Malo vremena u poslednje vreme

Trenutno sam dosta zauzet pa vreme za vidjanje mi je ograniceno, ali mozemo se cuti telefonom ko hoce!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 za_tatice 11 月 前 3

Some photos from my videos

I’m Crazy, I’m Wife, I’m THE SLUT. I’m perverted CrazyWifeSlut! Soft sex is so boring. I adore hard fisting in my loose cunt and ass, double fisting, monstrous size toys stretching both holes, footfucking my greedy fuckholes, extreme insertions and huge gaping, rough mouthfuck, drinking piss and swallowing sperm!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crazywifeslut 3 年 前 57

Visit my page on and I drive you crazy

Hi everyone ???‍♀️) I hope that everything is fine with you and you are enjoying this life:). I just wanted to say that I recently started a page on Fansly and now I post there every day. There is both paid and free content;). If you are interested, I will leave a LINK here [image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]513414607[/… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crazywifeslut 2 年 前 134

Noc vestica

Najzanimljivija noc vestica do sada mi se dogodila ove godine. Dogovorili smo se 2 d**gara(Branko i Marjan) i ja da napravimo kucnu zurku pod maskama, jer je Branko imao praznu kucu ceo vikend i bila bi steta da se to ne iskoristi. Dogovorili smo se da nas trojica kupimo pice i da svako iz svoje srednje skole pozove prijatelje. Kada smo napravili spisak koga cemo pozvati ostalo je da resimo kako cemo se mi maskirati, Branku je palo na pamet da na vise papirica napisemo razne ideje i da ih sve bacimo u sesir i da onda svako izvuce po jedan papiric i kome sta zapadne to ce biti. Tako smo i uradi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mlada_crossgirl 3 年 前 6

Nastavak 2

Nastavak br.2 Kada smo došli u spavaću sobu Zoran i Tihomir su sada već bili nestrpljivi da ga umoče u mene, a Marjan i Branko su ih samo dodatno palili kako sam vrhunska drolja i jebačica. Prvo sam prišla Marjanu (nekako mi je on favorit) i poljubila sam se sa njim onako jezikom u usta i on mi je uzvratio i sve vreme dok smo se ljubili mi je mesio guzu sa rukama, posle toga kada smo se odvojili Zoran dobaci: ajde da te jebemo, mani su ljubakanja. Pogledala sam ga i bez pogovora sam klekla ispred njega, otkopčala mu pantalone, izvadila alatku i počela da mu nadrkavam već poprilično tvrd kur… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mlada_crossgirl 2 年 前 3

pretvorio me u devojcicu

Proslo je par godina od naseg poslednjeg susreta. Ovog puta je dolazio kod mene kuci, prosla je ponoc a ja sam bila u mrezastom kombinezonu, I cipkanom bodiju preko koga sam imala dugu providnu spavacicu I satenski bade mantil. Jedva sam cekala da ga ponovo vidim I dodirnem. Dok sam ga nestrpljivo cekala da svakog trenutka otvori ulazna vrata, setala sam uzbudjeno hodnikom. Otvorila su se vrata I iz mraka se tiho pojavio on. Prisla sam da zakljucam vrata I od tog trenutka sam osetila njegove grube I velike sake kako su pocele pohotno da me dodiruju po telu. Uz medjusobno saputanje I vrele zag… 阅读更多内容

发表者 irenicana 4 年 前 6

My Day with Daddy part one

So Daddys wife was gone this last Saturday, and I got to spend the day with him at his house. I told my wife that he had asked me to come over and help him move some furniture. Daddy had me bring my wifes wedding lingerie, and the riding crop I had recently picked up. He had a full day planned and I will try my best to relate it all. Some of it is still a little fuzy. So I arrive around 9 and he sent me immediately to his room to get ready and I was to wear what he put out for me. Daddy likes to role play and usually has me play as his wife, doing all the things to her he has fantasized abo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mandysubcd 2 年 前

Moja zenica

Moja supruga Rada i ja smo u braku oko dve godine i od početka nas vezuje specifičan odnos, po mnogo čemu neobičan i za ove balkanske prostore nastran i perverzan, ali nas u potpunosti ispunjava i veoma smo srećni u braku, sigurno srećniji od nazovi normalnih brakova. Naime, mene uzbuđuje da se moja supruga slobodno jebe sa strane s kim hoće, da ima momka ili više njih i da se jebe sa njima koliko hoće i kad hoće. Takođe i ja imam istu takvu slobodu, mada mene više uzbuđuje da mi d**gi tucaju ženu, volim da delim ženu sa d**gima. Mada je mojoj Radi u prvi mah to bilo čudno, ona je to ubrzo pr… 阅读更多内容

发表者 domavn 3 年 前


Paul and I were fellow Students at Uni. I was attracted to him from the first time I saw him at our first lecture. We started going out for a few social drinks, but as time went by, we ended up at his bed sit, one Saturday afternoon. By this time, I had started to come out of my shell, thanks to my counselling. I had begun to look and dress more feminine. I felt at home in this vibrant Student City and didn’t stand out. My tall, slim figure helped, but before my hormone treatments kicked in, I was flat as board, though my butt was always cute, if I have to blow my own trumpet … ... .… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Emma1915 4 年 前 26

Your not gay

Try XRMXX's You are not Gay If you consider yourself straight but you find yourself attracted to femboys, sissies, trans women, crossdresser, drag queens, etc. and you are feeling confused or ashamed, I’m here to tell you that there is no problem with your sexuality at all. You may feel confused because you will begin to wonder if having these feelings means you are gay. If you fuck a sissy, you’re not gay. Sissies take it like girls Sissies moan like bitches A sissy will show up wearing an off-shoulder blouse And a skirt up to her panties She will do this for one reason and one reas… 阅读更多内容

发表者 jish311 5 年 前 47

How To Turn A Boy Into A Sissy (Guide For Men)

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发表者 SidneyGray 6 年 前

How to fuck my throat, It is easy.

Put your penis all the way down my neck through the dire straits of my throat and you feel my thick lips sucking for more on your shaft and I would squeeze your balls to my face as much as I can and try to stick my tounge out as much as possible. you can use it like a vagina with no legs and hold it with your hands hard on, I squint and cry for pleasure. I also like to take slaps to inform me about my sucking. If you or somebody thinks the sucking should be performed better give me a slap and let me lick your fingers clean. I throw up occosionally, but if you manage to hold it down, you know w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Laserhands 4 年 前 46