<div>THIS IS THE TRUTH AND A WARNING!</div><div> </div><div>My dear friends.</div><div>Just for one day please put down Pokèmon Go, Facebook, Marriage Equality, Game of Thrones and the endless meme's, dog and cat videos, d**gs that have numbed humanity of natural human emotions, reposting misleading satirical articles as fact and any other fucking useless distraction that has been thrown at us. You are missing something bigger! Before making a judgement or thinking I've gone mad please read and watch the videos. Watch the sun rise and the sky surrounding you and question everything!</div><div… 阅读更多内容
Simply put.... Humanity are a bunch of assholes who refuse to seriously question our own purpose and mortality relating to our current societal structure because we know deep within we are as worthless as our monetary system and the lack of actions that stem from our empty language because we are cowards! We know the societal structure masquerading as civility has remained unfair and stagnant clearly because it's grossly flawed and idiotic. As the self proclaimed dominant and intelligent species on Earth. It's embarrassing for our little egos to fathom confronting and admitting we are wr… 阅读更多内容
If a cock pic is your best introduction all it act
This is not meant to attack men. What it is meant to do is empower all of us. As a trans* woman I can tell you cis born folk that you are undervaluing our worth in helping men and women coexist. We see both sides and have been forced to examine ourselves and gender so closely you start to see the ridiculously simple problems but sadly we are treated like lepers and bashed, murdered and oppressed before we can contribute to evolution. I agree with the notion that tarnishing all men with the same brush is wrong. Even the ones who are pigs are not born that way. It's taught. So the men procla… 阅读更多内容
The Elephant in the Bathroom Continues to be Hatre
I apologise in advance but... Be very clear what I'm saying is not about questioning people's faith.... By turning it back on the finger pointing religious organisations who have labelled everybody else as p**o's and sinners throughout history. I don't care what people believe if it makes them happy fine. I am well read across a lot of religion and atheism is another group of people who claim not to be a religion but as the numbers grow it is in itself becoming one. That aside. This is not about their faith. This is about the systemic history of demonising minority groups all the whil… 阅读更多内容
Trans* Coming Out Advice!
Trans transgender coming out LGBTQIA friends Don’t buy into the negatives regarding coming out to family and friends. If you come out to anybody who is willing to end a relationship as a partner, friend or family member look at it as a positive. Coming out gives you a snapshot of the people you need and don’t need in your life. You then have the power to cut the imbeciles from your future and begin to build the type of people that can equally enrich each other’s lives. So often people don’t come out in fear of rejection. The people who reject you when you are completely vulnerable and… 阅读更多内容
Trans* Does Not Mean Sex Offender!
Back in December 2015 I posted a link regarding the current movement in America legislating to force trans* people to use the public toilets of their original birth gender. These people are suggesting without any evidence whatsoever that by allowing trans* people to use the toilets as the identifying gender they present publicly will increase the risk of sexual assaults towards women and c***dren rising. So it’s better to prevent it from happening now before it’s too late regardless that there is absolutely no evidence or correlation linking trans* people and sexual assaults in public to… 阅读更多内容
Grey is the New Black! Rebranding Trans*
Here’s the deal! We need some serious REBRANDING!! Grey Is The New Black! As trans* people we have been tagging along the alphabet soup community for quite some time now. I’m not saying to break away from it. Although I think a rebrand is definitely overdue as the letters are getting a bit of a mouthful. I don’t like queer also as it pertains to strange. I do think a word that makes more sense is the term “Fluid” as its is inclusive to all humans. It’s far less rigid, especially as bisexuals have always copped flack for being “greedy” or some bullshit. Trans* to me is a dead term… 阅读更多内容
The Choice is Yours!
I keep seeing this in my feeds across all social media and once again don’t understand why nearly everything I read from trans* people is so focused on NEGATIVE!!! As a trans* person I want to say. Life isn’t perfect but there are many times I feel blessed to be trans*. I have and continue to live a full and evolving life as an extraordinary twin spirited human being continuing to fight for what’s right and shaping my own future! Fuck parades! They are modern day pet… 阅读更多内容