Nell in Bridewell.

Someone have novel Nell In Bridewell by W. Reinhard in digital format? If yes - can you send me a copy or free download link?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前

Judicial punishment

The Judge worked hard to keep from smiling. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. The state had instituted a corporal punishment option for nonviolent juvenile offenders from the ages of 16 to 21. Punishments were handled by a small company named Judipun that had been created specifically for this purpose and subcontracted by the state. Strict standard and practices had been set up and those people that handled actual corporal punishment were well-trained and monitored and held liable for any infractions of rules. Of course within the state there were many liberals that were stric… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前 1

Judicial birching.

Penny Spender was, however, not your average high-spirited teenage rapscallion. Recently separated from her affluent, well-connected spouse, the unrepentant Miss Spender had, according to Chief Stipendiary Magistrate, Iain Treloare, come to Oakwood, with ".. too much money, too much free time, and a bad attitude all round." So, for her part in the nightclub affray and the rampage which had followed, the headstrong, independent twenty-eight-year-old was duly sentenced and handed over for chastisement in the 'approved manner'. A murmur of approval rippled through the packed cou… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前 2

Good old days.

In the 18th and early 19th Centuries the well-to-do found diversion in organizing "Flogging Parties" to visit Bridewell on the day the ****** were to be spanked. From the time of Shakespeare, prostitutes were given the expected punishment of a whipping for plying their questionable trade. They were usually flogged on the bare back, but the younger girls were birched on the bottom to make things interesting. A special whipping bench was placed in the center of a large underground hall. This bench was equipped with stocks at either end. One held the girl's neck and wrists, the other set of stoc… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前 1

Judicial CP

What do you think about judicial corporal punishment for females? Punish for what? From what age to punish? Punish naked? Punish public or private? How many blows? With what (birch, cane, whip etc.)? Executioner - male or female? Post your comments!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前 26


== Results from == 93% Dominant 92% Degrader 91% Rigger 90% Voyeur 89% Master/Mistress 87% Experimentalist 87% Switch 86% Brat tamer 85% Owner 81% Submissive 78% Masochist 78% Degradee 77% Sadist 77% Ageplayer 76% Slave 66% Primal (Hunter) 64% Daddy/Mommy 59% Exhibitionist 58% Rope bunny 49% Non-monogamist 43% Vanilla 40% Primal (Prey) 25% Girl/Boy 24% Brat 6% Pet… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前

Judicial Caning

I do not know who wrote this story but it contains both a great build-up to the punishment and a long and detailed description of it. Very masturbatory. Fifty strokes seems excessive but you will recall that it is the usual caning delivered in Mood Pictures. Enjoy. Gabrielle Wilkinson stood paralyzed in the prisoner's dock, shocked into complete silence. She had heard the judge, in his slightly accented English, pronounce his decision: "Fifty strokes with the number 2 cane. Bailifs! Take the prisoner down to the punishment room - I expect that room two will be free again now - and will the… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 9 年 前 4

Birching Girls

In the old days girls were always birched across the bare bottom. Of course it hurt so much they usually had to be strapped down to take it, and birching blocks of various designs, well equipped with straps, were to be found in every girls school. Victorian ideas about modesty made stripping girls bare for punishment increasingly difficult and a heavier rod - the cane - was introduced so that girls could be effectively punished across their tightly knickered bottoms. On the subject of girls over the birching block or "horse" someone commented as follows: I have some interesting histo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 9 年 前 11


A new arrival at the reformatory, she is forced to strip naked a then handcuffed to prevent her interfering with her preparation. The next stage she has all her hair shaved off, first her pubic hair and then the hair on her head. Having her lovely long tresses removed is understandably distressing for her as first the electric shears go to work and then the razor to leave her completely bald. After this she will be showered and then given her first taste of corporal punishment. She will be strapped face down on the whipping bench for fifty hard strokes of the regulation cane on her bare buttoc… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 9 年 前 14


Please post in comments links to web pages, blogs etc. about judicial corporal punishments and female prisons punishments - videos, pictures, drawings. THANK YOU!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 9 年 前 3


Someone have novel Nell In Bridewell by W. Reinhard in digital format? If yes - can you send me a copy?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 10 年 前 1