Taking care of her big brother!

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/11512377/259551709 She just heard him come in the house...it’s exciting..he’s been at football practice. She hears him in his room now, shoe coming off, him grunting as he removes his under armor garments, his footfalls as he steps to the bathroom. Leaving the door open, she hears his stream of pee so, so strong it sounds like a race horse! He forgoes the shower he needs badly and appears in her doorway naked, sweaty, muscles pumped and gleaming in a coat of his sweat. She can smell his manly body odor along with grass and dirt. He comes to the bed, his coc… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 6 年 前 5

This girl looks like my hot ex wife

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/10142270/200188749 My ex wife, the one in my story of the 9” cock, looked like this girl. The exact same body style, same size tits, exact same pubic hair. The length and thickness and color of her hair was the same. Her face was similar in its features. Same eyes, and eyebrows, my ex’s mouth was a little smaller. She was very pretty to look at. Not necessarily prettier than this girl, but about equal.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 6 年 前 4

Is Tinkerbell female?

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/8897011/163134759#commentBox Having captured Tinkerbell without damaging her delicate wings, Bill tied her hands, just to keep her from hurting herself, and began his methodical examination of the biology of this species.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 7 年 前 1

Going to the motorcycle rally!

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/9061631/167152848#commentBox Hey daddy! I decided to go to the rally with you! "Sweetheart, I have a reservation for only one room and it's a single bed, not even a king size bed, and everything is booked up. I can't get another room or upgrade!" I know daddy, that's why I waited to tell you. Hey..I saw you glance down..can you see my panties in these shorts? "Um..uh..no..I can't see your p..uh" (giggle) Don't worry daddy..I'm not wearing panties in these shorts, but I do have a couple of pair of the satin ones to wear in bed. You know, like t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 7 年 前

Special summer vacation

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/9059726/167106573 She can lay her for hours reminiscing in her mind of how she was taught how incredible being a woman can be in this very spot, when she was much much younger. The old barn located on her grandparent's old homestead, sneaking out to this very spot to experiment with pleasuring herself. Being surprised that day so long ago, as she was spoken to by a very familiar voice, yet unseen. He reassured her that all was ok and that what she was enjoying was natural and to relax and to continue. She could be assured that her secret was safe and her… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 7 年 前

Opportunity squandered by a dork

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/9055311/166995498 You were 14, and out with your older brother and his friends. They took you by the fraternity house, they were all smoking pot, you were scared shitless because you were always afraid his pot use was going to get him put in jail. You had drank beer before, and they gave you one that day and you were almost done with it. You were feeling really strange, never occurring to you that the second hand pot smoke was affecting you. Plus adding the beer to it. They all rushed out to go somewhere while you were taking a leak, and you came back in… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 7 年 前

Perving on big sis

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/5209748/89211247#commentBox Little Brother...you dumb ass, you know I can hear the shutter sound your camera makes when you take a picture. Those little freaks you hang with will give you hell if they find out you perv on your big sister." Uh..that's where your wrong sis..i charge good money for them to see these. Hell sometimes when we are here by ourselves we pull our pants down and thigh fuck each other using your body lotion while we look at your sweet bikini ass. Cumming that way is much better than using our hands. It's like we are in you from be… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 7 年 前

Yours is bigger than Tommy's

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/8955096/164440584 Daddy, your thing is much bigger than Tommy's." When did you see Tommy's baby? "Well.. If you promise not get mad..he lets me see it everyday after school." You don't let him fuck you do you? "We don't really do it daddy..he makes his cum on my tummy." So, he doesn't pull your panties down and put it in? "Well..he does pull my panties down so he can see it..since he lets me see his." But..he doesn't touch you with it down there does he? "He likes to rub it on me to see how soft it is." He doesn't put in? "Not really..it kind of… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 7 年 前

Surprising Big Brother

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/8891317/162991846 Sometimes when she's feeling naughty, she lets herself in to her older brother's apartment to surprise him like this. Growing up he would drive her places, and get her things she wanted if she would let him pull her panties down and admire her gorgeous ass. She pretended she didn't like it, but she really did enjoy seeing his cock get larger and larger, and it felt so hot when he laid it on her ass and began to slide it back and forth. His precum would begin to flow and he would press it more firmly into her butt crack and glide it slo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 7 年 前 1

He'll be glad tonight

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/7981677/142206795 Her little br0ther billy is going to happy tonight, but right now he can't believe his parents are making his s1ster stay home and sit with him. She has been thinking about wearing her cropped tee shirt and her silkiest satin panties, probably her lavender ones, after her parents leave. She knows that Billy likes to play with her panties when he is home alone. Tonight she wil pretend she wants a back rub on his bed after he he bathes and comes out in his briefs. She loves seeing him get hard for her perfect ass when he doesn't know she… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 7 年 前

A night in 1972

https://xhamster.com/photos/view/7553486-132998082.html#content This is 1972, and you have spent the day with your sister. For the first time ever you felt equal to her in stature because she didn't treat you like a k**. Your parents left you alone for the evening and she starting talking about sex and as the conversation progressed she asked if you wanted to play "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." You couldn't believe she let you take a Polaroid of her showing her pussy. Today it's 2017, and you have pumped an estimated ten gallons of cum masturbating to this picture over the years… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 8 年 前 2

Big sis

Her brother is right there beside her. He just came down to the beach to let his sister know that mom and dad just left for the outlet mall. She figured he would do this, come down after they left that is. She is going to play ignorant for few minutes, watch him squirm, he is four years younger than her and has been introduced to a force of nature lately. C'mon s*s! Let's go up..I wanna go up! Why? She asks, know why of course. You know why! She giggles a little. She introduced her to a little game that her older brother started with her four years earlier when she was his age. One night w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 billeyed 8 年 前 1