Masturbating and Stroking in Church

I was raised in a Catholic home and vestiges of that upbringing remain with me to this day. The liturgy of a Sunday Mass brings to me a kind of serenity. That is one of the reasons that I faithfully go to Mass each and every Sunday morning. But the serenity of a Sunday Mass is not the only reason that I go to church. Or, for that matter, the main reason. Early on I discovered that it was a a wonderful and naughty place for me to masturbate. To slowly and discretely slip my hand down my dress and rub my clitoris and finger my vagina right in the midst of everybody and gently hump the pew wh… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cubbcoug 9 年 前 27

Triple Penetration

I thought i'd share a few images of my passion for triple hammering with you guys. Let me know if you like it.阅读更多内容

发表者 sadeepro 10 年 前 14