bored beyond yawning, horny and fell very naughty anyone else… 阅读更多内容
back again bored and ready for dirty chat
bored bisexual male looking for conversation… 阅读更多内容
hi just sitting around bored. If you wish to chat hit me up. I love looking through all the wonderful pics, and making a comment or two. I like looking through collections, and compilations, but prefer to make comments on pics that get personal responses. UPDATE-Truth or Dare? So here's the deal...You get to ask me *Up to 5 Questions!!*, no matter how crazy, inappropriate, or just random, and I promise to answer it 100% truthfully (thats the "truth" part) I dare you to repost this and see what people ask you...... I will answer only if u send me a private message with the questions… 阅读更多内容
5 年 前