Sweetie, a lot of women would trades places with you in a second! This woman divorced her husband after one month because her husbands dick was just too big for her pussy. Take a wild guess, he was not white or asian. not a #whitegirlproblem hey, anyone, if you see Ali Maizinari, send him my way. http://tribune.com.ng/crime/item/30635-please-dissolve-our-one-week-marriage-i-can-t-cope-with-his-big-manhood-wife-tells-court/30635-please-dissolve-our-one-week-marriage-i-can-t-cope-with-his-big-manhood-wife-tells-court?tmpl=component&print=1 http://nypost.com/2015/03/03/wife-seeks-… 阅读更多内容
Crazy White Bitch makes Hubby Impotent
This is confession #23 that was sent to me: I love white women. But damn they can be crazy. I am fucking this hot blonde now, and she is married. She never had a brother before and she hit the ceiling when I fucked her. She is some good pussy, I have to admit. I always love getting that shit from her. She decided she never wanted to fuck her husband again. Now we don't have a relationship or nothing, we just fuck. Which is a good thing because she is certified bipolar or some shit. I don't even deal with that because I am in and out. She told me she has no desire to fuck her husb… 阅读更多内容
Here are 17 sex facts you'll wish you never h
Here are 17 sex facts you'll wish you never heard... 1. One in ten European babies is conceived in an IKEA bed. 2. Alfred Kinsey, author of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948), had a collection of 5 million wasps and could insert a toothbrush into his penis, bristle-end first. 3. British spies stopped using semen as invisible ink because it began to smell if it wasn’t fresh. 4. A single sperm contains 37.5 MB of DNA information. One ejaculation represents a data transfer of 15,875 GB, equivalent to the combined capacity of 62 MacBook Pro laptops. 5. Male fruitflies r… 阅读更多内容
"How I Became Krystal Geysers", Part 1
Well, I have decided to finally get into this blog thing so I can share a little more of the freaky shit that goes on in my head/life with all my like-minded friends. I want you all to know a little more about how I became "Krystal Geysers," the amateur squirt queen you jerk off over and lust after. You won't find these stories on Facebook! Prologue: When I was about 12-13 I watched American Pie and discovered masturbation ("you've never double clicked your own mouse?"). I was probably making myself cum 1-3 times a day for that first year. At 14, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend. The nex… 阅读更多内容