Thanks to Sexy questions to ask a girl - what to ask woman about sex If you want to ask your girl sexy questions, it's better first to find out what she is comfortable to talk about. If you are comfortable to talk about anything, she might be not. Not all women had experience or feel close enough to discuss personal matter. Start with a small talk first and little by little you will see if she wants to stop such conversation or if she wants to talk about it in detail. You can ask her about her past or future hopes. For example, some women want to remain virgin until the… 阅读更多内容
Why men like women in high heels
Thanks to Why men like women in high heels Men like women in high heels, because it looks sexy to them. It looks rare. Only when men go out they a chance to see women in high heels. When a man has a wife or girlfriend most of the time she won't wear heels 24/7, so seeing high heels on a sexy woman would be rare and men cherish those moments. Ask any man if he would love to see his woman in high heels and he will tell you "of course" because it means he will see his woman dressed up and beautiful. When a woman wears high heels she feels beautiful, she feels sexy and… 阅读更多内容