Unfortunately, due to several outside factors and my living situation changing, I have a huge backlog of requested tributes. As a result I can't take on any more without creating even more of a mess (and not the good kind). I'm still considering attempting to cover the requests I already have from users who are still active...it's just a matter of getting privacy (which is very scarce lately) and getting my home situation sorted. I hope you understand and I'm sorry for having kept everyone waiting. -BlackJackX89… 阅读更多内容
List of Tribute Requests
In order to help me keep track of everything this entry will be used to track tribute requests and personal choices of my own. Unfortunately since I don't live alone and my schedule is pretty hectic, they will be done as soon as I can get them out. NOTE: The following list does not reflect the order in which these requests will be processed. If I forgot anyone's request please notify me via PM or in a comment below. ~ In Progress ~ (Requester - No. of requests - details) iVixen jenjen1212 Blitzrider34 - 3 - Amazon (Dragon's Crown), Yaya cosplay 1 & 2 dottorduro - Maya Gold… 阅读更多内容
Twerking and Jerking
As I mentioned before in my last blog, I prefer curves on a woman (the more the better). I do enjoy thick-bodied babes more than the rail thin interpretation of "perfection" that some would try to make you believe is the sexiest thing on Earth. But that's a whole other volume of thoughts for some other day. The topic for this blog is twerking and the fact that I and quite number of other guys jack off to it. Twerking is not new. It's not something that Miley Cyrus creating but it has garnered far more exposure in mainstream media because of her questionable nature since I g… 阅读更多内容