I know I have a love hate relationship with porn today. I grew up watching porn, learning all the words for the various acts, of which there is a myriad off, and confusing as they are, to a newbie like me, the simple truth is, when it comes down the the actual sex, it's more like a "Wham, Bang, Thank you Maam" scenario, and both off you heading off into the sunset, in different directions, he devoid of his semen, and you with it in you or on you. When you have been exposed to Porn initially, it has you captivated, but being truthful, if you like watching porn, there has to come a point when y… 阅读更多内容
Missy Marie aka Yungfreckz
I just found out about this girl and it's obvious why I'm doing a post on her :) Some sites are saying those beauties are 34M but a vid below she claims she doesn't actually know for sure. Unfortunately the girl doesn't do any actual nudes. I'm sure it's only a matter of time it just takes someone writing the right check. www.instagram.com/yungfreckz https://www.patreon.com/yungfreckz… 阅读更多内容
Mygg jävlar
Kan myggor bita sig igenom latex??? Då blir det latex all summer long, vägrar fler sadistiska mygg jävlar. Alltså undergiven är man ju och gillar lite lätt spanky spanky men myggor nä fan! Får hoppas på en sval sommar om den ska tillbringas i lovely LATEX.… 阅读更多内容