You guys ever think of casualy letting a certain person 'accidentally find you pornstash or browsing history? You might ask: what would be the benefit of doing such a crazy thing? PRO'S: -opening people up to another perspective. Maybe on themselves or maybe on you. -opening up a very juicy conversation or maybe even more. -exposing somebody to sexual thoughts on an unexpected moment and act on it. Similar to accidentally leaving a 16 year old a dirty magazine on purpose(oke a pre internet 16 year old that is...;)). -if you are sick and tired of browsing incognito for your flatmat… 阅读更多内容
Anybody ever found porn on a pc you did not expect
I think it is very hot to find somebody's pornstash or search history. You get to see what they are secretly in to, or when they are doing it. All sorts of interesting things. Ive had several occasions where i found porn on a laptop or pc. I help alot of people out with repairs etc, usualy for free, with good reason. The hottest occasion was a female flatmate, that had all kinds of hot porn in her search history. The hottest thing about that was i could see when she was on her room watching it! Or had been watching it, better said. On another occasion i found some private folders on my… 阅读更多内容