I wanna lick you up and down, till you say STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! Fuck that beating around the bush bullshit, I'm trying to make that pussy pop! I wanna make your clit shake and shimmy, like a man in a dingy, during a typhoon sailing on the ocean. I wanna slide up in them guts, till I bust a monster nut, all over your chest and rub it in like calamine lotion. I wanna make you cum so hard, time and space stand still, so you can enjoy, cherish, and be overwhelmed, by every little thrill. I wanna make you go home and smack your mama when were done... Cause she never told you it could be THA… 阅读更多内容
Captain Stand-In
This piece is for all the ladies, that got a man, that holds your hand, and deeply understands, all and everything about you. But it can't be that deeply, cause if it was... you wouldn't need a man like me. A "Captain Stand-In" man. The type of man, that isn't your man, but will be your man, when your man isn't there. Like If your man goes away for a week long trip, But by day 3 you need a real good fix, of that real good dick. Or when you and your man just had a big fight, and all you need is some strong arms to hold you tight, throughout the dark night. Thats when I don my cape and fly in… 阅读更多内容
What The Fuck???
So I'm looking at videos tonight and I'm about to make a comment on one when I see hemd1 has MY FUCKING ICON as his!!! That icon is actually me and he had no right using it! If I just found it on the internet, i wouldn't be able to bitch. But I made it myself of me... Where does he get off using my shit... http://xhamster.com/user/hemd1 There is his profile... Please go chew him a new one in my name guys!!!… 阅读更多内容