至 boytoyinia :Thanks for the request. And I know exactly what you mean, it’s like getting you all revved up and then dud lol. I understand some guys are worried, but why do porn then. Just let it loose all in there, messes up the whole climax lol!
Thanks for the add Boss! I agree with you on your comment about breeding! I hate when you watching a goood fuck vid and the only thing that would make it perfect is a good DEEP seeding...then the TOP pulls out, jacks cum on dude's back, then puts it back in so only a few dribbles get in his hole. Leave that dick in that hole the entire orgasm, then let it sit a min. so the balls DRAIN empty! Mmmmmmm, now that's a breeding. You're close to me, I'm in IA.
Thanks for accepting my invite, my new friend.
I hope we can chat more in the near future. Just hit me up anytime.