There was a vid on here I noticed some time ago. Seem to remember 'mom' was a bit 'tired and confused' and 2 'sonz' decided to have their ways with her. Can't remember the link for it (if it still exists after the great cull). Can anyone help me out?… 阅读更多内容
First they came for ...
First they came for stories. But I had no stories and did not speak out. Then they came for videos. But I had no videos and did not speak out. Then they came for pictures. But I had no pictures and did not speak out. Then they came for avatars. But I had no avatars and did not speak out. Then they came for my profile. And there was no-one left to speak out for me.… 阅读更多内容
Colouring mum's hair
Colouring Mum's Hair The following is part biographical, part fiction. "I wish this bloody hill wasn't here. Or we lived somewhere nearer school," I thought, for about the 400th time since I'd attended secondary school. It was September 1979 and the school term had started 2 weeks earlier. A two and a half mile walk, all the way uphill along the country road and lanes. This was the beginning of my 4th year so there was a lot more trudging to be done. Then 5th year! Then 6th form! Shit! And the weather had got hotter. Typical, a crap summer, school starts and now the sun comes out. I could f… 阅读更多内容
Nearly a MILF (Mother In Law Fucker)
Have to say the (nearly) Mother-in-law looks well worth it.***dren-says-things-happen.html… 阅读更多内容
Shelley & Claudia - A Fantasy. Part One
I was on all fours in Shelley's living room, my legs spread wide, head up, waiting in anticipation. I gasped as I felt the cold lubricant sprayed on my bumhole. "Let me just get you ready, sweetie" said Shelley, rubbing her wet fingers up and down over my twitching tight opening to my tightening ball sac. My cock, which had been relaxing, now twitched and stiffened as Shelly's fingers and palm lightly brushed along the length of it and back to my slit. I felt more lube run down the crack of my arse cheeks and moaned with pleasure as Shelley inserted a finger into my boi-pussy. Expertly twistin… 阅读更多内容
Software I'd love
There's some great stories on here. Be superb if there was software that would produce an audio version (realising that work would need to be done on spelling, grammar and words involving asterisks), with the voices of chosen people. Imagine listening to Carol Vorderman reading a momsex story!… 阅读更多内容
Wank Quiz
Wank Quiz Are you male or female? Male Age? 60 At what age did you start masturbating? Around 12 How many times a week do you masturbate? 7-10 How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? Once mainly. Where do you masturbate: In bed? Yes In the shower? No In the bath? No Outdoors? No At work? Yes, in the office and toilet. Every room in the house? No In a car while travelling along the motorway? Definitely not. Stupid and dangerous. What do you fantasize about when you play… 阅读更多内容
An unexpected hard-on!
I was in Manchester briefly today and had to walk through the gay village to get where I was going. Walking down Bloom Street and Princess Street I was looking at the rainbow flags outside the pubs and clubs when I became conscious that my cock was stiffening and throbbing against my trousers. What a shame I coukldn't have made use of it!… 阅读更多内容