Two girlfriends and sweet lies.

A true story of my youthful adventures, it's nice to reminisce from time to time, and I hope you enjoy the read. The described events took place in the winter of 1998. One Friday evening, a couple of friends and I had decided to relax and have a drink, we wandered around the pubs of the old town, in one of them I met a long-lost friend who joined us, after some time he offered - "I know 2 girls who rent an apartment together, maybe we can buy drinks and shall we go to their place to continue the party?" We agreed, except for one guy who had to go home to his girlfriend (I was single at the t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 7

Your first interest?

How did you become interested in corporal punishments? How did you know it turned you on? Was this a real case? Maybe an episode from a movie, book, etc.? At what age did this happen? How did you react to this - did you start masturbating, did you try to spank yourself or someone else? I will be very happy about your answers in the comments! You can read my experience here: And this is that movie scene:阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 62

Premarital Boarding School

I'm not the author of this story, I found it on the Internet, but since I really liked it, I'm republishing it here. Every week, every Sunday, all 100 students from the 12-month John W. Flagrus Premarital Boarding School gather in the assembly hall. There, each of them, kneeling in the presence of the management, as if in confession, confesses all her offenses that she committed this week (if they happened). The students take vows of chastity, poverty and obedience to their teachers and headmaster during their studies, which is supposed to be a prelude to their future married life. And the l… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 8

Caning at Women's Correctional Institution

As a 18 year old girl, I had committed small crime, I had been sent to reform school. As a part of punishment, the juvenile offenders may has to visit Women's Correctional Institution for seeing the caning of adult female criminals. My reform school was for girls till 20 yers old. We all had to spent 4–5 days in Women's Correctional Institution. I spoke to many prisoners. All had some fear, feeling of guilt. All inmates wanted to avoid the punishment. They were quite anxious about as to when they will be caned. All behave like insane. And the day arrived when some criminals were going to be ca… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 7

Women's anus

Women's anus is one of my favorite parts of their body, I like to look at it, caress it, lick it. My first girlfriend had a fantastic bottom - round, firm, wide hips, we had already had sex, but for a long time she was shy about making love in doggy style (we were teenagers), because the pose seemed too open to her, at the same time it was my burning desire. It took almost a year until I finally persuaded her to try it, she undressed naked, stood on the bed on all fours, and like an experienced woman arched her back and spread her legs - oh my god, what a sight it was! Big, juicy, firm bottom… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 11

Lick, lick, lick.

Mmm, how I would like to lick pussy now... I want a naked woman on my face, with a wet, dripping cunt, I want vaginal juices and cream to run down my face, I want to lick labia, suck clitoris, I want to feel how she jerks in orgasm over my face ... Are there any ladies in my friends here who would like to enjoy this?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 2


Real story from my life about one of my youth ex girlfriends. I spanked Arnita several times, mainly during erotic play, but once very hard and as a punishment. We had recently started dating, and once she also spanked as a foreplay (I think I told you that). The story is as follows - a good friend invited me to his birthday party, it was held in a guest house, there was also a sauna. We went to a party, there were quite a lot of people, both girls and boys, we were all young, from 18 to 25 (Arnita was 18 at the time), we drank, talked, danced. Many changed clothes for the sauna - guys in swi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 21

What is your best masturbation experience?

The most vivid episode that I remember is the following - I was about 14 years old, one night before going to bed I felt very horny, I undressed naked, lay down on the bed and started stroking myself, especially balls and cock. My cock was very hard and hot, I felt a very pleasant tingling and pressure in it. For a while I had also fantasized about playing with my butthole, I licked two fingers and with my left hand started massaging my anus in circles, with my right hand slowly rubbing my standing cock, after a while I started to insert my fingers into my butthole, first one, then two , the s… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 36

Girfriend's first orgasm

As I've talked about my first girlfriend here before, we were both young teenagers, innocent, when we started dating and having sex and slowly discovering each other's sexuality. From that time there are many nice memories that I like to share. This time for her first orgasm. We were at her house alone, as usual we kissed and caressed each other, at the end we were naked, we had not yet had classic sex, because she was afraid of getting pregnant etc., but she gave me wonderful handjobs, I in turn caressed her pussy, but never again I had not brought her to a real orgasm. That time she sat on m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 5


I am a big lover of cunnilingus, cunt, pussy, twat - this is what I like for decades, I lick with pleasure and professionally, if you can say so. Many women apply to me directly for a cunnilingus session, I really enjoy wet vulvas in my face - of different ages, looks, with hair and without. I licked cunt for the first time when I was 16, the woman was 40, she was absolutely delighted. How do you like lick? Women - do you like it when a man licks your vulva and asshole? The first lady was unforgettable - she had big, fleshy labia, a big clitoris and a very wet vagina, she sat on my face and I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 6

The village birching block.

