When i was young i went to to a birthday party somewhere in London with my parents. It was a family type party (not my family) and i was put to bed in an upstairs room as the party went on quite late. I woke up to find a man standing over me. He was wanking and I realised he had pulled the covers back and had pulled my trousers down to my knees. He said 'shhhhhhh' and being an obedient boy I stayed silent. He leaned down and held my chin in his hand and kissed me - his tung went thru my lips and deep into my mouth, all the while stroking my cock. He stood back up and I looked up and watched hi… 阅读更多内容
Future of the white race
Rough Anal Abuse vids? no chic friends stop it
Add me if you like rough anal sex, kinks, abuse, brutal, forced and if you have some yourself. If you have no videos or favorites don't add me. And while I dig mf porn, I'm not looking for a women so stop it. A lot of hot porn on this site - does everybody else get constantly added by these random people with no content? What's the purpose?… 阅读更多内容