Новата съседка в малката ни кооперация беше загадка за всички.Ту се появяваше,ту изчезваше – понякога с дни,друг път със седмици.Когато се засичахме винаги свеждаше очи,обръщаше глава и бързаше да се прибере в жилището си. Един следобед,докато отваряше пощенската си кутия забелязах,че този път не беше с обичайните си черни чорапи и веднага се наби на очи нашарените и от удари празци.Попитах я дали някой не я е бил( за мен бе очевидно,че беше бита и то с точно отмерени удари) и има ли нужда от помощ.Тя се усмихна и каза,че наистина има нужда от приятел ,за да сподели.Поканих я да изпием по… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mastera45 8 年 前

Приятелката ми се чука с 80 годишен

Приятелката ми се казва - Даниела....с малки гърди и дълги крака.Една вечер бяхме на рожден ден в една дискотека с много приятели... купона течеше много динамично - Имаше доста алкохол и възбудени тела за секс.С моята приятелка се понапихме и започна да ни се прави колосален див секс : ) Около 2 часа мойте приятели си отъркваха чеповете във нейното дупе....колкото и да се стараех да не го забелязвам ....го виждах.Доста се възбудих от гледката и си казах, че когато се приберем, ще я чукам като долна уличница.Около 03:00 я изпратих с такси, защото доста се напи и каза, че ще ме чака в нас.Аз си… 阅读更多内容

发表者 gosho3 6 年 前 1

Fury fun

The back screen door slammed shut as Kellie returned home from her evening jog. Her father Al sat in his easy chair behind his newspaper. "That you, honey?" Kellie snorted, "It better be or they'll be trouble!" Rex, her shepherd dog, made klik-klik noises on the linoleum with his nails. The two had been inseparable since he arrived in the house a tiny puppy. "Can you come in the living room for a minute?" "Sure." She walked in lean and lithe, barely five feet tall, tiny breasts held in a sports bra and tank top, tight bottom in running shorts, her chestnut hair tied back in a pony tai… 阅读更多内容

发表者 willisballbag 8 年 前 99

Тройка на Каваци

Телефона ми не спираше да звъни, а аз бързах да допиша и последния договор към доставчик. Бързах да свърша и последната задача за днес, защото тръгвахме за море. Бях се договорил с шефа ми да тръгна по-рано от офиса, исках още днес да се потопя в морето. Лятната ни почивка с жена ми беше планирана още от пролетта. Бяхме предплатили студио в луксозен хотел на Каваци, плажа там беше уникален. Последният договор ми отнемаше повече време, отколкото предполагах, а телефона ми не спираше да звъни. Погледнах в пропуснати разговори, наред с клиенти, беше ме търсила и жена ми. Обадих й се и се раз… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BG21 9 年 前 9

Ultimate Guide to Anal Prep

This guide will teach you all you need to know about preparing yourself for the ultimate anal experience. As always feel free to ask me questions if you don’t understand something or need further guidance. Chapter 1: Things you’ll need Dildo(s): Bare minimum is one perfect dildo. I will describe to you now what to look for when buying a dildo which will be great for this guide and the follow-up “ItsyBitsySissy’s Ultimate Guide to Sissygasms”. Diameter: If you never did anal play of any kind before you should do some fingering before buying a dildo. Put one finger in there, stre… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sissyslutrobbie 7 年 前 14

Caught in Stockings

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发表者 love-stockings 7 年 前

Trick to See Private Profiles

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发表者 Sissy1986 11 年 前

10 ways to enjoy ANAL sex!

Top 10 Anal Sex Rules sextoytesters These top ten rules are adapted from anal sex rules written by Jack Morin, PhD, a San Francisco sex ther****t and researcher and the author of Anal Pleasure and Health: A Guide for Men and Women. 1. Anal intercourse is the least frequently practiced form of anal sex. There are many ways to enjoy the anus erotically. The most common techniques include touching the anal opening with a finger while masturbating or stimulating a partner’s anus during intercourse or oral sex. Some people enjoy the sensation of a lubricated finger — their own or a lover’s — inse… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sextoytesters 10 年 前 6

My Wife Becomes a Cock Slave and So Do I.