The village birching block was much feared by the young ladies of the locality. If the humiliation of been forced to strip off and then present your bare haunches in such a brazen fashion was not bad enough, then of course the actual thrashing itself was a truly awful experience. No young lady ever forgot the stinging pain imparted by a hefty stroke of the birch across their bare bottom. By the second strike they would be howling like a banshee and begging for mercy. It was if course all to no avail as the sentence was duly carried out, the birch was put down and the poor young lady helped bac… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 20

About corporal punishments

I believe that severe and cruel corporal punishment for women should be restored! Girls and women between the ages of 18 and 60 should be subjected to severe corporal punishment for any violation of the law. Special punishment centers should be established, where such corporal punishments can be carried out, and of course, for greater humiliation, women should always be punished completely naked. What are your thoughts on this?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 73

About sexual arousal.

Maybe a bit of a silly question, but I've always been interested in how women physically feel sexual arousal? I know it's hard to describe, but maybe someone can? Men, for example, feel pressure in balls and cock, it can be painful sometimes, causes an overwhelming desire to touch the cock. We feel how hard the cock is, how it presses. How do women feel?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 17

Who else now?

I am naked in bed, very horny, my cock is very hard, hot and sensitive, I slowly stroke it enjoying the pleasure of every moment. Who else masturbates now?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 14

Private parts punishment

"When I was 18, my mum once caught me touching myself on my pussy. She said she was mortified. She grabbed me by the ear and took me to the dining room. She told me to strip naked she said “it shouldn’t take you too long as you already have your dirty trousers and pants off.” I stood in front of her completely naked. The dining room was right in front of our massive window that reached from floor to ceiling so everyone walking past could see me naked. My mum made me go and get the wooden spoon from the kitchen and bring it back to her. She made me say “please spank my naughty pussy with this p… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 17

About judicial corporal punishment

I think all crimes should consider using corporal punishment. Perhaps in addition to jail time in the cases of serious crimes or a day visit type system for minor ones. All adults over the age of 18 could receive corporal punishment. Anyone under 60 would automatically receive the sentence anyone over that would have to be assessed by a doctor to see if that sentence is suitable. The instruments used in punishments would be the cane, leather strap, birch and cat of nine tails whip. The offender would be punished on their buttocks or back, the offender would always be punished naked. A doctor w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 28

Reform School - caned in front of the class.

Disobedience is never tolerated in the Reform School and girl has been called to the front of the class to be caned for it. The teacher bends her over where the other girls will get a full view of the strokes striping her bottom. It only takes a moment to get her skirt up and knickers pulled down, putting her bare bottom on full display. It is so shaming for the girl to be exposed like that, but her fear of the caning is even worse. He chooses the thickest of his canes to punish her with, knowing it will stripe her bottom painfully and leave tramline welts that will be sore for several days. S… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 1

Reform School - severe thrashing.

When a girl seriously misbehaves, she is punished with a severe thrashing and this is never rushed. Time is taken to bend her over something solid that will keep her in position throughout the lengthy beating. Her thighs are tapped with the cane so she can feel its thickness and dread the pain to come. And then she is made to straighten her legs and rise on tiptoe to obediently offer herself to be thrashed. Her fear and anxiety increase as the teacher grabs her bottom and makes it clear that it is his for however long the punishment takes. Then he pulls her skirt right up, leaving her exposed… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 5

Reform School - pussy inspection.

Women in the Reform School are treated as young girls and have to keep their pussies totally smooth. They can be inspected at any time without warning. It is humiliating for a girl to have to wear the School uniform and suffer under school discipline, but so much worse to have to raise her skirt and pull down her panties to have her pussy checked for smoothness. She knows how badly she will suffer if it is found to have any hair. That is considered to be disobedience and the punishment for disobedience is always a caning.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 9

The Offender (judicial caning)

By the mid-90's the situation in the island nation of Yurandi had reached crisis point, with crime rates at epidemic level. The problem being identified as being primarily one of out-of-control youth, the government in Georgetown had responded with the Young Offenders Act, a typically West African solution to what it claimed was a uniquely West African dilemma. In essence the Act was little more than a return to the British colonial system of borstals and reformatories, although the Georgetown government had trumpeted the new laws as the cutting edge in legal thinking. Politicians are like tha… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 2 年 前 11