Tout d'abord .. Je tiens mon sexe tendu dans ma main .. le caressant lentement en face de vous tandis que mon autre main est autour de votre cou .. Vos jambes grandes ouvertes me font durcir .. tellement doucement je frotte le haut de mon sexe chaud, contre votre clitoris .. très lentement.. de haut en bas .. de haut en bas .. encore et encore .. comme si ma langue vous lécher. hmmmm mmm. Sentant votre chatte s'humidifier encore, je viens près de chez vous. Nous pouvons sentir la chaleur s'élever hmmm si proche et si chaud Mes lèvres touchent les votres maintenant: et ma langue est… 阅读更多内容
I am breathing in you .
My eyes are open.. what i can see and feel is your vulva on top of my tongue, madam . I am breathing in you . I am : lay down on a bed, you are : on to of me . Let me not wake up, if it's a dream . But it feels so much like reality to me, i can taste your juice dripping in my throat . Please let me drink your fountain and your golden shower on my face make me so thirsty for more . Hearing you moanin is such a sweet melody to my hears, madam . My sweet tongue is visiting all your warm cavitys . From one to the other, from deeper to stronger, hmmm mmmm Yes your fountain becomes a r… 阅读更多内容
First Of All
First of all.. I hold my cock tight in my hand .. slowly strocking it in front of you while my other hand is around your neck .. Your legs wild open make me harder.. so gently i rub the top of my hot cock againt your clitoris .. very slowwWWWwwly .. up and down .. up and down .. again and again .. like it was my tongue licking you up. hmmmm mmm. Feeling your pussy's getting wetter , i come closer to you . We can feel the heat rising up hmmm so close and so hot My lips are now touching yours : and my tongue is so ready to dance with yours and my cock is so ready to fill… 阅读更多内容