We are here to have fun and to please people that come in to see us. But, we also do things for tips. I dont understand how some people get tips and dont do anything, yell at people that are in there room and still have followers. So if you want to waiste your time and watch people that are going to yellind and disrespedt you then go to there room. Yes I am a thick girl and if you can spend time in other peoples rooms that is bugger and much older then me and respect them then you can respect me.… 阅读更多内容
Top Tippers..... Join the club.
biforu beau1399 chuck7923 mzpassion69 jellydoe mercyrain sweety38 asslkr4u2 im1sickmofo hondak**95 jonnchrissy21 xandylee tarheelfan2012 twoodsdan zman19 sxylatina stephane16307 tacoma253code truallstar… 阅读更多内容