Ma Maîtresse Céline

Maîtresse Celine is among the single most laid back, calm, understanding, and infinitely Patient Mistresses i've ever had the pleasure of meeting... if i say Mistress i'm in need and hungry please feed Your girl...or even more blunt...i'm horny omg i need Your pussy....instead of questioning and thinking if do this does it make me look less a She simply fe… 阅读更多内容

发表者 boundlesbian 10 年 前 3

I love Her but

Time to move on There comes a time when you realize that you've been coming to the same table, everyday, for nearly 2 weeks and you're alone, that You and the woman You love had some laughs at that table...talked about things no one else knew at that table....fucked on that table...She leaves kissing you, hugging you, it's implied that She'll see you at that table tomorrow...and when i came and showed up like i always do she wasn't there....i sat...they served the one...Julia came and asked if i was ok...i said i'm fine...bit by bit the family comes in and asks if i'm ok....and… 阅读更多内容

发表者 boundlesbian 10 年 前 2