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发表者 sissychick 11 年 前

Guide to Anal Orgasms

Since I still get asked a lot on how to do it, I’ll try to sum it up quickly for you guys :) DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and I realize that not everybody is built the same. What works for me does not necessarily have to work for you. I also realize that there’s a difference between milking your prostate and having an anal orgasm. Short explanation: Milking feels nice and ends with ejaculation while an anal orgasm explodes inside your body and doesn’t always mean you eject semen. STEP 1 Chastity. You don’t need a device to lock your penis away (even though I think it’s fucking… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sborrillaz 8 年 前 221


Hello guys, I was wondering if you would like to see me in some sissy panties, etc in photos, because I bought some panties these days and it is very turning for me to do that, but I would like to hear some opinions from you, it would be also great to hear an opinion from sissies. :) I was thinking about photos of my ass and cock, just like those ones we can see here. I am just not sure if anyone would like them, so I would love to hear some opinions. Photos like these ones are very turning and I thought I can do something like that: [image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]51… 阅读更多内容

发表者 oBu4aM_mature 10 年 前 37

The first time I took it in the ass

The first time I ever took it in the ass was at 19 from my first wife I was 17 she was 20.after a year of mind blowing sex she wanted to try anal sex se we did she loved it and then on my 19 Bday she wanted to do me,now in the back of my mind I wanted to try it but never told her that. so we did it and it was bad real bad but we tried it again and again until we got it right and it was on after that.it was like a contest at who could take more.yea she always won but I did take her whole hand and loved it.anyway that lasted 7yr's.second wife was already into it so game was on with her.she loved… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cocklover247 11 年 前 15

Неусетно станах Мъжка Курва

Аз съм мъж на 41г. от гр.София. Казвам се Ивайло, висок съм 175см. С черна коса и пъстри очи.Имам си приятелка Всичко около нас изглежда нормално, но нали знаете че човек си има своите малки тайни. Истината е, че от доста години в главата ми се бе загнездила мисълта да пробвам да направя чекия, а после и свирка на някое момче на моята възраст или по млад,а може и малко по-възрастен , но все я отпъждах и гледах да не мисля за това. Така минаваха годините, аз излизах с различни момичета, правихме страхотен секс с повечето, но тази мисъл се появяваше все по често в съзнанието ми. В началото започ… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ivaylo74 8 年 前 4

Men Can Squirt Like Women! – Instruction Man

Men can squirt like women! I discovered this a few years ago. I’m sure a lot of you are wondering how this is done. How it works: This is how it works. It’s kind of like masturbating, but a bit different. The goal is to squirt, not to ejaculate. So this is what you do: Step 1. Go in a private area. Step 2. If you are uncircumcised, pull the foreskin all the way down with your left hand, and hold it there. Step 3. Grab some hand lotion and apply it to your right hand and to the head of your penis. Step 4. Place your right palm on the head of your penis. Step 5. Masturbate l… 阅读更多内容

发表者 squirtalott 12 年 前 207


Лятото на 199.. година в малък град на Черно море с батко ми бяхме на гости на баба и дядо. Ние живеехме в София, но лятото прекарвахме на морето. Беше лятото след първата ми година в университета. Батко ми е две години по-възрастен от мен, но още от деца много си приличаме и като телосложение, и като физиономии. И двамата приличаме на татко, средно високи, широкоплещести и със стегнати тела. Дори хуйовете ни си приличат- малки, със заострени главички и много кожа, която стърчи около два сантиметра напред когато хуйовете ни са меки. Все пак пишките ни са дебели (дори и с… 阅读更多内容

发表者 vladko70 11 年 前 3

Veronica fists me crossdressed

Finally, a second Veronica story! Veronica had planned on having sex with me on fri. night and told me she wanted me to dress in my girly underwear and have the video camera ready to go. I was wide-eyed with anticipation. Fri night came and she came out in her black stockings, heels and camisole top. No panties and her pussy shaved. She had not shaved in years, so I knew this was special. She had a wicker chair that was round and about six feet in diameter. It sat at a 45 degree angle and she sat in it and said "start your camera. I want to watch this later" I did and she sat back in the chair… 阅读更多内容

发表者 happytayls 9 年 前 2

My walk In the Park Last Night

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发表者 cd_lorretta 13 年 前

Busted by Bear Father in law "jacking off&quo

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发表者 analfunner 9 年 前

Kim's Vacation - A Very Sexy Story

Kim’s Wonderfully Erotic Vacation Kim stepped off the bus in the small rural, central Illinois town. She was as happy as could be, as she turned she saw her Aunt Mae standing waving to her. She ran and threw her arms around her favorite Aunt and was enveloped in a warm hug and smelled the nice perfume her Aunt wore. Her Aunt’s soft full breasts felt so good against her body. Her perfume reminded Kim of fresh flowers. “My goodness Kim, you have grown since I last saw you, you are really getting to be a lovely young lady.” Her Aunt said holding her at arm length. Kim’s young fi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Dors 14 年 前 13