内容
slave contract
contract of slavery slave: slave ........................................................................... hereafter referred to as "slave" of my own free will to Master Ingos my cock in your mouth you piece of shit slave. joey is not your name anymore. you are a slave!! you faggot. bitch. sissy.. cock loving. piss drinking. slut, "you" want "me" to **** you slave!!! you will take any dick.. cock.. or strap, on, i tell you to "painfuly" take. you will take estrogen! and many other female hormones! you will have breast! big huge sluty tits!! for master to shoot cum on. and if master de… 阅读更多内容
Sissy феминизация – это продолжительная БДСМ игра возведенная в образ жизни, способная бесконечно усиливать наслаждение . СИССИ-ДЕВОЧКА – это вещь. Не просто вещь, а красивая вещь, предназначение которой: быть использованной. Первое , самое явное предназначение сиси-девочки : быть обьектом любования, вожделения. В образе, ты всегда должна показывать себя, демонстрировать красоту своего тела. Это должно происходить всеми доступными способами. Начиная от выкладывания в интернет своих фото и видеоматериалов, трансляции п… 阅读更多内容
Кто такие Sissy?
Очерк не мой, взят где-то на просторах интернета. И так, попробуем разобраться кто же такие Sissy Boys (Sissy Maid, Sissy Slut, Sissy Baby)? Немного напишу тут о таком явлении, которое, собственно, идет как-то совершенно отдельно и не часто упоминается в русскоязычной теме (за рубежом же весьма и весьма популярно), но в то же время напрямую связанно с трансвестизмом, кроссдрессингом и даже порой с транссексуализмом… я о Sissy boys . Что это такое? Sissy boy (или просто Sissy – пренебрежительно-насмехательское отношение и обращение к парню, типа «сестричка!», «неженка», «как девчонка!», «тёл… 阅读更多内容
Советы свободным шлюхам
Советы свободным шлюхам Феминисткам или нет, лесбиянкам или гетеросексуалкам, всем нам не следует забывать: дырка между ног никогда не бывает свободна. Сексуальная свобода не приходит сама, за нее нужно бороться. Женщины должны объединиться в борьбе за свое право трахаться с теми, с кем хочется. Не разноси дурную молву о других женщинах, таких же, как и ты, шлюхах. Защищай «сестер по разуму» от злобных сплетен, невзирая на различия между вами. Не уступай свои права, не позволяй другим решать, кого тебе «позволительно» трахнуть, а кого нет. Гордись тем, что ты шлюха, и тогда другим придетс… 阅读更多内容
My Experience: Slave #1
Many times over the years, I have chatted with people (typically submissive women) who ask me for advice of the D/s lifestyle. I repeatedly end up writing the same life story over and over and over and probably should have just created this post years ago, but never got around to it. However, I was recently inspired to write this because of a new friend and I hope that this will be instructional as much as it is informative for people. I am always willing to share my knowledge with people, so fee free to ask me anything and if I don't know the answer I will make something up that sounds reaso… 阅读更多内容
SISSY (сисси-мотивация)
Sissy феминизация – это продолжительная БДСМ игра возведенная в образ жизни, способная бесконечно усиливать наслаждение . СИССИ-ДЕВОЧКА – это вещь. Не просто вещь, а красивая вещь, предназначение которой: быть использованной. Первое , самое явное предназначение сиси-девочки : быть обьектом любования, вожделения. В образе, ты всегда должна показывать себя, демонстрировать красоту своего тела. Это должно происходить всеми доступными способами. Начиная от выкладывания в интернет своих фото и видеоматериалов, трансляции по скайпу,… 阅读更多内容
10 Signs A Woman Is A Complete Cock Addict
Slutscoping: 10 Signs A Woman Is A Complete Cock Addict OK! So now you know where to go to increase your chances of meeting a slut. But I don’t want you to limit your options to these places only. I want you to be able to go out about your normal day to day activities and - like a bloodhound - pick up the scent of a slut whenever they’re nearby. No matter where you are or what you’re doing! Sound good? So to start with, let’s start with something basic, like how do you know she’s really, really into sex? What Women And Furniture Have In Common Have you ever been around a hig… 阅读更多内容
Я шлюха и я хочу чтобы меня трахали в попу. Хочу мужской член большой или маленький. Я люблю сосать хуй и мне нравится сперма. Люблю ощущать себя шлюхой и опущенной блядью. Могу выслать для обмена свои фотографии. Люблю общаться на всякие сексуальные темы и еще я люблю когда меня оскорбляют. Но особенно я люблю когда меня трахают в попу как женщину, а кто нибудь смотрит и комментирует это оскорбляя меня. Люблю что бы видели мое унижение и при этом как мне нравится трахаться в попу.… 阅读更多内容
10 REASONS 10 ghbxby
10 REASONS TO HAVE A CROSSDRESSER GIRLFRIEND 1.They Love Anal Sex Они любят анальный секс 2.They Love Giving Blowjob's 3.They Love To Swallow 4.They Love Anal Creampie's 5.They Never Say NO to Sex or Blowjob's 6.They Will Have Sex Anywhere Они сексуются везде 7.They Love Sexy Lingerie Они любят секс в лингери 8.You Can Breed Them And NEVER Get Them Pregnant 9.They Never Get A Period 10.They Will Be Your Domesticated Princess And Slut 24/7… 阅读更多内容
Video/photo requests/ideas.
Hey all, I wana know what makes you tick :P What kinda thing do you wana see. I'm open to a lot and love trying new things so don't be shy. Let me know and if I like the idea I might just make it into a pic set or video. I do live with other people in a house with kinda thin walls so I am fairly limited in what I can get up to atm. I was thinking a video of me trying to go balls deep while sucking each one of my dildo. Being sure to get it all into my. Mouth befor moving to a bigger one, what do you think? Leave your ideas below xxxx. Happy fapping… 阅读更多内容
Правило хорошего тона для Сисси
1. Запомни: члена у тебя нет, то что у тебя между ног можно называть только пися. Ты должен носить пояс верности. 2. Ты не можешь называть свой анус киской или вагиной. Вагина бывает только у настоящих женщин и предназначена только для настоящих мужчин. Своё анальное отверстие можешь называть дыркой. 3. Сисси должен служить, угождать и делать все чтобы Госпожа оставалась довольна. 4. Сисси запрещено достигать оргазма без разрешения Госпожи. 5. Сисси должен отличаться от настоящих мужчин даже в обычной жизни. Он должен носить какую-то деталь женского туалета. Например трусики, чулочки или к… 阅读更多内容