So, Xham took down my photos like they have for so many. I thought I would put them back here since so many of you keep asking! Thanks for all the love! Ok, is that enough for now, or? Kisses!… 阅读更多内容
He's Married!
He’s…… Married.... He's married…. I keep telling myself as I fumble for my keys to open the door. We started talking at the bar, id only nipped in after a long day at work and ended up being let down by my friend. He'd only just gone in after an argument with his wife. Neither of us planned to go home with someone else! Finally pushing the door open, he is right behind me, pushing me in by my butt, holding both ass cheeks in his hand. I turn to him, pushing him against the closed door. A moment of quiet as we stare into each other’s eyes. We both know it’s wrong, so so wrong, but in this momen… 阅读更多内容
A Pre-Work Work Out....
A Pre-Work Work Out.... "BeepBeep.... BeepBeep.... BeepBeep.... BeepBeep...." "Ugh, not that time already!" 9:30am every morning my alarm rudly decides to wake me up, beeping till i can muster up the energy to swipe it off, or snooze it atleast! Lifting my head from my duck down pillows, my eyes adjusting to the morning light streaming in through my net curtains, reaching over to the far bedside table, swiping my alarm off. Hearing birds tweeting happily in the frost topped treas is always nice! The blue sky even better! Pushing the duvet cover down off my chest, letting the cool light stre… 阅读更多内容